Muscles of the body Flashcards
1 Frontalis
Scalp muscle
Description and Function
Location- Goes from the forehead to top of skull.
Function- Raises eyebrows or draws the scalp forward
2 Occipitalis
Scalp muscle
Description and Function
Location-Nape of the neck
Function-Draws the scalp back
1 Auricularis Anterior
Ear muscle
Location-Front of the ear
2 Auricularis Superior
Ear muscle
Location-Above the ear
3 Auricularis Posterior
Ear muscle
Location-Behind the ear
1 Corrugator
Eye and nose muscle
Location-Between the eyebrows
Function-Controls the eyebrows. Drawing them in and downward
2 Levator Palpebrae Superioris
Eye and nose muscle
Location-Above the eyelids
Function-Raises the eyelid
3 Orbicularis Oculi
Eye and nose muscle
Location-Circles around the eye socket
Function-Closes the eyelid
4 Procerus
Eye and nose muscle
Location-Between the eyebrows
Function-Draws brows down, wrinkles the area in between brows and upper part of nose.
5 Nasalis
Eye and nose muscle
Location-Across the bridge of the nose
Function-Opens nostrils, wrinkles bridge of nose
1 Orbicularis Oris
Mouth muscles
Location-Circles the mouth
Function-Contracts. Puckers and wrinkles the lips. as in kissing or whistling
2 Quadratus Labii Superioris
Mouth muscles
Location-Consists of 3 parts, located above the lip
Function-Raises both nostrils and the upper lip. As in expressing distaste
3 Quadratus Labii Inferioris
Mouth muscles
Location-Below the lower lip
Function-Pulls lower lip down or to the side. As in expressing sarcasm
4 Mentalis
Mouth muscles
Location-Tip of the chin
Function-Pushes lower lip up and or wrinkles the chin. As in expressing doubt
5 Risorius
Mouth muscles
Location-Corner of the mouth
Function-Draws the mouth up and out. As in grinning
6 Caninus
Mouth muscles
Location-Above the corners of the mouth
Function-Raises the angle of the mouth. As in snarling
7 Triangularis
Mouth muscles
Location-Below the corners of the mouth
Function-Draws the corners of the mouth down. Expressing sadness
8 Zygomaticus
Mouth muscles
Location-Major and minor. Outside the corners of the mouth
Function-Draws mouth out and back. As in laughing
9 Buccinator
Mouth muscles
Location-Between jaws and cheek
Function-Compresses the cheek to release air outwardly, as in blowing
1 Temporalis
Mastication (chewing) muscles
Location- Above and in front of the ear
Function-Opening and closing the jaw. As in chewing (mastication)
2 Masseter
Mastication (chewing) muscles
Location-Covers the hinge of the jaw
Function-Closing the jaw. As in chewing (mastication)
3 Platysma
Neck and back muscles
Location-Extends from the tip of the chin to the shoulders and chest
Function-Draws the lower lip and corners of mouth sideways and down. Partially opening the mouth, as in surprise or fright
4 Sternocleidomastoid
Neck and back muscles
Location-Goes along the side of the neck from the ear to the collarbone
Function-Causes the head to move from side to side and up and down. Nodding yes or no
5 Trapezius
Neck and back muscles
Location-Flat, triangular. Covers the upper and back part of the neck and shoulders
Function-Draws the head back and elevating the shoulder blades
6 Latissimus Dorsi
Neck and back muscles
Location-Flat, triangular. covers the lumbar (lower back) region and lower half of the thoracic region
Function-Swinging of the arms
Shoulder, chest, and upper arm muscles
A. Pectoralis Major
B. Pectoralis Minor
Location-Extends across the front of the chest
Function-Assists in swinging the arms
2 Serratus Anterior
Shoulder, chest, and upper arm muscles
Location-Under the arm
Function-Helps in lifting the arm and in breathing
3 Deltoid
Shoulder, chest, and upper arm muscles
Location-Triangle-shaped. Covers the shoulder
Function-Lifts the arm or turns it
4 Biceps
Shoulder, chest, and upper arm muscles
Location-Primary muscle in the front of the upper arm
Function-Raises the forearm, bends the elbow and turns the palm of the hand down
5 Triceps
Shoulder, chest, and upper arm muscles
Location-Extends the length
Function-Controls forward movement of the forearm
1 Thenar Eminence
Hand and lower arm muscles
Location-Group of 3 muscles found in the palm of the hand at the base of the thumb
Function-Controls movement of the thumb
2 Hypothenar Eminence
Hand and lower arm muscles
Location-Group of 3 muscles at the side of the palm, at the base of the little finger
Function-Controls the motion of the little finger
3 Brachialis
Hand and lower arm muscles
Location-Located in the upper arm and lies underneath the biceps muscle
Function-Flexes forearm at the elbow joint
4 Brachioradialis
Hand and lower arm muscles
Location-Muscle between the upper arm and forearm
Function-Flexes the forearm
5 Pronator Teres
Hand and lower arm muscles
Location-Located on the palm side of the forearm below the elbow
Function-Rotates the forearm palm down
6 Palmaris Longus
Hand and lower arm muscles
Location-Muscle that lies between the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi radialis
Function-Flexes the wrist
7 Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Hand and lower arm muscles
Location-Side muscle in the forearm
Function-Flexes the fingers
8 Extensor Digitorum
Hand and lower arm muscles
Location-Muscle that extends from the elbow to the carpals on the back of the forearm
Function-Extends the fingers
9 Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Hand and lower arm muscles
Location-Muscle located above the ulna bone
Function-Flexes and moves wrist inward
10 Flexor Carpi Radialis
Hand and lower arm muscles
Location-Muscle located above the radius bone
Function-Flexes and moves the wrist outward
11 Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Hand and lower arm muscles
Location-Muscle found in the middle of the forearm
Function-Extends and abducts the wrist
1 Tibialis Anterior
Leg muscles
Location-Covers the front of the shin
Function-Bends the foot upward and inward
2 Gastrocnemius (calf muscle)
Leg muscles
Location-Back of the leg attached to the lower rear surface of the heel
Function-Pulls the foot down
3 Soleus
Leg muscles
Location-Originates in the upper portion of the fibula from just below the knee to heel
Function-Bends the foot down
4 Peroneus Longus
Leg muscles
Location-Originates in the upper two-thirds of the outer fibula
Function-Bends the foot and ankle down and out
5 Peroneus Brevis
Leg muscles
Location-Originates in the lower third of the fibula
Function-Bends the foot down and out
6 Flexor Digitorum Longus
Leg muscles
Location-Muscle on the inside of the back of the lower leg
Function-Curls the second, third, fourth and fifth toes
7 Extensor Digitorum Longus
Leg muscles
Location-Outside of the lower leg
Function-Bends the foot up and extends the toes
8 Achilles Tendon
Leg muscles
Location-Largest tendon in the body, at the back of the leg
Function-Joins muscles in the back of the leg and attaches to the bone of the heel
1 Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Foot muscles
Location-Along the base of the small toe
Function-Flexes the joint of the small toe
2 Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Foot muscles
Location-Across the ball of the foot beneath the toes
Function-Flexes the toes
3 Abductor Hallucis
Foot muscles
Location-Runs along the interior border of the foot
Function-Moves the big toe away from the other toes
4 Abductor Digiti Minimi
Foot muscles
Location- Runs along the outside border of the foot and connects to the heel
Function-Moves the smallest toe away from the other toes