The skeletal system Flashcards
What are the major five functions of the skeletal system?
Protection, Movement, Posture, Storage, and production of blood components
What does the skeleton protect?
It protects our body from shock and protects major organs like the Heart, Lungs, Brain, and Spinal Cord
What are the major bones of the skeletal system
Cranium, clavicle, scapula, vertebral column,
humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, rib
cage, sternum, pelvic girdle, femur, tibia, fibula,
patella, tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges.
What bones does the spine consist of
cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, and tailbone
What bones does the chest consist of
ribs and breastbone (sternum)
What bones do the arms consist of
shoulder blade (scapula), collar bone (clavicle), humerus, radius, and ulna
what bones do the hands consist of
wrist bones (carpals), metacarpals, and phalanges
What bones does the pelvis consist of
hip bones
what bones do the legs consist of
Legs – thigh bone (femur), the kneecap (patella), shin bone (tibia), and fibula
What is the cartilage
a smooth and flexible connective tissue covering the tips of bones where they meet. They reduce friction
What are joints
places where bones meet
Ligaments vs Tendons
Ligaments attach bones together while tendons attach muscles to BONES
What is Synovial Fluid
Synovial Fluid is secreted by the synovial membrane surrounding the joint, it lubricates the joint
Bone vs Cartilage
Bones are the hard, inelastic and a tough organ that forms part of the vertebral skeleton. Cartilage is a soft, elastic and flexible connective tissue that protects the bone from rubbing against each other
Importance of Cartilage
Cartilage has many functions, including the ability to resist compressive forces, enhance bone resilience, and provide support on bony areas where there is a need for flexibility.
Types of joints
hinge, fixed, synovial and ball and socket.