The Heart & Blood Vessels Flashcards
What is the circulatory system?
The circulatory system is the transport system of
the body. It is also known as the cardiovascular
system. It is made up of blood, heart, and blood
The human circulatory system can be
described as a?
double circulatory system
What happens in the pulmonary circuit?
The blood passes from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart. As it passes the lungs, it absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide and water.
What happens at the systemic circuit?
The blood passes from the heart to the rest of the body and back to the heart. Essential substances such as oxygen and glucose is carried to the cells
of the body and waste products such as carbon dioxide and urea are removed.
What is the heart?
The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood
around the body
What are the 4 chambers of the heart?
The heart has four (4) chambers. There are two
upper chambers are known as the atria and the two lower chambers are known as the ventricles.
The left and right side of the heart is separated by a the thick muscular wall is known as the?
The septum
What does the septum do?
The septum prevents oxygenated blood in the left
aside from mixing with deoxygenated blood in the
right side.
How much valves are in the heart?
There are four(4) valves in the heart
What are the names of the valves?
They are pulmonic valve, aortic valve, tricuspid valve and bicuspid (mitral) valve
What is diastole and systole
The systole is the moment the heart muscle contracts and the diastole is the moment the heart muscle relaxes
What is the pacemaker
The heart’s natural pacemaker — the sinus node — produces electrical signals that prompt your heart to beat.
What are the 3 types of blood vessels?
There are three different types of blood vessels in the human circulatory system. They are the arteries, veins, and capillaries.
What do the arteries do?
The arteries carry blood away from the
heart to other parts of the body.
What are 3 features the arteries have?
Their lumen (inner
space) is relatively
They do not have valves
The arteries have
thick outer walls made
from tough fibers.
What do veins do?
The veins carry blood
back to the heart.
What are the 3 features veins have?
They have a thinner layer of muscles and elastic fibers because
the blood pressure inside the vein is much
They have a wide lumen
The veins have fairly thin outer walls made from tough fibers.
What are capillaries?
They exchange nutrients, wastes and gases occur in the capillaries. They are the smallest blood vessels are capillaries and they connect the arteries and veins.
What is a feature of capillaries?
The walls of the capillaries
are only one cell thick.
Why are capillaries one cell thick?
This allows substances such as oxygen and nutrients to diffuse easily from the capillaries into the cell. At the same time allowing waste products such as carbon dioxide and urea to diffuse from the cells into the capillaries.
What are the four components of blood?
Red blood cells, White blood cells, Platelets, Plasma
What is plasma? and what does it do?
The plasma is the liquid part of the blood. It is mainly water (90%) and is pale yellow in color. The plasma form 55% of the total volume of the blood. The plasma is the transport medium for delivering nutrients and oxygen to the cells. Transport waste from the cells to the liver, kidney, and lungs where they can be expelled by the body.
What do red blood cells do?
The red blood cells are
responsible for transporting
oxygen around the body.
What do white blood cells do?
The white blood cells are
responsible for fighting
infections. Their numbers
increase when there is an
infection in the body.
White blood cells are also known as?
What are two types of white blood cells?
Phagocytes – engulf the pathogen, and kill them
and digest them
Lymphocytes – produce chemicals known as
antibodies, that destroy the bacteria.
What do platelets do?
The platelets function is to
help with the clotting of the
What does the haemoglobin contain?
It is composed of four protein chains, two alpha chains and two beta chains, each with a ring-like heme group containing an iron atom.
Directions of blood flow to make blood oxygenated
Inferior vena cava — Blood enters right atrium which contracts pushing the blood to — Tricuspid valve — Right ventricle contracts pushing blood to the pulmonary valve to the — Pulmonary artery — Lungs
Directions of oxygenated blood to get through the body
Lungs — Pulmonary vein — Left atrium — Bicuspid valve — Left ventricle —Aortic Valve — Aorta
What are coronary arteries
These branch off the aorta and carry blood into blood capillaries , these capillaries deliver oxygen and glucose to the heart
What is the semilunar valves
They prevent backflow of blood into the ventricles
What is Atherosclerosis
The build up of fatty tissue in the walls of the artieres
What is Thrombin
It converts soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin that forms a mesh over a wound preventing further blood loss
What is a coronary heart attack
When a blockage occurs in the coronary artery, that reduces oxygen supply to the muscle stopping its contraction
What is cerebral haemorrhage