The role and influence of individuals Flashcards
All individuals ?
- Joseph Chamberlain
- Cecil Rhodes
- Viceroy Curzon
- Evelyn Baring
- Alfred Milner
What did Joseph Chamberlain believe ?
He acknowledged Britain’s relative decline in both the industrial and military spheres, as other nations posed a challenge to British dominance
- He believed thus effective use of the Empire could sustain British prosperity and prestige
Role of Joseph Chamberlain
- Became Secretary of State for the Colonies
- Strong advocate of ‘ colonial development ‘, Chamberlain promoted government investment in the less profitable areas. Promoted tropical trade and believed in a sense of imperial duty
Influence of Joseph Chamberlain ?
- Powerful influence on attitudes to empire. Believed the imperial bonds needed reinforcing if the Empire was to preserved or, indeed, Britain wanted to maintain its status as a world power
Role of Cecil Rhodes ?
One of Rhodes projects in the rush to Central Africa o outflank the Boer Republic of the Transvaal and the Germans in the rush to central Africa was the railway line north from the Cape through Bechuanaland. He intended the railway to continue along the spine of the mountain system, hoping it would reach the Nile and so ensure British domination of all east - central Africa.
Influence of Cecil Rhodes ?
- Using his vast fortune, political power and control of Cape newspapers, Rhodes impressed upon audiences at home and abroad his belief that it was both the right and duty of Anglo- Saxons to dominate Africa and beyond. People agreed with this view as Rhodes said it and he was admired and respected
List of Colonial administrators ?
- Viceroy Curzon
- Evelyn Baring
- Alfred Milner
Role of colonial administrators ?
- They ensured British rule and control in colonies in many ways .
- Colonial administrators played a significant role in the consolidation of the empire and benefits that the British were able to extract from its Empire
Role and influence of individuals ?
- The development of the empire was partly moulded by the individuals who played key roles in its administration.
- individuals, like Chamberlain and Rhodes, encouraged views about expansion which led to more government interference and public thoughts about expansion being beneficial and the right thing to do
Who was Evelyn Baring ?
Consul General in Egypt between 1883 and 1907
Works of Baring ?
- Baring ensured British rule in Egypt as he believed occupation of Egypt was very essential
- established a new principle the ‘ Granville Doctrine ‘
- Baring placed British officials in key ministries
- new army was organised similar to the one in India as Baring viewed the Egyptian army as untrustworthy.
What was the ‘ Granville Doctrine ‘
- Doctrine allowed Baring to dismiss Egyptian ministers who refused to accept British directives.
Who was Alfred Milner ?
- Administrator who served in Egypt ( 1889- 92 )
- Became British High Commissioner for Southern Africa from 1897.
Milner’s views and beliefs ?
- Convinced of British superiority over both African and Boers and the need for regional supremacy
Works of Milner ?
- known for taking Britain into the Second Anglo Boer War
- when Britain annexed the territories of the Transvaal and the Orange free State he took over administration of the areas.
Milner and the British government decided to use Chinese labourer workers to make up the shortage of workers to work in the gold mining industry
views of Curzon ?
Curzon believed in religious and moral imperial duty and had racial views.
Curzon works ?
concerns about Russian expansion led him to create the North- West Frontier Province in 1901 and to dispatch a military expedition into Tibert
- Curzon cooperated with Indians to ensure British rule.He founded the Imperial Cordet Corps to give Indian nobles a military role and the prospect of officer commissions