The Rise of Video Conferencing Flashcards
assimilation (in other words)
to become higher
to advance to a higher level or position
to increase in amount, number, level
to live again after dying : to come back to life
Rise does not take an object,
the beginning of something
was on the rise
was on the rise (rose)
to use (an opportunity) eagerly
to make (someone or something) able to do
seek (in other words)
It is for this reason
It is for this reason
to put a covering of cloth, leather, etc.,
factor (in other words)
in acoustically rated fabrics
in acoustically rated fabrics
irritating buzz
irritating buzz
taking place outside of
taking place outside of (odbywające się poza)
acoustic pod
acoustic pod (akustyczna kapsuła)
TV holder (in other words)
TV brackets
table of teardrop shape
teardrop table
able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities
versatile (wszechstronny)
standards of today’s working practices
standards of today’s working practices
the long term goal
the long term goal
be able to hold meetings
be able to hold meetings (odbywać/organizować)
bridging the geographical gaps
bridging the geographical gaps (niwelując różnice geograficzne)
make the most of
make the most of (w pełni wykorzystać coś)
to make sth truly effective
to make sth truly effective
to keep in mind
to keep in mind (zapamiętać)
wewnątrz, w czymś, w zasięgu, w ciagu
video frame
video frame (kadr)
mess (in other words)
clear of clutter
barking dog
barking dog (szczekający pies)
to defend against
to defend against
clearly visible
clearly visible
shine with a strong or dazzling light.
shine with a strong or dazzling light.
The more you can XYZ the more sth will be
The more you can XYZ the more sth will be
a short vacation
the act of getting away or escaping
get away
require one step up in professionalism
require one step up in professionalism (podnieść poziom)
I may be able to do sth
I may be able to do sth
show up
show up
arranging the hair
brush hair
we’d like them to be
we’d like them to be (jakbyśmy chcieli)
when the time comes
when the time comes
silence notifications on phone
silence notifications on phone
to deal with or think about (something) especially in a particular way
give medical care
treat (potraktować)
explain (in other words)
to give special attention to (something)
highlight, underline
clarify and emphasize key points
clarify and emphasize key points
listen actively to both verbal and nonverbal feedback
listen actively to both verbal and nonverbal feedback
as needed to make the meeting as productive as possible
as needed to make the meeting as productive as possible
facial expression
facial expression
signals of agreement
signals of agreement
delay time in IT
lag time
slight a lag time between what the other person is saying and what you’re hearing
slight a lag time between what the other person is saying and what you’re hearing
something that makes someone more determined, hopeful, or confident
(aha, ok, etc.)
more likely to come off as distracting interruptions than encouragements
more likely to come off as distracting interruptions than encouragements
come off as (wypadną jako)
the state of being very tired
screen freezes
screen freezes
to look at someone or something for a long time
to stare (at sth)
more than ever before
more than ever before
Since (od czasu)
workplace wellbeing
profesor nadzwyczajny
associate professor
teamwork effectiveness
teamwork effectiveness
to be before audience
irritating (in other words)
able to understand what is happening around you
time when you are not working or busy
lack of downtime
After a busy day at work, I look forward to some downtime at home.
we have done work (in other words)
we have fulfilled work
a promise to do or give something
commitment family commitments (zobowiązania, obowiązki)
be putting higher expectations on ourselves
be putting higher expectations
worries over the economy
worries over the economy
job losses
job losses
a period of time when an employee is told not to come to work and is not paid
to increase the amount, degree, or extent of (something)
heightened sense of (podwyższone poczucie)
Some of us are kind of sth to
Some of us are kind of sth to (niektórzy z nas robią sth, żeby…)
at my top level
at my top level
to reduce the pain or trouble of (something)
information overload
information overload
be a better option that avoids information overload
catch up
catch up (złapać się/spotkać się)
to try to persuade (someone) in a serious way to do something
classical methodes
old-school methodes
reach out
reach out (wychodzić komuś czemuś naprzeciw)
sound issue
sound issue (problem z dźwiękiem)
put your headphones on
put your headphones on
i’m stuck in traffic
i’m stuck in traffic
have i missed anything?
have i missed anything?
to go over the reports
to go over the reports
wait for a short time (in other words)
hang on