An Essential Guide On How To Keep Yourself Private Online Flashcards
to keep private
to keep private
against (sometimes means “on”)
Catch your IP address
Catch your IP address
catch up
catch up (nadrobić zaległości)
non-secure websites
non-secure websites
secure certificate
secure certificate
Keep a safe distance away from
Keep a safe distance away from
several sites present all over the internet
several sites present all over the internet
personal information
personal information
to choose one thing instead of another
Opting for daily scans
being heavily affected
being heavily affected
protect online privacy
protect online privacy
secure password
secure password
secure password
secure password
also no (in other words)
password with strong characters
password with strong characters
mixture of
mixture of
to get the best results
to get the best results
You may think of storing the password in case you forget it
You may think of storing the password in case you forget it
usually (in other words)
authorized merchant sites
authorized merchant sites
Never save your card for future references
Never save your card for future references
cyber cafes
cyber cafes (kafejki internetowe)
on-screen monitoring software
on-screen monitoring software
hotkey tracking
hotkey tracking
it is not up to date
it is not up to date
based on or using the newest information
including the latest information
up to date
difficult to understand
not well-known : not known to most people
obscure (niejasny)
keep changing the search engine randomly
keep changing the search engine randomly
End-To-End encryption
End-To-End encryption
to remember (something)
the act or process of giving control of someone or something to another person, country, etc.
untrusted sources
untrusted sources
physical or mental damage or injury
harm (zaszkodzić, szkoda)
safe and secure
safe and secure
don’t get too excited
don’t get too excited
to get possession of (something) : to succeed in getting (something)
get a hold of
get a hold of yourself (weź się w garść)
monetary transaction
monetary transaction
worth a lot of money
someone pretending to be someone you know
someone pretending to be someone you know
a person who deceives (oszukuje) others by pretending to be someone else
to take (all of something) from a supply
use up (zużyć, wyczerpać)
a person who pretends to be someone else for entertainment or fraud.
to hurt, cheat, or steal from (someone)
prey on (żerować/polować na; zdobycz, ofiara)
not knowing about or expecting something bad that is going to happen or that could happen
to expose (something) to risk or danger
all your personal information gets compromised
media storage
media storage
flash drives
flash drives
go somewhere to collect someone, typically in one’s car.
“will you pick the children up from school?”
pick sth up
digital form
digital form
personal vault
personal vault (skarbiec, krypta, sejf)
personal safety deposit box
personal safety deposit box
to throw (something) away : to get rid of (something)
dispose of them properly to avoid other people reusing it.
to end : to no longer be valid after a period of time
shredding machine
to remove sth completely
wipe out
make sure you wipe out its contents before you dispose it
jump out (in other words) ~IT
to pop up
to enter (a place, such as a foreign country) in order to take control by military force
to invade
the foremost (main) part of a company of people moving or preparing to move forward, especially the foremost division of an advancing military force.
in the van were the foremost chiefs
a type of ground corn
publish sth online
to post
causing great fear
The thought of dying alone was terrifying.