The 3-D Printing Revolution Flashcards
of or relating to industry : of or relating to factories, the people who work in factories, or the things made in factories
Industrial, factory
the point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change
tipping point
the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are shared by most people and regarded (uważane) as normal or conventional
mainstream (głównego nurtu)
a person who manages or directs other people in a company or organization
go far beyond (in other words)
move well beyond
a small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value.
fast, quick, rapid, swift, speedy, instant (in other words)
production, produce, output
manufacture, manufacturing
average in amount
moderate (umiarkowany, średni)
in moderate to large quantities
a general view, examination, or description of someone or something.
a person who takes part in something
participant, member
mass production (in other words)
volume production
switched to volume production
it reaches an adoption level of 20%*
it reaches an adoption level of 20%*
range of sth continues to expand
range of sth continues to expand
carbon nanotubes and fibers*
carbon nanotubes and fibers*
ceramic, cement, meal and metal alloy (mix of different metal)*
ceramic, cement, meal and metal alloy (mix of different metal)*
to cause (something, such as a quality) to be added or introduced into a person or thing
to allow something (such as tea or herbs) to stay in a liquid (such as hot water) in order to flavor the liquid
high or higher in quality
great or greater in amount, number, or degree
a person of higher rank or status than another
ultimately, finally (in other words)
Superior economics will eventually convince the laggards
Additive’s Advantages*
Additive’s Advantages*
the direct costs of producing goods
the direct costs of producing goods
to a great or significant extent (w dużym lub znacznym stopniu)
greater flexibility*
greater flexibility*
a substance added to something in small quantities to improve or preserve it.
the greater flexibility afforded by additive manufacturing
to supply or provide (something needed or wanted) to someone
the greater flexibility afforded by additive manufacturing
take over the place, position, or role of (someone or something)
displace (wypierać)
a small gadget or mechanical device, especially one whose name is unknown or unspecified
eject saliva forcibly from one’s mouth
to happen (odbywać się)
such impressive speed*
such impressive speed*
big investments (in other words)
heavy investments
have been made up front to*
have been made up front to*
zostały poczynione z góry w celu/do
establish* (ustalić, ustanawiać)
to flow or move continuously in a steady stream
identical units*
identical units*
to fall or drop suddenly in amount, value,
marginal cost plummets
final cost
marginal cost
made or shaped in a mold (forma)
mold (formowany)
pieces that used to be molded separately
was (in other words)
used to be (był kiedyś)
to collect (things) or gather (people) into one place or group
as one piece in a single run*
as one piece in a single run*
jeden element w jednym przebiegu
to become available : to begin to be produced or sold
come out
A new magazine is coming out next week.
the earpieces come out soft
the outer edge of a usually round object
: a part of a device that is placed in the ear for listening to something
earpiece (nauszniki)
additive manufacturing*
additive manufacturing*
produkcja przyrostowa - 3D
a quality (cecha) that causes people to like someone or something
The enormous appeal
used to indicate the name that is commonly or usually used for something
to make or build (something)
computerized controls*
computerized controls*
to move sth into position*
to move sth into position*
plug-and-play electronics modules*
plug-and-play electronics modules*
an action or device that is intended to stop or prevent something bad or dangerous
countermeasure systems
from bottom to top*
from bottom to top*
od dołu do góry
certainly (in other words)
confidently (z pewnością, z przekonaniem)
fully automated*
fully automated*
the moment when an airplane, helicopter, etc., leaves the ground and begins to fly
the beginning of a jump
take off
small evolutionary step*
small evolutionary step*
putting down layers*
putting down layers*
to be added together and equal the expected total
to slowly increase and become total
add up
until the layers add up to an object
place (in other words)
on the spot (na miejscu)
to happen at the beginning of (something, such as a period of activity) and usually to help cause it
usher in (something) also usher (something) in
ushering in a new era.
As applications of the technology expand*
As applications of the technology expand*
prices drop*
prices drop*
spadek cen
consequence (in other words)
point of sale (in other words)
point of purchase
point of consumption*
point of consumption*
This might even mean*
This might even mean*
to może nawet oznaczać
household-level production*
household-level production*
produkcja w domu
to change (something)
equip (a factory) with new or adapted tools.
meeting individuals’ needs*
meeting(zaspakajanie) individuals’ needs*
come to the fore*
come to the fore*
wysuwać się na pierwszy plan
developing (in other words)
rolling out
in the age of rolling out sameness*
in the age of rolling out sameness*
the quality or state of being not changing
first-order implications*
first-order implications*
konsekwencje pierwszego rzędu
to think again about sth
along (in other words)
all along
a place where things are made or repaired
workshop (warsztat)
will lose much of their force*
will lose much of their force*
to become effective, established, or popular
take hold
such as an electron or proton
particles (cząstki)
nanoparticles (nanocząstki)
to send (light, energy, etc.) out from a source
causing or capable of causing damage or harm
done, living, located, or used inside a building
indoor (domowy, pokojowy, dot. wnętrz)
can affect indoor air quality
people who do not have knowledge of or experience with something
to arrange (things) in a stack
the hotter the temperature required to melt the filament, the more emissions were produced*
the hotter the temperature required to melt the filament, the more emissions were produced*
(im wyższa … tym więcej)
including a system that provides warmth
a heated pool/apartment
heated (ogrzewany)
easily becoming a gas
they release volatile compounds into the air
something that is formed by combining two or more parts
especially technical : a substance created when the atoms of two or more chemical elements join together
they release volatile compounds into the air
a thin thread or hair
an incidental or secondary product made in the manufacture
chemical by-products
an increase in something that occurs as time passes
build up
to pass into or through (something)
either one of the two organs that people and animals use to breathe air
the state of being poisonous
printers become more commonplace in homes
the fact or condition of being affected by something or experiencing something
exposure (ekspozycja, wystawienie)
the state of being easily affected
susceptibility, vulnerability
either of two organs in your body that remove waste products from your blood and make urine
kidney (nerka)
to cause (someone) to feel troubled, worried, or concerned
to bother
something that causes a person to be hurt, angry, or upset
no offense (bez urazy)
job without a future (in other words)
dead-end job
praca bez przyszłości
quickly and easily
masks (in other words)
face shields (maseczki)
distributed over a large area or number of people.
to become less or to cause (something) to become less
to lessen
at the lower end of the suggested temperature range*
at the lower end of the suggested temperature range*
na dolnym krańcu sugerowanego zakresu temperatur
to start (in other words)
to kickstart (zacząć)