The Revollt Of The Northern Earls Flashcards
How did Mary, Queen of Scots pose a double threat to Elizabeth?
- Mary had a legitimate claim to be Queen of England
- She was a catholic and a potential figurehead for those Catholics in England and abroad who wanted to see the end of Protestant rule in England
Mary, Queen of Scots’ claim to the throne:
Came from her grandmother, Margaret Tudor, who was the daughter of Henry VII
Who was Mary, Queen of Scots married to:
Spanish King Philip II
What countries would have wanted to see Elizabeth removed from the throne: (2)
- France
- Spain
How did Mary’s continuing connection with France enhance Elizabeth’s security?
France’s great rival, Spain, would not support a French candidate to be Queen of England as the French would be able to control the English Channel, which would prevent the Spanish King Phillip II reaching the lands e controlled in the Netherlands.
What family was Mary related to in France, which kept her links strong?
The Guise family
Who was Elizabeth’s most trusted councillor?
William Cecil
Members of the nobility on Cecil:
Many resented Cecil’s influence with the queen as he seemed to be leading the country into a war with Catholic Spain
When were Anglo-Spanish relations starting to deteriorate?
By 1568
What had broken out in the Netherlands?
A Protestant-led rebellion had broken out against Spanish rule in the Netherlands, which created fears in England for a possible invasion
How had the Protestant-led rebellion in the Netherlands been put down?
Put down with considerable brutality by the sPANISH IN 1567-68
What occurred in December 1568?
4 Spanish ships were carrying bullion to pay the Spanish troops in the Netherlands had taken refuge from pirates in England
What had Cecil ordered happened to these Spanish ships?
To be seized
How did the seizure of the Spanish ships affect Spain/
Cut off the Spanish army’s pay and the Spanish government reacted angrily
What was the aim of the Court nobles?
To remove Cecil and did not intend to remove Elizabeth from power
Members of the Court plot against William Cecil: (3)
- Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk
- Northumberlandland
- Westmorland
What did the Court plot include:
The Duke of Norfolk would marry Mary
Why did they want Norfolk to marry Mary?
Elizabeth’s consistent refusal to marry or to name her successor worried her advisers, who feared the political instability that would occurs if she were to die suddenly without an heir
Who was he Court plot popular amongst? (2)
- Resentful Catholic courtiers
- Elizabeth’s favourite, the Earl of Leicester
Why did the Earl of Leicester prepared to support the plan?
Thought that Mary could be restored to the Scottish throne with Norfolk at her side and that Mary would convert to Protestantism in order to keep her Scottish crown and ensure the friendship of England
When had Elizabeth heard about the Court plan?
September 1569
Reaction of Elizabeth to the Court plan:
Furious and forbade any further discussion of the marriage
Why was the Court plan dangerous for Elizabeth:
May encourage discontented English Catholics to try to overthrow Elizabeth
What did many involved in the plot, including Dudley and Norfolk do?
Eventually submitted to the Queen and admitted to their involvement in the plot
Norfolks role in the Court plot:
Leading member and the Chief beneficiary of the plot to marry Mary and remove Cecil
Who was the most powerful member of the Nobility?
Duke of Norfolk