The rest of beliefs Flashcards
explanations of secularisation
rationalisation= weber
structural differentiation= parsons
religious diversion= Berger
Weber’s explanation of secularisation
rational way of thinking replace religious beliefs in magic
protestant reformation started process of rationalisation
decline of the “enchanted gate”
disenchantment due to science+ technology
How does Bruce support rationalisation
there is a technological world view that shows a belief in technology + science becoming more important than religion
Parsons explanation of secularisation
structural differentiation
church has lost its influence due to the other institutions takes roles away from church e.g. school
religion= less important to function church losing its functions means that religion declines
Berger’s explanation of secularisation
religious diversity increasing- society no longer unified under one sacred canopy as there are a plurality of life worlds. This means people question their religion that were prev. dom.
means plausibility structures are questioned+ religion decreases as people dont have one dom. religion
Berger evaluation of secularisation
Berger evaluates himself in 1999
changes his views = now argues that diversity+ choice actually stimulate interests and participation in religion
what is secularisation
declining power and influence of religion
Bruce= high point 1860- 1910 28% of adults vs 2005 12% of British adults
What is fundamentalism according to Giddens?
fundamentalists are traditionalists who seek return to basics
believe unquestioningly in literal sacred scriptures
believe in the only truth
intolerant+ rely on guardians of religion
Giddens fundamentalism+ modernity
late modernity
both a product + reaction to modernity
choice+ uncertainty and risk
attract to fundamentalism is certainty of beliefs
gay marriage, divorce etc. are a threat to how religious people
Castells= post-modernity produces 2 types responses
resistant identity- a defensive reaction and retreat into fundamentalist communities
project identity- the response of those who are forward looking + engage with social movements e.g. feminism
cosmopolitanism + Giddens
is a product of globalisation
opens us to new ideas
it requires that we think reflexively and makes choices about what we believe in Contemporary beliefs+ spirituality are more personal journey than collective worship
Lyon and religion renewal and choice
globalisation= religion online
disneyfication of religion= disembedded- no longer linked to structures e.g. church
people no longer have to attend church therefore secularisation is not significant= people part of religion in different format
Davie+ religion renewal and choice
believing without belonging
people no longer feel obliged to go to church
no longer an obligation and more personal choice
adult baptisms are rising= people still making the choice to be religious
vicarious religion= a couple of professional clergy practice religion on behalf of a larger number
Davie+ the NHS
the spiritual health service
in Europe= major national churches seen as public utilities like a “ spiritual health service” like the NHS
used when needed e.g. for rites of passage as well as major national occasions e.g. Princess Diana’s funeral
Voas and Crockett criticise Davie
Neither believing nor belonging
evidence = 5750 respondents both belief and church attendance is down
spiritual shopping
cultural amnesia= kids not having religion imposed on them
not being handed down generations
parents let kids choose religion
people as individual shoppers and is no longer a collective identity