The Renaissance: Worldview and Middle Ages. Flashcards
Be able to identify the eight (8) Worldview categories and explain how they shape a person’s perspective of the world.
8 Worldview Categories:
-Geography; can shape a person’s perspective of the world because it influences what you wear, eat, etc. It may also change the way you view another country and their behaviour.
- Time; can shape a person’s perspective of the world because it influences your day and daily tasks. It shapes your worldview because it views the way you look at other countries as well, because some countries may not have the same seasons as you.
- Society; can shape a person’s worldview because it influences your status and how you interact and connect with. Society may also influence your worldview on how you are treated in your society.
- Values;can influence your worldview because it influences who you respect and how you respect them. It also influences your behaviour towards other people in other countries.
- Beliefs;can influence your worldview because it can influence the way you view your society and other things there. Like science, some people do not believe we evolved from monkeys and believe what they were told. It also influences how you view life and death.
- Economy;can influence your worldview because it can influence your status in society according to how much money you can make. It also influences who controls your resources and how many resources are available to you.
- Knowledge;can influence your worldview because it can influence how you gain your knowledge, who has control of your knowledge and if the knowledge you gain is real or fake.
When did the Middle Ages begin and with what event?
The Middle Ages (September 4, 476 AD) began when the Roman Empire fell.
Why did Europe become such a violent place during the Early Middle Ages?
Everyone was fighting for power. There was no food, no power, no safety
Who is thought to be a key figure in bringing stability to Europe? What event lead to the power of this figure and how did he bring stability?
William the Conqueror brought peace into the world. He was done with all the fighting with the barbarians. He introduced the Feudalism Hierarchy.
Feudalism involved obligations among various groups within the feudal hierarchy. (Who gave what to who)
There are peasants who give food to Knights who protect the peasants in return. The lords rule over the Knights who provide them with safety, the lords in return gave them a home. The lords are ruled over by the king who get mostly everything.
Why is the feudalism hierarchy often drawn in a pyramid shape?
To show how populated it is. Ex: the bottom of the pyramid is the biggest because their were more peasants than knights, nobles and kings.
What did Feudalism provide?
Feudalism provided safety and stability.
What did a lord’s strength depend on?
How much land was given to him or her.
What two things did a lord need to defend his property and people?
The two things lord’s need to defend their property are Knights and the King.
How could a regular serf escape from serfdom? Explain.
Yes it was possible to escape from serfdom and if you stayed hidden for 366 days you would be considered free.
How was life as a merchant different than peasant or lord?
It was different because although they would gain money from the stuff they sold, they were never better than a lord. A lord had control over a whole piece of land and merchants only sold stuff.
How did a guild control society?
The guild controlled many affairs such as goods and trade in towns, prices of goods and the quality, etc. to become a member of the guild you have to train as an apprentice and then take a test to be admitted into the guild. After you have become masters you could open your own shop.
Why was religion so important to people living in the Middle Ages?
Religion was very important for people because they controlled most of the decisions made. It also influenced their worldviews such as time, values, etc. And it also decided how much of your earning were being given to the church.
Why do you think medieval people accepted without question what the church was telling them?
I think they accepted whatever was told to them because the people of the church were seen as God’s representatives and they wanted a better afterlife than the life they had. The war, famine, and sickness made life tough for people in the medieval ages so in hopes of a better afterlife they listened to whatever was told to them.
Why do you think people would want to become a Monk or Nun?
I think people would want to become nuns or monks to maybe get a better knowledge and pass it down to others. Maybe there was honor in this position, being considered as someone who educates children and others and passes down what they learned.
Describe 3 ways in which the church was central to people’s lives?
Church was the central in people’s lives because…….:
- it gave them a sense of community
- determination for a better afterlife.
- The church influenced their decisions made every day
The Church was the only organization at the time offering education. How did this role give the church power?
This gave the church power because they were respected and authority was given to them immediately as they passed down knowledge. Many people attended and they believed back then that the church people were gods representatives so the decisions they made influenced the whole fiefdom giving them authority and power over everything including the king
What were the Crusades? Who was involved? What were they fighting over? What was the main purpose of the Crusades?
The crusades were a group of Christians who went to Jerusalem to claim the land they thought was holy and belonged to them. The main purpose of the Crusades, for Europeans, was to be promised afterlife by God. They also did it for money, power and status but mostly for their religion.
What did Europeans bring back from the Crusades?
Europeans brought back Ideas and new knowledge.
What two things did the Crusades lead to? Explain them.
The Crusades led to trade which the learned on their Crusades. While on Crusades they were exposed to new ways of life and other clothing.
The Crusades also led to Exploration and Expansion. The Crusades played a part in this because they gained new knowledge and could advance their own society.
What was the Bubonic Plague’s nickname?
The nickname was The Black Death.
One major cause of the plague was what and how did it spread?
One of the major reasons for the plague was trade. One major cause of the plague was because Europe was unsanitary causing rats to spread the disease on the streets. The bacteria spread when the fleas bit the infected rats and bit other humans. The bacteria also spread when people sneezed and coughed on each
How did the plague reach Europe?
The plague reached Europe when traders traveled overseas and when crusaders came back from the crusades.
Why were the peasants revolting and in what did it happen?
The peasants revolted because they were being treated unfairly. High taxes and rent was put on them in order to repair damages from the 100 years war. The Black Plague had also put ideas in their mind and they knew that the King needed them to work the land.
What was the result of the peasants’ revolt?
The leader of the peasants revolt was beheaded by the king and the promises the king made were broken. There were no longer a peasant revolt but local riots took place over the years.
How did the peasant revolt demonstrate a change in worldviews?
This changed how they look at themselves and their society. First they did as they were told but after the revolt they started thinking for themselves and disobeying their nobles.
In what way did trade affect the worldviews of Europe?
This changed all their worldviews because they were exposed to new religions, with new types of clothes. They were exposed to a new way of life and started thinking about their own lives and other religions.
What was exchanged along the Silk Road?
Spices, rugs, jewels, silk, muslin, pepper, salt, taffeta and peppercorn was traded along the Silk Road. Luxury goods. Gold and slaves were also traded along the routes.
Where was the silk road located?
Starting in Asia and stretching all the way to Europe, some trade routes were also located in Africa.
Who was at the center of the silk road?
The middle east. They played the role of the middleman in this trade.
What was the Silk Road?
The Silk Road was a network of trade routes connecting Asia and Europe together.
What, besides trade goods, passed along the trade routes?
Besides trade goods, ideas and disease were passed along in the trade routes.
What goods did Italian merchants bring in by sea? Give examples.
Italian merchants brought over silk and fabrics and other goods that were not available in Asia. These goods included Satin (fabric), Taffeta (fabric), ect.
What was the most valuable trade good?
Peppercorn was the most valuable trade good during this time, it was worth more than gold.
What goods did Europeans use to trade?
- Salt
- Iron
- Silk
- Cotton
- Tea
- Lead
- Timber
- Fur
- Wool
How were these goods transported?
They were camels, caravans and horses. They had also used boats when they transported goods overseas.
What factors contributed to the rise of trade between Western Europe and the East at the beginning of the Renaissance?
The Crusades led to the rise of trade because when they traveled to different countries they found different goods and they traded them between themselves.
What impact might increase trade and business have on a society’s worldview? Link your answer to specific worldview elements.
The trade had an impact on society because Feudalism had gained another class. The middle class was found, this class contained merchants and traders who earned more money than serfs but still were less than Nobles. This shaped their worldview on society.
Feudalism eventually collapses. What were the two major reasons for the collapse of feudalism? Do not just list the event, be sure to explain how it helped lead to the collapse of feudalism.
During the Black Death many peasants died an there weren’t enough people to work the land. This led to the Peasant Revolt, which also led to the fall of Feudalism.
Why did people’s attitude towards the church begin to change? You should be able to list and explain two things.
the Black Death played a role in the attitude towards church because people started to wonder why God would do something like that and many people started to die and faith in God was lost.