Aztecs Question Flashcards
Why were mountains considered sacred sites?
The Aztecs believed that the closer they were to the sky or the higher they were, they were more physically connected to God. They also built some temples on mountains, as well as their political buildings.
Why did the Aztecs choose to make their home where they did?
For religious reasons. Their God had told them that if they found an eagle on a cactus eating a snake that would be their permanent settlement and there, they would gain more power and authority. They wondered for 200 years before they found an eagle perched on a prickly cactus eating a snake in the middle of Lake Texcoco where they built their home.
Describe the landscape, including geography and
The Aztecs decided to settle on an island in the middle of a lake called Lake Texcoco. This would have been a strategic location if not for the fact that they were completely surrounded by saltwater that could easily harm them. Surrounding the lake on both sides were mountains that blocked them off from the rest of the world. They were located in what is now known as the Mexico Valley. The climate there was mostly warm because it was usually desert but they had occasional floods.
Mexico’s landscape includes deserts, mountains, tropical forests, ranchland, rich farmland, and sea coasts on the west and east. Mexico is found in mesoamerica and has a desert-like climate along with tropical coastal areas.
What is one benefit of the mountains and what are two drawbacks of the mountains?
- They were shielded from the outside world and so no other tribe attacked them.
-The mountains surrounding them were quite steep so the rainwater slipped down and flooded their lake.
-The rainwater wold also fall and make the soil salty thus harder to grow crops in.
How did the Aztecs use Lake Texcoco to protect them?
Lake Texcoco was obviously surrounded by water, making it relativity hard to cross over and attacked them. The Aztecs built three bridges called causeways, that connected the island to the mainland. In case of an invasion, these bridges could be destroyed so that the enemy may not enter.
Explain two ways the Aztecs altered the geography to help them survive.
- The Aztecs were surrounded by saltwater and the saltwater also affected the surrounding soil. The soil was to salty to grow any crops and could not be used for agriculture. To fix this problem they built something called a Chinampas also known as a “floating garden” This plot of land would be built on top of the water. First they would stick a piece of wood in the ground to create the border of the Chinampas, they would stick it in the ground underneath the water that was probably 6-8 feet tall. Next they would put mud and roots on top of the soil in the water. They would then put a net made out of weeds on top of the soil. Then on top of this net they would put proper soil for farming which they would farm on. These were Chinampas that helped them survive.
- Ironically the Aztecs had no idea how to get their water, since they were surrounded by saltwater. They had discovered how to built adequate. Adequates were water pathways. The Aztecs were creative and built beautiful fountains for this water with their God of Rain watched above. These adequate flowed in fresh water, safe for them to drink and bathe in.
- Aztec engineers built an earthen dam across the lake to the east of the city to provide protection from flooding
Where is modern day Mexico City located?
Mexico City is located in the valley of Mexico.
What are the two Aztec calendars and what three parts make up the Calendars?
The solar calendar. This was their main calendar called xiuhtlapohualli
The sacred calendar.
The months, the days and the weeks made up the calendars.
Describe the xiuhtlapohualli calendar in 2-3 sentences.
xiuhtlapohualli, also known as the sun calendar, was the main calendar used by the Aztec people. This calendar consisted of 365 days and existed long before the Europeans discovered there were 365 days in a year. This calendar controlled agricultural activities and also determined market days for the Aztecs.
Describe the tonalpohualli calendar in 2-3 sentences.
tonalpohualli, also known as the sacred calendar, determined activities associated with religion. Such as when religious rituals and sacrifices should take place. Each day on this calendar can be associated with good or evil. The Aztecs were named after the day they were born on this calendar.
Why do you think time was important to the Aztecs?
I think time was so important to the Aztecs because it determined what months were good for agriculture and which months weren’t. It was important to them because if they didn’t complete stuff on the right day they thought the world would end.
Would the Aztec Sun stone be considered a primary source or secondary source?
I think that the Aztec Sun Stone is a primary source. i think this because people in that culture recorded their own information.
How are the two calendars related?
The two calendars are related because every 52 years the calendars would start on the same day and that would mark the occasion with a great ceremony, known as the great ceremony of fire. They also have symbols that represent days and each day devoted to a god.
What kinds of information is on the Sun stone?
in the center of the stone it represents their sun god, and the tongue represents a sacrificial knife. surrounding the God in the middle are 4 suns. Each sun explains how the world ended 4 times. Surrounding the outside of the circle are two serpents that meet at the end.
How are the calendars similar and or different than the one we use today?
The calendars the Aztecs used are similar to the calendar we used today because their main calendar or sun calendar has 365 days, as does our calendar today. The calendar the Aztecs used and the calendar we use today are different because they had more days in a week and each day was represented by a god.
What is the New Fire Ceremony and how did it work?
The New Fire Ceremony marks the day when the two calendars meet (every 52 years). First they extinguish any fires and they wait for midnight. When the time comes they sacrifice a human heart in respect of the Gods. After the sacrifice is over they place a fire in the person and take that fire throughout the town. Then they celebrate.
In what ways was the new fire ceremony like the way we celebrate the coming of a new year?
Both traditions wait for midnight to celebrate and we both use a form of fire.
How do the the two calendars influence the way the Aztec live their life?
The two calendars influence the Aztecs because it shows when the Aztecs have to harvest and preform agricultural activities. It also influences their religious activities.
What were the Aztecs beliefs about the gods?
They believed that there were many Gods for everything. They believed that in order to please the Gods, they needed to give them certain offerings. The Aztecs had many main Gods, that they worshiped more than others or were just important, and some minor Gods as well. With every God they had, they also had
an opposite God.
In what way do a group’s beliefs and experiences contribute to shape a unique identity?
A groups beliefs and experiences shape a unique identity because they would act differently towards other people. It would also change what they preach and what they think is correct and how they act towards
Why was human sacrifice so important?
Human Sacrifice was important to the Aztecs for multiple reasons. One of the reasons were that the Aztecs believed that if they sacrificed humans, it would please their Gods. They believed that their Gods favored Human blood over the other sacrifices. The Aztecs also had a story of how the fifth world was created through the sacrifice of their sun God so that life would continue on their land. They believed in order to pay him back for his sacrifice, they needed to sacrifice
Why was Huitzilopochtli so important to the Aztecs?
Huitzilopochtli was so important to the Aztec people because they believed that he was the reason that they were living in that world, that he helped sustain life on the earth by sacrificing himself for them. He was their main God and told them were their permanent settlement would be.
List two responsibilities that the gods had according to the Aztecs?
- They had to make sure the earth kept going.
- Give them resources to keep going.
What were the responsibilities of the Aztecs to the
The Aztec had a responsibility of obeying their Gods and providing them with human sacrifice along with other things. They needed to keep the earth in balance by performing human sacrifice.
List 4 gods and their powers.
- Tlaloc; The Rain God.
- Quetzalcoatl; Knowledge, Learning and Creativity.
- Tezcatlipoca; Death and cold
- Huitzilopochtli; Sun God, War God and God of Sacrifice.
How did the structure of Aztec society tell us what was important to the Aztec people?
The structure of the Aztec society showed us that they valued military power. I think this because The Council of the Wise Men chose a new emperor by determining their skills in the battlefield. Also, the only way to move up in society was to achieve success and greatness in the battlefield.
The social structure’s of the Aztecs tells us that religion was very important. The emperor was thought to “be a God” and that with that should always be obeyed. Again we can see religion as important as the priests ahd very high status and even the emperor would listen to their every direction in hopes to keep their culture alive. Warriors having a high status and being able to move up in status as a great warrior tells us that warfare was important to the Aztecs and it was linked very close to religion which again demonstrates the importance about religion. Long Distance traders having high status due to the information that they brought back with them about enemies also show that warfare is important.
Draw the Aztec social hierarchy. How was it different from the feudal hierarchy of Europe?
The Aztec social hierarchy was different from feudalism because the Aztec people didn’t value wealth as much. Land was already given to nobles that was worked and peasants also had their own land that they could claim. Feudalism was also different because in the feudalism hierarchy you couldn’t move up on the pyramid and you were born into whatever you did.
SIMILARITIES: smaller groups were on the top and the lower pyramid ad greater population, same order but with different names, careers of each group are the same. Priest still have major influence on the emperor/king
DIFFERENCES: Individuals could move up and down the pyramid, childish in slavery was not born into slavery, elected not born.
How did the emperor become the emperor?
The Council of Wise Men chose an emperor or voted on a civilian they thought displayed military skills and how wise he was and the way he makes his decisions. Sometimes the emperors son ruled after his death because the Council may have ruled he was a good person by heart.
Describe the responsibilities of the emperor.
The emperor had many responsibilities. The emperor was seen as a representative of their main god, Huitzilopochtli and no one was allowed to disobey him. When it came to the rules and law of their city, his decision on sentencing the criminal was the final decision. Other responsibilities of the emperor was to be the commander of the army. Which included having to fight in battle himself and knowing war strategy. He was also responsible for being the head of state and making the final decisions. His whole empire rested on his shoulders. However if the emperor did a poor job the Council of Wise Men could dismiss him.
How did a person move up in status?
A person could move up in Aztec society by gaining success on the battlefield. For the Aztec, it wasn’t about how many people they could kill on the battlefield, it was important for them to take prisoners. They needed to take prisoners for human sacrifice. If they captured four prisoners during battle, they would move up in the pyramid.
What were the three signs of status?
- Clothing: The quality of your fabric and the patterns printed on it determined your place in society according to the Aztecs.
- Jewelry and the size and location of your house also determined your status in society.