The Reformation Flashcards
Who elected the pope
Cardinals elected the pope, who were usually bishops who helped the pope run the church
Who was the head of the church
The pope
What were dioceses
A diocese was a fraction of a country ruled by a bishop
What was the tithe used for
The tithe was used to help the priest say mass, marry couples, carry out baptism and funerals
What were the abuses of the church
The abuses of the church were Nepotism, Simony, pluralism and absenteeism
What was nepotism
Appointing a relative to an important position in the church
What was simony
Simony was the buying and selling of church positions
What was pluralism
Pluralism was having more than one position in the church
What was absenteeism
Bishops or priests not living in their diocese or parish
What were indulgences
Indulgences were tokens that the church sold and claimed that that got you into heaven when you died
Who was Martin Luther
Martin Luther was a german monk who attacked the sale of indulgences and the Catholic Church
Where and when was Martin Luther born
Martin Luther was born in Eisleben in saxony in 1483
What was the 95 theses
The 95 theses was a list with ninety five reasons why people shouldn’t buy them and stuck it to the door of the church
What was the diet of worms
The diet of worms was a meeting where Charles V asked Martin Luther to take back his teachings but Luther refused and became an outlaw
The religious changes that occurred in Europe during the sixteenth century
Christians who were against the Catholic Church (luther’s follewers)
The study of religion
Someone who can be killed and the killer won’t be punished
Luther’s followers
A meeting
Counter reformation
A response of the Catholic Church to the spread of Protestants
When people were not allowed practice the religion they wanted
Council of Trent
A meeting held by the pope to fix the abuses of the church
A group if Catholics who were completely loyal to the pope ( the society of jesus)
A list of books that Catholics were forbidden to read
Spiritual exercises
A book that ignatius Loyola wrote to guide the Jesuits to a holy life.
St Francis Xavier
The most famous Jesuit missionary
A Catholic court that persecuted Protestants
Means “act of faith” which is a religious ceremony where heretics are punished
Catholic beliefs