The Reformation Flashcards
What was the Reformation?
The Reformation was a religious revolution, which occurred in Western Europe in the 16th century.
Who started the Reformation?
Martin Luther
What did the Reformation give rise for?
What for SNAPS stand for?
Selling of Indulgences
What were bishops in the 16th century like?
They were unworthy, with little training or interest in their spiritual duties
What is Nepotism?
Being appointed though family
What is Pluralism?
They held more then one diocese ( region of churches)
What is Absenteeism?
Because of their huge incomes they rarely visited their diocese
What is Simony?
The buying and selling of positions in the church
What was the Selling of Indulgences?
The selling of indulgences gave the impression that money could buy a place in heaven, they shorted your time in Purgatory( waiting room). No one could prove they worked
Which of SNAPS did pope Alexander VI become pope through? What shouldn’t he have had?
Simony, a son & daughter
What are tithes?
They were taxes to the church
What did Julius II do when he was pope?
He led armies into war
What did other popes spend huge amounts of money on?
Patronising artists & building magnificent churches
Did people like paying tithes?
What are tithes?
Taxes to the church
What had humanism thought humans to do, in regards to the church?
Question everything
Who criticised the abuses in the church?
Lots of writers
Give 1 example of a person that criticised the abuses in the church, what was the name of the book he did this in?
Erasmus, his book “ in praise of folly”
What did the publishing of these books lead to?
Th people openly questioning and challenging the church
When & where was John Calvin born?
He was born in France in 1509
What age was Calvin when he died?
What book did John Calvin write that stated his religious beliefs?
He wrote “ the institutes of the Christian religion”
What did Calvin believe in?
He believed in Predestination
What does “ predestination “ mean?
It means that God had already decided before you were born that you were either saved ( heaven ) or you would be condemned ( hell ) & no action of a human could change this.
In “ predestination “ who were the elect?
They were the ones that were “saved” / gone to heaven
What was Geneva’s name in Calvin’s time?
City of God
What were 2/4 main features in Calvin’s new church?
- Life was very strict: luxuries were discouraged & entertainment such as dancing & gambling was forbidden.
- Laughter, swearing & cursing was forbidden
List main features 3&4 of Calvin’s church
- The punishment for breaking the rules were severe: imprisonment, expulsion from the city & death
- His church had no bishops. Instead 4 different groups, elected each year, ran his church.
List the 4 different groups in Calvin’s church & their jobs:
Pastors: preached & conducted services
Teachers: educated people to read the Bible
Deacons: took care of the sick & elderly people.
Elders ( Presbyters ) : behaves like a secret police & enforced Calvin’s strict rules
What is a schism?
A divide in the church
What does REG mean?
What does FD stand for? I’m Latin & English
Fidi Defensor / Defender of the faith
When did Henry VIII rule?
1509-1547 ( 38 yrs )
What was Cathrine of Aragon?
She was a Spanish Princess
What did Henry VIII do to earn the title of FD?
Wrote a book defending the pope against Luther.
Who did Henry VIII wish to divorce?
He wished to divorce his wife Catherine of Argon
Who refused Henry VIII divorce?
The pope
Who annulled the marriage between Henry VIII and Cathrine of Argon?
Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, dissolved the marriage
What act allowed the king to become head of the English church?
The Act Of Supremacy
What did Henry VIII order Thomas Cromwell to do?
Close all monasteries in England
How long did Edward VI rule?
9 years (1547-1554)
Under Edward’s rule which religion becomes the most prominent?
What book contained all the church services in England?
Book of Common Prayer
When did Queen Mary I rule?
1554-1558, 4 years
What religion flourished under Mary I reign?
Catholic religion
What happened to Protestants under Mary I reign?
They were persecuted
What was Mary I nickname?
Bloody Mary
What person is Mary I often confused with?
Mary Queen of Scots, her cousin
How long did Elizabeth I rule?
45 yrs - 1558-1603
Which female ruler restored Protestantism?
Elizabeth I
What were “The 39 Articles”?
A statement of what “her” ( the Anglican ) church beliefs were
What were the Anglican churches beliefs from 1558–>
A mix of Lutheran & Catholic beliefs
What is transubstantiation? Which religion is this belief applied to?
When the bread & wine turn into the blood & body off Christ. Catholic Church
What do you call it when the bread & wine stay bread and wine in a religion? Which religion is this most prominent in?
Consubstantiation, Protestantism
What is the key word for the local/ common language in the area?
What did Luther believe in?
Sola Fide, - justification by faith alone
What is a papal bull?
The popes messenger for the bad stuff
What does the papal bull carry?
Exscruge Domine
List the 4 outcomes of Luther’s reformation:
- Split of Christianity
- Religious wars & conflict across Europe eg. 30 years war
- Catholic Church starts reformation
- Greater literacy due to bible translation
What is the definition of the Catholic counter reformation?
It was an attempt by the Catholic Church to reform itself & prevent the spread of Protestantism
Give the 3 aspects of the counter reformation, that the Catholic Church applied.
- the council of Trent
- the jesuits
- the inquisition
Who implemented these new rules?
Pope Paul III
What is the key word for when the pope is never wrong?
Papal infallibility
What is the key word for when the popes power extends everywhere?
Papal ultramontanism
What were the 2 aims of the council of Trent?
- to define the teachings of the Catholic Church
- to correct abuses in the church
Give the 6 doctrines of the Catholic Church
- Faith & good works are needed for salvation
- The Bible & the traditions of the church are equal sources of truth for Catholics
- There are 7 sacrements
- The mass is a true sacrifice of cavalry
- Transubstantion
- The pope is head of the Church
Give the 6 new disciplinary rules implemented in the Catholic Church:
- Bishops must live in their diocese
2.Nepotism & Simony were forbidden - Indulgences were banned
- Seminaries should be set up in each diocese.
- Priests were not allowed to marry
- An index of forbidden books were drawn up
Give 2/3 results of the Reformation:
- The Church could resist Protestantism because abuses had been stopped so that only worthy men would become bishops.
- Catholics were less confused because they had a clear statement of their beliefs.
List the last result of the reformation on the Catholic Church:
- Because the Council refused to compromise on the doctrine, they could be no agreement with Protestants. The divisions between the two religions became permanent.
Who founded the Jesuits?
Ignatius Loyola
Who is Saint Ignatius Loyola?
A Spanish solider
Who gave his life to the service of God?
Ignatius Loyola
What did Ignatius Loyola do when he was ill?
He read religious books
When did Loyola establish the Jesuit’s?
What were the spiritual exercises?
A book Loyola wrote, it was a book of guidelines for the training of priests.
What did Loyola & his 6 friends establish?
Society of Jesus
Who approved “ the spiritual exercises”?
Pope Paul III
What nickname did the society of Jesus get? Why?
Soldiers of Christ, because they were organised like an army
The nickname of the society of Jesus were very disciplined & dedicated but to who?
The pope
What were the Jesuits famous for?
Why did the Spanish inquisition begin?
Began in an attempt to force Jews to become catholic
What was the Spanish Inquisitions property type?
A church court
What was the church court used for?
It is used to stop heresy
What is heresy?
Beliefs contrary to the beliefs of the church
How was information on heretics obtained?
Spies and informants
How did they get the suspects to admit to Heresy?
If the suspects refused to admit to heresy what happened to them?
They burnt them at the stake.
When the Spanish Inquisition was successful, where did it move to?
When the Spanish Inquisition moved to a new country, what new name did they get?
The Holy Office
Who was the most famous among those who were persecuted?
What did the inquisition give the impression of?
It gave the impression that the Catholic Church was intolerant of other religions
What did the Spanish inquisition prevent the spread of?
Give the 5 results of the reformation:
- Europe divided
2.Wars of religion - Intolerance & Persecution
- Art & architecture
- Education
Give 2 detailed points on the result of the reformation: Europe Divided
- Southern Europe remained largely Catholics
- Northern Europe became Protestant
Give 1 detailed point on the result of the reformation:
- Religious wars broke out in France, Germany & Netherlands
Give 1 detailed point on the result of the reformation: intolerance & persecution
- People were persecuted because they thought differently
Give a difference between the appearance of the Catholic and Protestant churches:
- Protestant churches were plain
- Catholic Churches were richly decorated
Give 3 detailed points on the result of the reformation: education
- Education became more important
- Protestant churches wanted everyone to read the Bible & all children to attend school
- Catholic Church set up their own schools