The Racial State 1933-1941 Flashcards
Which Nazi ideology saw The Herrenvolk (Aryans) as superior and thus justified ‘racial hygiene’ and sterilisation?
Social Darwinism
Which Nazi ideology meant ‘people’s community’ and wanted a pure Aryan German society without people who threatened the Volk?
Which Nazi ideology wanted ‘Living Space’ as grounds for a racial war of annihilation?
Which law in July 1933 made sterilisation compulsory for anyone with a mental hereditary disease or addiction?
Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Progeny
What was banned for Aryan women?
Contraception and Abortion
How many children were killed in the T4 programme?
Who opposed the T4 programme and stopped it?
Who were rounded up in September 1933 and again in 1936, this time for the olympics?
Tramps and beggars
How many homosexuals were convicted and how many died imprisoned in concentration camps?
50,000 convicted
Who saw the radical Nazi regime as a test of faith and thus didn’t react to persecution?
Jehovas Witnesses
How many Jehovas Witnesses were arrested by 1945?
Who did the 1935 Nuremberg Laws apply to?
Gypsies (Roma and Sinti)
What Nazi event was the first public display of antisemitism but looked like an aggressive dictatorship flaunting it’s power and only lasted a day?
Boycott of the Shops 1933
Which laws in 1933 were meant to exclude Jews from the Civil Service but 2/3 stayed because of Hindenburg?
Civil Service Laws
How many Jewish lawyers maintained their jobs?
Who were declared a ‘danger to German society’ and banned in April 1933?
Which law under the 1935 Nuremberg Laws stopped Jews being citizens?
Reich Citizenship Law
What law outlawed marriage between aryans and non aryans and pressured women to leave their jewish husbands?
Law for protection of German blood and honour
What occurred in 1938 that rapidly accelerated an economic campaign against the Jews and caused 500 Jews to commit suicide?
Which decree in 1938 confiscated Jewish property that was over 5000 marks?
Decree of registration of Jewish property
How many Jewish salesmen lost their jobs after being banned in 1938?
What made Jews identifiable in October 1938?
J on passport
What occurred in November 1938 that killed 91 Jews and made Jews pay damages?
When was the legal phase (phase one) of the Nazi’s radicalisation?
When was the new Germany phase (phase two) of the Nazi’s radicalisation, where Hitler worried about publi opinion and didn’t confront powerful things like the church?
When was the true radicalisation (phase three) wherein the economy was booming and Hitler felt they were ready for war?
What is the word for ‘master race’?
When was xray sterilization of women over 38 years introduced?
Who were strongly in favour of the sterilisation policy?
By October 1939, what had the regime authorised for mentally and physically disabled people?
What was the catalyst for the T4 programme?
The case of a badly disabled child
What gave Nazis the technical and administrative methods as well as the trained personnel to implement the final solution?
T4 Programme
What are some examples of opposition to the T4 Programme?
Pastor Braune in 1940, who was arrested by the Gestapo
Official statement from Rome
What was the main reason for the halting of the T4 Programme?
The sermon Bishop Galen gave which halted the programme in 1941 August
What was set up in 1936 that relocated asocials?
Asocial colony
In 1933, what did the Nazis begin to persecute homosexuals through and give an example?
Purged their literature and organisations e,g institute of sex research in May 1933
In 1934, what did the Gestapo begin to compile lists of?
Gay people
When was the law on homosexuality amended that caused 22,000 men to be arrested between 1936 and 1938?
What was set up in 1936 by Himmler which meant that by 1939 100,000 men were arrested for homosexuality?
reich office for combatting of homosexuality and abortion
Who refused to take an oath of loyalty to Hitler and refused to give him the salute?
Jehovas Witnesses
By 1945, how many Jehovas Witnesses were imprisoned?
What did Jehovas Witnesses do in camps?
Converted people
Who were some religious sects who conformed to the regime?
Seventh-Day Adventists
When were Gypsies deported from Germany to Poland?
September 1939
In 1933, how many Jews left Germany because of the Civil Service Laws?
Which laws in October 1933 silenced Jewish Journalists and forced them to leave the country?
Reich Press Law
What put up signs saying Jews weren’t welcome?
Pubs and businesses
Where did ‘pro Nazi activists’ push anti-Jewish measures?
Local schools
village committees
public life
What were signs put up to discriminate Jewish people usually for, shown through the fact that one Jewish customer was assured they could enter?
Keep Nazi officials happy
Who was barred from his artists club in 1935 and from restaurants and spas?
Albert Herzfeld
When Nazi activists tried to remove a Jewish statue, who drew the line and blocked the proposal?
Local party boss
Between 1938 and 1940, where did the balance of power shift to?
Radical elements in the Nazi party
What were Jewish men and women labelled in 1939?
Sarah and Israel
What did the war against Poland provide the regime with in regards to emigration?
national emergency = secrecy and dictatorial power
propaganda machine
new territories
Germanisation of Poland and a ‘jew free’ empire
What were the Jews of Poland, because they were unorthadox?
What was established to cope with the 61% of Jews, or almost 2 million, gained from the war against Poland?
General Government and Reich Ghetto
What was impossible to implement because of the war against Poland?
The deportation of 30,000 Jews from Germany as well as the removal of all of them from Vienna
Between November 1939 and February 1940, how many people were transported to the General Government, 550,000 of which were dues?
One million
How many Jews did the Nazis want to sent to Madagascar, because there were no serious political problems (like with the Palsetine Gov), and had more space?
4 million
Why did the Madagascar Plan in June 1940 fail?
Germany didn’t defeat Britain and OP BARB was already being planned
Why did Nazi Anti-Semitic policies intensify between 1940 and 1941?
War in east was a war of racial annihilation compared to the war in the west
In November 1939 in Germany, what were Jews banned from buying?
In 1940, what were Jews excluded from?
Rationing for clothes and shoes
In 1941, what did Jews have to have to travel, and what were they made to wear?
Police permit
Star of David
When was the first Ghetto set up in Lodz, where 320,000 Jews were living?
February 1940
How did the Nazis economically exploit Jews in the Ghettos?
Homes confiscated
Forced labour
Jews had to sell their valuables to survive
Restricted food medical supplies and other goods
Six people shared a room
No water
How many people died in Warsaw Ghetto between 1940 and 1941?
More than 100,000
How many Soviet Jews were killed by the Einsatzgruppen in June and July 1941?
Half a million
How many people did the Einsatzgruppen kill in Poland, including Jews and intelligensia?