The Golden Age of the Weimar 1924-1928 Flashcards
What are the three ways that Stresemann stabilizes the economy in 1923?
Ends passive resistance
Issues the Reichsmark
Cuts 300,000 civil servants
The number of companies that went bankrupt rose from 233 in 1923 to how many in 1924?
Over 6000
What economic policy in 1924 in response to reparations made payments more manageable, although it was bitterly called ‘an economic armistice’ and there would be an 800 million loan from the USA?
The Dawes Plan
What did the Dawes Plan 1924 result in?
The French left the Ruhr
When did industrial output reach 1913 levels?
What were Germany allowed to bring in after 1925 because of the TOV?
When did wages begin to increase?
The number of houses built went from 170,000 in 1925 to how many in 1926?
What did workers view as biased in favour of trade unions and resented the states interference in occupational affairs?
Compulsory arbitration (arbirator solves problems)
What did Stresemann say about the German economy?
‘Dancing on a volcano’
Who became saddled with debt and weren’t helped by Government measures?
What event worsened argricultural problems in 1925 and 1926?
Global grain surplus
What did farmers initiate in 1928 as a response to foreclosures and low market prices?
Farmers revenge
What was agricultural output at by 1929?
3/4 of pre war levels
What policy in 1929 reduced reparations to 1.8 billion and put all responsibility on German which made allied forces leave the Rhineland in 1920?
The Young Plan
What law did Hugenburg launch in response to The Young Plan that generated 13.8% of electorate support?
‘freedom law’
What welfare reform in 1924 brought help to the poor and destitute and became modernised?
Public Assistance system
What humiliated the German public when welfare reforms became too expensive, since Germany were supporting 800,000 war veterans, 900,000 orphans and 360,000 war widows?
Means tests
What percentage of the workforce were women by 1925?
Who had to leave their jobs so ex soldiers could find employment?
How many abortions were there in 1930?
10-12,000 per year
Who had no representatives in the Reichsrat?
How many women were appointed to the Reichstag in 1919?
What percentage of the unemployed were in the 14-21 age group?
What youth group in the 1920s was highly nationalistic and rejected middle class conventions?
Who had prominence in the press, business, and banking?
What Jewish newspaper was the driving force behind the moderate liberal DDP?
Berliner Tageblatt
Which Jew controlled the huge electrical engineering firm AEG?
What did German Jews wish to do?
What scandal in 1925 provided immunition for financial anti semitic ideology?
Barmat Scandal
When did 60% of people vote for pro republicans?
May 1924
How many coalitions were there between 1923 and 1930?
What was the single largest party in the Reichstag?
Which party supported industrialists and was essential for any coalition?
The Centre Party
Which party was liberal and in decline?
Which conservative party was committed to parliamentary democracy and participated in coalitions?
Which conservative nationalist party was anti democratic and suffered a significant loss of support in 1928?
Which nationalist party had 75,000 by 1927 but lost 100,000 votes in the 1928 general election?
NSDAP (Nazis)
Which party was the largest communist party outside of Russia and was dedicated to overthrowing the republic and had numerous risings such as in Saxony and Hamburg?
Who was elected in 1925 as a nationalist, militant figure who was revered by the right and who’s election seemed a step away from parliamentary democracy?
Which pact in 1925 let Germany into the League of Nations and established Germany as an equal partner in negotiations with the three major powers?
The Locarno Pact
What was renewed in April 1926 that demonstrated that Stresemann secretly wanted to revise the Eastern frontier?
The Treaty of Berlin
What was secretly done in the Golden Age through enlisting the army for intense training for short periods and unofficial paramilitary groups?
What pact was a symbolic agreement of avoiding war that lacked proper enforcement?
The Kellog Briand Pact
What was the result of Stresemann’s foreign policies?
End of allied occupation
How did Germany finance the Golden Age?
Foreign loans
How much foreign money was Germany given between 1924 and 1929?
25 billion
Germany’s economic growth after 1924 exceeded that of who?
Britain and France
What did the SPD reintroduce and ‘overhaul’?
The Bismarckian welfare state
The Unemployment Insurance Law required workers and employees to make contributions to a national scheme for unemployment welfare. When was this introduced?
Between 1924 and 1931 more than two million new homes were built. How many were renovated or expanded?
How much had homelessness reduced by 1926?
More than 60%
In 1927 real wages increased by nine per cent. How much did they increase further in 1928?
Germany’s industrial workforce was the best where?
In Europe
Who did not enjoy the wage rises of the industrial sector, nor could they always access the benefits of the Weimar welfare state?
White collar workers
By 1929 Germany was producing what per cent more than before the war?`
How many middle classworkers were seeking employment by 1928?
Who did the mittlestand believe were prioritising the working class?
The mittelstand believed the SPD were achieving “____ through strength’
If the working classes had the SPD and the KPD, which parties did the mittelstand have to turn to?
Which party manipulated the mittelstand?
.The NSDAP made extensive use of which slogan and its agrarian, nationalist and racial connotations to lure farmers?
Blut und Boden (Blood and Soil)
Who did farmers blame for their downfalls that were supported by the NSDAP?
Jewish bankers and business people
What type of art came into prominence in the Weimar period?
Avant Garde
Andrew Dickson: [The Weimar culture was] a roaring surge of modernist art, music, theatre, design, dance and film, when the constraints of 19th-century____
manners and mores were torn down
What school did Architect Walter Gropius found that became an artistic movement as well as an experimentation?
Wilhelm Wagenfeld’s what brought high concept modernism to mass consumers?
Bublous lamp
Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill created operas like ‘Der Dreigroschenopera’ in 1928, that satirised what?
The capitalist system
What was Brecht and Weill’s play ‘Der Dreigroschenopera’ criticised as?
‘noxious cesspool’
How many times was ‘Der Dreigroschenopera’ performed across 50 cities?
In the 1920s, female elected officials were three times more common in Germany than in the UK. How many more times were they common than in America?
George Grosz and John Heartfield created the photomontage. What were their collages always filled with?
Strong political messages
Some what decried militarism and the discredited traditional values of German society?
Otto Dix’sy what questions the costs of war in fifty drawings?
Der Kreig
In 1928, what percent of people voted pro Weimar?
What percentage of the vote did the KPD get in 1928?
In the 1920s, how many LGBT bars and clubs were there in Berlin?
Who says that “Desperate people in poverty were being promised jobs, that they could ‘take back control’ and ‘make Germany great again.’”?
Why was the Locarno Pact in 1925 significant?
French withdrew from Rhineland
No more occupation of the ruhr
First time Germany accepted Western Border
What were some limitations of the Locarno Pact?
Eastern borders not recognised
What did the Treaty of Berlin in 1926 signal?
That Stresemann hadn’t abandoned his desire to secure a revision of the Eastern borders