The Nazi Dictatorship 1933-1939 Flashcards
Who was effectively banned after the Reichstag Fire?
Who was outlawed as a ‘party hostile to the nation and state’ in June 1933?
Which parties dissolved themselves, one in June and one in July 1933?
Centre Party
What law in July 1933 outlawed non Nazi political parties?
The Law against The Formation of New Parties
Who were aristocratic, anti democratic, and believed that the Nazi regime would continue to let them serve like before?
The Civil Service
Who did the Nazis fear were an obstacle to power and forced local officials to resign as well as placing party officials in Government?
The Civil Service
Who were uncontrolled, unorganised, and believed the Nazi revolution should continue with violence until they recieved a second revolution?
Who began stopping army convoys and weapons and were considered a serious threat by the army?
Who made a major speech in the press where they called for an end to Nazi terror?
How many people were executed in the Night of Long Knives on the 30th June 1934 including Ernst Rohm?
84 `
What did Hitler call himself in the aftermath of the Night of the Long Knives?
‘supreme judge’
What did the Night of the Long Knives ensure?
Army supported Nazis and would let Hitler succeed Hindenburg
Who died on 2nd August 1934?
How many people voted for Hitler to become Fuhrer on the 19th August 1934?
What were the SS in control of by 1936?
Identification and arrest of political prisoners
Third Reich Police system
Concentration camps
Who were deliberately brutalized, strictly disciplined and racially pure?
Who was in control of the SS and had constant rivalry with the other members of Hitler’s inner circle?
What were the SD and what did they monitor after 1933?
Security service of the Nazis
Monitored public opinion
How many members did the SD have by 1939 which showed how important they were and how successful Heydrich was?
What did the SD overlap with?
The Gestapo
How many members did the Gestapo actually have despite German beliefs that it was ‘all knowing’?
What did the Gestapo rely on?
What League created the front of German Law in April 1933 that made clear to lawyers etc that they had to do the bidding of the Nazi regime?
League of Nationalist Socialist Lawyers
What courts created by the Nazis had 3 Nazi judges alongside 2 professional ones and had no juries, defendants or right of appeal?
Special Courts and People’s Court
How many people were tried in the people’s court?
Which two political groups were forced to go underground?
The SPD and the KPD
Who smuggled propaganda pamphlets across from Czech?
What networks were broken up by the Gestapo?
How many strikes were reported in the Rhineland-Westphalia in September 1935?
How many workers who participated in strikes out of 25,000 in 1935 spent short time in prison?
How many Protestant Pastors had been imprisoned by 1937?
Over 700
Who issued a papal encyical ‘with burning grief’ in 1937 that criticised Nazi hatred upon the Church but was the only time the Catholic Church opposed the Nazis?
The Pope
Who didn’t attend weekly parades and hummed banned tunes?
Young people
Who formed cliques or gangs to show their independence?
Young people
What were Hitler’s aims leading up to the war?
Recovery from depression
Reduction of unemployment
What are some ways Schact stimulated the economy?
Built homes and autobahns Tax concessions and grants Subsidies to private firms controls on wages and prices to control inflation 'New Plan' the mefo bills
What did the Nazis call their plan to reduce unemployment?
‘battle for work’
What were large sums of money spent on under Schact?
Building roads
Public buildings
What was formed in 1935 under which unemployed young men had to do 6 months labour in farming or construction?
Reich Labour Service
When was military conscription introduced?
What plan in 1934 placed controls on imports and access to foreign policy?
The New Plan
Which scheme made the Government pay for equipment using credit notes that could be exchanged for cash at the Reichsbank?
Mefo bills