The Purpose Of Education/ School Flashcards
What was Durkheim’s theory?
Solidarity and Skills.
What is Davis and Moore’s theory?
Role allocation (sifting and sorting)
What is Parson’s theory?
The ‘Bridge’ and Meritocracy.
What is Althusser’s theory?
Ideological control.
What is Bowles any Gintis’ theory?
Hidden Curriculum (parallels between school and work)
What is social solidarity?
Individual members of a society feel themselves to be part of a single community.
What are the names of the theorists in Education who are Functionalists?
Durkheim, Parsons & Davis and Moore.
What are the names of the theorists in Education who are marxists?
Althusser, Bowles and Gintis and Willis.
What are the names of the theorists in Education who are feminists?
Walby & Heaton and Lawson.
What is Willis’ theory?
Learning to labour.
What is Walby’s theory?
Patriarchy, capitalism and racism all contribute to gender-related issues.
What are the different types of feminists?
Liberal Marxist Black Radical Post-feminists
What are the six different ways Heaton and Lawson say is the main source of socialisation in schools? (hidden curriculum)
1) Through books and gendered language
2) Through students
3) Teachers expectations and attitudes
4) Through a patriarchal curriculum
5) Through a lack of positive role models
6) Discrimination
What is the definition of feminism?
The belief that women should be socially, politically and economically equal men.
What is the definition of patriarchy?
A system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
What is the New Right?
It wants education to be run as a successful business so parents will want their children to go there.
What policies were introduced in the 1988 Education Reform Act?
Introduction of Ofsted
League tables
What did Hargreaves say the New Right idea of education was like?
Kentucky fried schooling.