The Playboy Of The Western World Flashcards
Stage directions describe shebeen as
“ very rough and untidy”
Shawn is scared a father Riley
“I’m afeared of father Reilly“
Marriage is an important institution
“Aren’t we after making a good bargain”
Pegeen calls her dad by his full name
“Have you no shame, Michael James”
We see Peggy in as a strong woman
“You a fine, hardy girl would knock the head off anyoff any two men in the place“
Shawn Keogh appears to be wealthier than other characters leading him to be in a position to bribe Christie with fine clothes and a ticket to America
Clothes are a sign of wealth
“My new coat is woven from the blackest shearings for 3 miles around”
America is the land of opportunity with many prosperities
“You’ll have golden chains and shiny coats and you riding upon hunters with the ladies of the land“
The Irish peasant class are unglamorous The ram was so important to widow Quinn
“Doesn’t the world to know you reared a ram at your own breast”
Christy happily assumes the position of pot-boy. He carried out menial tasks. His aspirations rise no higher than this
he is easily satisfied
“Well, it’s a clean bed and soft with it, and it’s great luck and company I’ve won me in the end of time“
Christy offered a job of the pot boy
“That be a lad with a sense of Solomon to have for a pot boy”
In his old parish Christy was known as a lazy man
In this new parish he’s treated differently and given new opportunities
“A man you to see stretched the half of the day on the brown ferns with his belly to the sun”
Michael James chose who pegeen would marry just as many father still at the time
He chose Shawn Keogh
“That shy and decent Christian I have chosen for my daughters hand”
Where is the fathers are feared
Everybody admires Christy for having the courage and bravery to murder his dad
“A man did split his father’s middle with a single clout should have the bravery of ten”
Christy describes his dad as
“A man’d be raging all times“ and who “never gave peace to any”
Christy successfully challenges his father’s authority . He finally shows his dad his strength. his dad cannot believe
“I never till this day confused that dribbling idiot with a likely man”
Christy declares himself this but the old Mahon is delighted because his son is finally showing bravery
Hopeful ending for Christy
“Master of all flights from now on”
They have a superficial faith. They don’t really care about religion because it’s something that’s been in their lives for so long. Sara says
Nothing to confess at all
Religion is the source of morality for many characters. It is a moral guide
“If I wasn’t so God-fearing I’d near have the courage to come behind him and run a pike into his side“
Michael James and his friends are much more on ambivalent about his religion. He uses the local wake to get drunk on free alcohol
“they’ll have the best stuff drunk at the wake”
Religion is referred to in a positive way
“The light of seven heavens in your heart alone“
Dowry’s were given at the time
“A drift of heifers I’m giving“
When Michael agrees to let Pegeen and Christy marry. the reason behind this is he doesn’t want to see…
“A score of grandson’s growing up little gallant swearers by the name of God”
Their hopes of relationship end tragically when Christy leaves.Shawn is excited he can finally wed pegeen. He is still not what Pegeen wants we are unsure if they’ll we’d
“It’s a miracle Father Reilly can wed us in the end of all”
Widow Quinn killed her husband. We have sympathy for her. Shawn Keogh had previously counted it is a virtue that he…
“Wouldn’t raise a hand upon“ a woman
Even though eidow quinns current situation maybe better she is lonely. She hasn’t had the opportunity for a relationship since and sees a potential husband and Christy .She tells him that she too is lonely like he was in his old parish
“And all the times again looking out on the schooner, hookers, trawlers is sailing the sea and I thinking on the gallant hairy fellows are drifting beyond, and myself long years living alone”
Michael sees the use of violence as a necessary part of being a man and appoints Christy as pot boy as he is brave because he killed his dad. Men sense they have a responsibility for pegeen because she’s a woman
“If I’d that lad in the house, I wouldn’t be fearing the loosed khaki cut-throats or the walking dead”
Surprisingly later in the play PegeEN disobeys her father‘s wishes and demands to marry Christy and convinces him out of marrying Shawn
“Bless us now for I swear to God I’ll wed him, and I’ll not renege”
Peggy finds power in attacking the weakest male character of shawn keogh. She is violent towards Christy. Although Pegeen‘s relationship with Christy brings out her softer and more feminine side. She is insanely attracted to his eloquence and bravery. Christy softened her
“Any girl would walk her heart out before she’d meet a young man was your like eloquence, or talk at all“
Society is largely am concerned with the rule of the law. There is no loyalty among the characters towards the law. Peggy and tells the story of a local who…
“Knocked the eye from a peeler“
We pity widow quinn as she describes herself
“A widow woman, like of me, has buried children and destroyed her man“
When Christy leaves he has hopes for his new life where he will be more confident in relationships
“Romancing through a romping lifetime“
Christy’s education
“Slow at learning, a middling scholar only “
“And he a dunce never reached his second book“
Despite Christy’s lack of education Pegeen is attracted to his articulate and well read words
“It’s the poets are your like – –fine, fiery fellows with great rage when their tempers roused”
Christy himself is inspired by Pegeen and begins to feel that he has talent
“If I am an idiot, I’m after hearing my voice this day saying words that would raise the top-knot on a poet in a merchant’s town”
In the opening scene ominous atmosphere is created
There is a fear of going outside and the sense of foreboding
There is a man screaming inside in the ditch
“Groaning wicked like a maddening dog“
Sean is the only character with hope. He is waiting on
“Father Reilly’s dispensation from the bishops of Rome“
our first thoughts on Christy are that he is vulnerable and desperate. He arrives in the flaharty pub in County Mayo
“Very tired and frightened and dirty”
The scene ends on an extremely helpful note for Christy as he reflects on the way his life is turned upside down and is change for the good
Well, it’s a clean bed and soft with it, and it’s great luck and company I’ve won me in the end of time – to fine women fighting for the likes of me – till I’m thinking this is night wasn’t I a foolish fellow not to kill my father in years gone by
Pegeen tells Christy she’s ready to marry him
“gowns bought ready the way I can wed do you, and not wait at all “
Peggy and is hopes are crushed when Christie reveals his true self
“I’ll say, a strange man is a marvel, with his mighty talk but what’s the squabble in your backyard and the blow of a loy have taught me that there is a great gap between a gallous story and a dirty deed “
Mahon comes to rescue
“My son and myself will be going our own way, and we’ll have great times from this out telling stories of the villainy of Mayo, and the fools here”
Christy is glad to leave his hometown
“Bloody lists in the naked parish where [he] grew a man “
Christ had told the story of the “…” his father had wanted him to marry
“Walking terror”