1984 Flashcards
Constant state of war and bomb explosions are common
“War is peace”
Poor living conditions : buildings derelict, food synthetic and rationed out, wages poor and clothing shabby. Not too dissimilar to those in Playboy
“One had never had socks or underclothes that were not full of holes, furniture had always been battered and rickety, rooms under heated, tube trains crowded, houses falling to pieces, bread dark coloured“
Where does Winston live
Name of the apartment complex
“Victory mansions“
Tellyscreens received and transmitted anything seen and heard to that thought police. They represent Big Brother and are synonymous with what quote
“Big brother is watching you”
Big Brother is an overbearing authority figure who they cannot get relief from. Only the inner party may escape the watchful eye of Big Brother
“We can turn it off. We have that privilege.“
The city is dominated by for megastructures each named after their exact opposite function. they represent the Parties power over population
“The Ministry of truth, his place of work, towers vast and white over the grimy landscape”
What was Winston’s job
“Winston’s job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones”
What are the three classes in the society
Elite inner party
Industrious outer party
Proles (make up 85%)
What is said about the proles in regards to how they are not under the constant surveillance of Big Brother
“They were beneath suspicion”
The social classes gather to celebrate a common hatred for Oceana’s enemies, what is it called
“Two minutes hate“
At various points in the novel, Winston entertains the hope that the proles become aware of their oppressed state and initiate a revolution
“If there is hope, it lies in the proles”
What do the outer party all wear
Blue overalls
Winston is an outdoor party member so is employed in the Ministry of truth. It’s really the only thing his life revolves around. It’s where all his socialisation happens
“Winston’s greatest pleasure in life was his work“
And example of how Big Brother represents the totalitarian government of Oceania
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears“
What is the function of Big Brother according to Goldstein’s book
He is a focus for peoples feelings of love and also fear. They worship him e.g. chanting his name
Fr. Reilly and Big Brother both rule through fear rather than respect like fr.flood. Worship for Big Brother provides a substitute for organised religion which is illegal.
“We are the priest of power“
Winston mentions religion when he speaks about the proles
“Even religious worship would have been permitted if the proles had shown any sign of needing or wanting it. They were beneath suspicion”
Sex is a duty for child making as it is to the Catholic church. Party wants more members, church once more Catholics. Winston’s wife used to have to remind him that later they would have to carry out
“Our duty to the party“
The party have an aim to completely abolish sex altogether. There will be no pleasure in life other than admiration for Big Brother
“The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality”
Women were taught to maintain their Chasity until marriage
“ chastity was deeply ingrained in them as Party loyalty”
Marriage had one purpose, child rearing and procreation
They don’t marry for love.
In all three texts there is a clear tension between marriage de love and marriage for duty
“Permission was always refused if the couple concerned gave the impression of being physically attracted to one another”
“Encouraged separation in cases where there were no children”
When Julia and Winston have sex, they think as it of…
A “political act”
What does Julia wear to represent her Chasity
Red sash
In the place of love, the party substitutes leader-worship and patriotic feeling, thus, when winston betrays Julia under torture, the emptiness is replaced with worship for big brother
“Each new suggestion of O’Brien had filled up a patch of emptiness and became absolute truth”
When Winston meets with Julia after betraying her in room 101, he shudders at the thought of sex with her
“His flesh froze with horror at the thought of it”
When was 1984 published
Warning to the world against their potential fate if totalitarian regimes such as in Germany and Soviet Union at the time continued
If the law was broken, you were completely erased from society and you were considered never to have existed
“Vaporisations were a necessity part of the mechanics of government”
Families are void of comfort and affection. In order to keep power, the party online maintains one function of the family: procreation
“There will be no loyalty except loyalty towards the party. There will be no love except love for Big Brother”
With more children taught to continue the party legacy, there is increased loyalty to the government
“The only recognised purpose of marriage was to beget children for the service of the party”
It was not unusual for family members to turn others in on suspicion of thought crime. Eg parsons
Children are more loyal to the party than their family
“People were encouraged to be fond of children in almost the old fashioned way. Children on the other hand, were systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report their deviations”
After living in constant surveillance, always paranoid in a soulless environment, Winston longs for freedom, the likes of which he has never experienced. Thinking thoughts like this leads him to believe he is already a dead man. He writes in this journal
“Thought crime IS death”
Winston believes the conditions they lived in were making them sick and wondered how this could be if the government had always released figures telling them how life now is better than ever
“Why should it feel intolerable unless one had some kind of ancestral memory that things had been different”
Julia’s note says
I love you
The note changed winstons opinion of Julia. It gave his life meaning
“At the sight of the words “I love you” the desire to stay alive had welled up in him”
O’Brien fascinates Winston, appearing in his dreams telling him
“We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness”
Winston’s admiration for O’Brien continues even throughout winstons torture
“A wave of admiration, almost worship, flowed out from Winston towards O’Brien”
O’BRIEN does pre warn Winston when initially introducing him to the brotherhood telling him
“When you are finally caught, you will confess. That is unavoidable”
Winston and Julia know when they are caught by the thought police that this is the end
“We are the dead”
“We may as well say goodbye”
Winston despairs the cognitive gymnastics being forced on him. He must believe what is false and forget what is real
“He had a feeling of deadly helplessness”
O’Brien was rearranging winstons thoughts into how the party wNted
“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together in new shapes of your choosing”
Winston is terrified by himself(Physical appearance) , who he has become and what the time in the ministry of love has done to him
“Grey coloured, skeleton-like thing was coming towards him. It’s actual appearance was frightening and not merely the fact that he knew it to be himself” (mirror)
He dreaded what was in room 101 and the foreboding
“The thing that is in room 101 is the worst thing in the world”
It was the first time in many years that Winston had felt this foreign emotion (love). The relationship excited him and have him hope for a better future. But they had to keep their relationship secret from the party
“But at the last moment, while the crowd still hemmed them in, her hand felt for his and gave it a fleeting squeeze”
After being in the ministry of love for some time, Winston is eventually broken. The party’s extreme torture has killed him inside. His rebellious thoughts have been crushed and he has lost the ability to think independently. His last remnant of hole lies in that he has remained loyal to Julia. However, O’Brien insists there must be no loyalty but loyalty to the party
There will be no loyalty except loyalty yo the party. There will be no lobe except the love for big brother
Winston sits in a cafe drinking gin. His mind has been overrun by the party. He is a whole new Winston. He submitted
“The choice for mankind lay between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness was better”
He reunites with Julia. The interaction is cold and loveless. What had once offered so much hope now feels so awkward. They both betrayed one another. They feel disconnected as feelings for eachither were removed in torture
“After that, you don’t feel the same towards the other person any longer”
The story ends with his brainwashing complete and the old winstonndead
“The long hoped for bullet was entering his brain”