The Person Of Jesus Flashcards
Means ‘in flesh’ - God becoming flesh as a human being in ther erson of Jesus Christ
The area of christian theology about the nature of Jesus Christ’s relationship with God
Jesus only appeared to be fully human; this was that God could communicate with humans
Jesus’ birth, ministry, death and ressurection. The significance of Jesus is not in one event but in the whole of his life and its relationship with history both before and after
Son of God
Jesus’ special relationship with God
Controversial view of Jesus as a political freedom fighter and as one who sided with the pooor and marginalised agains the rich
Form of life
Historical, sociological, moral and psychological conditions in which ordinary language operates and has meaning
Jewish law and teaching to have been given to moses
Contains the first 5 books of the christian bible
Sermon on the mount
Jesus’ longest discourse on ethics containing rance of religious and moral issues
A group of Jews living between Judea and Galilee - seen as racially impure
1st cent religious group, often using violence with the aim of ending the Roman occupation of Palestine
Close analysis and interpretation of a text
Son of God: Mark
Mark 6 v 47-52
- Jesus walking on water
- only someone who was divine would be able to perform a miracle such as this
Son of God: John
John 9 v 1-41
- the healing of the man born blind
- power only the son of God could have
Wisdom teacher: Matthew
Matthew 5 v 17-48
- sermon on the mount (teaching about the law, anger, adultery, divorce, promises, revenge, love your enemies)
Wisdom teacher: Luke
Luke 15 v 11-32
- the parable of the lost son (for forgiving father)
- teaching how you should live, treat others (your children)
liberator: Mark
Mark 5 v 24-34
- healing the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years
- freeing the woman of the pain that she had been in
- allowing her to partake in public worship
Liberator: Luke
Luke 10 v 25-37
- the parable of the good samaritan
- Jesus liberation is offered to all
Jesus did think that he was divine
- Luke 2 ‘Didn’t you know I has to be in my father’s house’ (Jesus as a child lost in the temple)
- Pauls letters indicate an assumption that Jesus was divine
- Jesus was keen not to overwhelm his audience and so wanted to keep his divine actions a secret at the start of his ministry
Jesus did not think that he was divine
- we cannot use the gospel as evidence to conclude that Jesus thought he was divine (they are just stories)
- the clearest claims of Jesus divinity came from John’s Gospel which may have been added by later writers
- Jesus understood himself as a prophet and Messianic figure, he wanted to fulfil the prophecy
Jesus was only a teacher of wisdom
- Jesus may have come to shake up Jewish practices but all he did was reform Judaism through challenging the way of the religious leaders of his time
- miracles can be rejected, so can the resurrection, leaving only a wisdom teacher
- the supernatural is to be dismissed, they are unscientific inventions of the early church to prove his divinity
- strip away the supernatural and we are left with a wisdom teacher
Jesus was not only a wisdom teacher
- it is wrong to say that Jesus was a teacher because as the Som of God this loses sight of who he is
- can’t just categorise him into one ‘box’ he can be more that just a wisdom teacher
- he did not only teach of wisdom, you can’t just place him in a narrow category
- if you remove the supernatural there is no reason for having another faith that is not Christianity
Jesus was more than a political liberator
- Jesus the liberator was not just about politics he was also a religious liberator
- he liberated people first, freeing the outcasts of society
- he should not just be classed as a liberator, he was also a teacher and a miracle worker
- he said ‘my kingdom is not from this world’
- ‘live by the sword die by the sword’ - more of a pacifistic statement
- his disciples would have been arrested alongside him for being part of a revolution
Jesus was not more than a political liberator
- ‘politics’ referred to religion as well as politics in his time, he was freeing all people from themselves
- when Jesus liberated people he did so because society made life worse for them
- he work can be mainly focused on politically liberating people
- it was Jesus relationship with the authorities that got him killed demonstrating a political revolution
Jesus relationship with God was very special
- there earliest Gospel downplay Jesus’ divinity - there would have been more said if it were true
- Jesus had a close relationship with God calling him abba
- Jesus would not have taught his followers to try to follow his example spiritually if Jesus had anything more than an excellent relationship with God
Jesus relationship with God was truly unique
- Jesus’ miracle demonstrate the power of God, there was no other miracle worker like him
- Jesus forgave sins in the way that only God could
- Jesus access to the divine comes from God
Nestorius view on Jesus as the son of God (the early church)
- The divine and human are completely separate
- they only became one when human Jesus’ will became one with God’s will
Apollinarius view on Jesus as the son of God (the early church)
- Jesus’ human reason was replaces with God’s reason
- he was fully human but could not be tempted to sin and know how to respond to a moral dilemma
- his human reason was replaced with divine reason
Docetism view on Jesus as the son of God (the early church)
- Jesus only appeared to be human
- it would be impossible for a perfect God to become an imperfect human
Christology from above
Focuses on Jesus divinity and his coming to earth to re-establish a relationship with God
Christology from below
Focuses on Jesus example as a human being, and his teachings
- demonstrates to other human beings how to establish a true relationship with God
High christology view of Jesus as unique
- Jesus was unique because only Jesus was divine and Human
Low christology view of Jesus being unqiue
- everybody is unique, so even is Jesus was only human, his teaching and personal insight into the will of God made him unique
John Macquarrie
- everyone lives their own historic existence in their own way, Jesus was no different
- rejects the claim that any one event on Jesus’ life makes him unique but his place in history ad effects on others does
- Jesus’ life is a defining moment in the human relationship with God but Jesus is not unique in this as other religious figures have contributed to this
E. P. Sanders view on Jesus being unique
- we cannot use words such as ‘unique’ when describing Jesus
- his miracles and teachings about God’s grace make him substantially different from others of his time, but we will never know if he was truly unique
- the view requires faith which is subjective
- we cannot claim it as significant in debate
John Hick - Jesus as the son of God
The resurrection is a metaphor of Christian hope over despair rather than a historical event
S.G.F Brandon - Jesus as a liberator
BOOK; Jesus and the Zealots (was condemned)
- argues that Jesus was a politically driven freedom fighter
- gospel writers toned this down and made him look like a pacifist
- Jesus authority was politically
Liberation theology
- many found inspiration off Jesus as a zealot
- argued that the chruch had portrayed Jesus as politically neutral for too long
- interpreted the gospel as Jesus showing basis toward the poor and exploited in society wanting justice on the earth
Gustavo Gutierrez - Jesus as a liberator
- we should recognise that Christ faced the same sorts of problems that the world faces today
- Jesus was not ‘limited to a purely spiritual plane’
Camilo Torress on Jesus as a liberator
- was part of the communist People’s Army and was killed in action
- said ’if Jesus was alive today he would be a guerrillero’
Evidence of Jesus as liberator in the gospels
- mixed with tax collectors and sinner
- was seen with the marginalised in societies
- surrounded himself with ‘people of the land’
- ‘ the last shall be first and the first shall be last’
- he challenged authority
Jesus as a wisdom teacher
- Jesus’ authority comes from his wisdom and understanding demonstrated through his moral teachings
- Main 3 issues he taught in: forgiveness and repentance, motive and inner purity, personal responsibility
Hick - Jesus as a teacher of wisdom
- once we start to interpret the supernatural references as symbolic of his close relationship with God then we will be able to enter fully into a dialogue with other faiths
Jesus teaching on forgiveness and repentance
- Jesus and Zacchaeus, paying back all those that he had cheated
- the prodigal son, father showing repentance and being humbled by the experience
- the Lord’s prayer, taught us to forgive
- ‘seven times seventy seven’
Jesus teaching on motive and inner purity
- he admired the ‘righteousness’ of the pharisees, recognising that morality is about development of character
- sermon on the mount - controlling your inner desires
- aim in life is to ‘be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect’
Jesus teaching on personal responsibility
- morality requires personal responsibility
- Jesus pointed out hypocrisy surrounding the sabbath eg feeding and ox but not helping the six and preventing treatment
- ‘the sabbath was made for man, not man made for the sabbath’
- Jesus cured the six on the sabbath (was a death penalty for doing this)
high christology view on divinity
- ‘i am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me’ AND ‘i am’, suggest he DID know that he was God
- Jesus miracles are evidence that Jesus was divine
- Jesus miracle are a sign of salvation, there is no symbolism
- his resurrection is the most significant to suggest that he was divine
- if he did rise from the dead then there can be no doubt that he was God
Low christology on divinity
- Jesus miracles were not just special to him as other people in the bible also did them eg Moses parting the Red Sea
- the miracles are an extension of his teaching as he used them to teach important ideas
- hid miracles are a sign of salvation
- taking the christology view if Jesus just died on the cross with no resurrection