Chapter 11 Pluralsim And Theology Notes Flashcards
An ideology which develops its laws based on the princiople that humans flourish when given maximum freedoms and minimum control by governments
Plural society
A society which tolerates many different beliefs and lifestyles
Religious pluralism
The varieties of beliefs and practices within a particular religion, as well as varieties of different religions and their beliefs and parctices
The study of knowledge
The study of salvation or liberalism according to christian teaching and the different ways in which humans achieve this
Phenomenological existence refers to the experience of things as we encounter them and the structures of conciousness
Theology of religious
Primarily concerned with christianity’s theological, philosophical and practical relationship with non-christian religions
Gavin D’Costa
A roman catholic
Argues that the necessary and sufficient conditions for salvation depend on ‘controlling beliefs’
Bertrand Russell
Philosopher and atheist
‘I think all great religions of the world - Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and communism - both untrue and harmful. It is evidence as a matter of logic that, since they disagree, not more than one of them can be true’
Theological exclusivism
The view that only Christianity fully offers the means of salvation
Restrictive access exclusivism
The view that salvation is only possible by directly hearing the Gospel and accepting baptism into the church
Universal access exclusivism
The view that God will the redemption of everyone
John 14:6
Jesus said to him, ‘ i am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father accept through me’
Acts 4:12
There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved
2 corinthians 5:18
All this from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself.
Middle knowledge
The knowledge which God has of all possible events in the world as performed by free agents. It is so called because natural knowledge and free knowledge
Sola Christus
The belief that God’s grace is possible only through Christ
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
The belief that salvation is not possible outside the Church as the Chruch is the continuing mediator of Christs presence on earth
Fides ex auditu
The belief that true faith is only possible through hearing the Gospel as witnessed in the bible and preached by the church
God and creation
The belief that God alone created the world, the belief that although God is one, he is also trinity
The belief that God promises a future state of bliss or ‘beatific vision’ after death for the elect or damnation for the wicked’
Sin and election
The belief that humans are fallen and incapable of knowing God fully by themselves; God calls or elects some to salvation and some to damnation
1 Timothy 2: 3-6
This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our saviour who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is on God, there is one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave himself a ransom for all - this was attested at the right time’
The belief that God will restore the whole of the world to perfection; it rejects the belief that hell is eternal
Pope paul VI, Nostra Aetate
‘The Catholic Church rejects nothing of what is true and holy in these religions. She has a high regard for the manner of life and conduct, the precepts and teachings, which although differing in many ways from her one teaching, nonetheless often reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens everyone
Dominus lesus
Aldo called the lord Jesus, it is the roman catholic declaration made by the congregation for the Doctrine of faith
Congregation for the doctrine of truth
If it is true that the followers of other religions can receive divine grace, it is also certain that objectively speaking they are in a gravely deficient situation i comparison with those who, in the church, have the fullness of the means of salvation
Karl BArth
Shows exclusivist/ inclusivist ambiguity in his discussion of Christianity and other religions
Karl Barth Church Dogmatics
It is the doctrine of the Trinity which fundamentally distinguishes the christian doctrine of God and Christian - is it it, therefore also, that which marks off the Christian concept of revelation as Christian, in face of all other possible doctrine of God ad concepts of revelation
Theological inclusivism
The view that although christianity is the normative means of salvation, ‘anonymous’ christians may also revive salvation
Inculpably ignaorant
Those who cannot be blamed for not having heard on understoon the Gospel due to age, place, culture, time, in history or poor teaching
Karl Rhaner
Roman Catholic who argued for an inclusivist view of christianity
Martin Heidegger
Philosopher who foccused on the phenomenology and existentialism
Anonymous Christianity
A term coined by Karl Rahner to refer to any religious institution which through its structures, practices and values is a means of grace
Votum ecclesia
The Latin phrase meaning wanting or desiring to be a member of the church
> aquains - those wishing to be baptised and become member but died
> Rahner - anyone who faithfully follows their non Christian religion
Anonymous christian
For someone who is open to God’s grace but not a Christian
Global theology
An overarching pluralist philosophical and theological framework to aid greater understanding between the great world religions
Noumenal and phenomenal knowledge
Noumenal - what a thing is in itself
Phenomenal - the world as we experience it and as it appears to us
John hick
He took a more liberal and pluralist interpretation of Christianity
Karl rahner, theological investigations
Somehow all men must be capable of being members of the church, and this capacity must not be understood merely in the sense of an abstract possibility, but as a real and historically concrete one
Karl rahner theological investigation volume 5
For this reason a non-christian religion can be recognised as a lawful religion without thereby denying the error or depravity contained in it
Acts 17: 23
What therefore you do not know and yet worship that i proclaim to you
Theological pluralism
The view that there are many ways to salvation, of which Christianity is one
Reality centred
John Hick’s description of the spiritual or religious life focused on the real
(It is a life that is unselfish and concerned for the welfare of others
A word or story which expresses in symbolic terms an idea or experience that cannot easily be put into ordinary language
Keith ward
Supports the view that we have to conclude that beliefs between religions are different and conflicting but reasons for them can be equally valid
Paul Knitter
Developed an ethical theological pluralism based on the view that all religions share soteriological aim of liberating humans from suffering, injustice, intolerance and falsehood
Keith ward, the case for religion
The pluralistic hypothesis is thus not an agreed belief along the great religous traditions. It must be an interpretation of those traditions from a specific viewpoint that they do not all share