The Pelvic Floor Flashcards
Give some of the functions of the pevlic floor
- Supports the pelvic organs- (vagina, uterus, ovaries, bladder & rectum)
- maintains intra-abdominal pressure in coughing, laughing, vomiting etc.
- facilitate defaecation and micturition (urination)
- maintains urinary and faecal continence
- facilitate childbirth
What are the 3 mechanism by which the pelvic floor provides support?
- Suspension
- Attachment
- Fusion
Which ligaments of the pelvic floor provide support via suspension
- cardinal ligament - holds cervix and vagina in place
- uterosacral ligament- holds back of cervix and upper vagina laterally
- round ligament- maintains anteverted postion of uterus
Which 2 forces act on the pelvic floor?
- Gravity
- Intra-abdominal pressure
What ligaments provide attachment for the pelvic floor?
- Arcus tendinosus fascia pelvis (ATFP) or ‘white line’
- Endopelvic fascia (stretches from white line laterally → vaginal wall medially)
Explain how the pelvic floor supports the peritoneal contents by fusion
The lower half of the vagina is supported by fusion of the vaginal endopelvic fascia to the perineal body posteriorally, urethra anerioraly and levator ani laterally
What are the different muscles of levator ani?
- Puborectalis
- Pubococcygeus
- Iliococcygeus
What is the perineal body?
Area between vagina and rectum where all levator ani muscles insert
What are the 2 types of perineal muscle?
- Transverse perineal (superficial and deep)
- Bulbospongiosus - around the vagina
Which muscles of the pelvic floor are most commonly involved in perineal trauma?
The Perineal muscles
What is the urogenital diaphragm?
- a triangular sheet of dense fibrous tissue
- spans anterior half of pelvic outlet
- Supports the pelvic floor
Describe the blood supply of the pelvic floor
Internal and external pudenal arteries supply muscles
Deoxygenated blood drains via pudenal veins
What is the lymphatic drainage of the pelvic floor muscles?
Inguinal lymph nodes
What nerves supply the muscles of the pelvic floor?
Pudenal nerve
(arises from S2, S3 and S4)
What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse?
Loss of support of the uterus, bladder, colon or rectum leading to prolapse into the vagina