The Partograph Flashcards
Is a graphic representation of the progression of labor , condition of the mother and fetus and intervene in cases of abnormal labor.
Known as a “gold standard “recommended tool in monitoring active labor universally.
Partograph/ Partogram
It also serve as a one-page visual summary of the relevant details of labor.
Prevents prolonged labor, reduces operative intervention, and improves neonatal outcome.
Partograph/ Partogram
-Mother infrmation
-Fetal Well-being
-labour progress
-maternal well being
Name: Gravida: Para: Hospital No.
Date of Admission Time of Admission:
Ruptured Membrane: Hours:
for spontaneous: is the time of admission in the labor ward
: for induced labor is the time of induction (prostaglandin, oxytocin, ROM)
0 time:
Fetal Well Being:
record fetal heart rate for 1 minute every 15-30 minutes afteracontraction in the first stage, every 5 minutes in the second stage. If abnormalitiesarenoted, urgently delivery can be considered.
“R” ruptured
“I” intact
“I” intact
State of Membrane
C” clear
“M” meconium stained
“B” black stained
Color of liquor
“R” ruptured
“I” intact
“I” intact
“C” clear
“M” meconium stained
“B” black stained
IV. State of Membrane and color of Liquor
“R” ruptured
“I” intact
“I” intact
“C” clear
“M” meconium stained
“B” black stained
Suture lines are separate
Suture lines meet
-Suture lines overlap but can be reduced by gentle digital pressure
- Overlap, irreducible
Station of the Fetal Head
-4 or -3
Corresponding mark on the partograph
Station of the Fetal Head
-2 or -1
Corresponding mark on the partograph
Station of the Fetal Head
Corresponding mark on the partograph
Station of the Fetal Head
Corresponding mark on the partograph
Station of the Fetal Head
Corresponding mark on the partograph
Station of the Fetal Head
Corresponding mark on the partograph
Should be recorded every 30 minutes.
Eachsquare represents one contraction, so if 2 contractions are felt in 10 minutes sho should shade2 squares.
Uterine contractions
line shade
black shade
> 40 s
Assessment of the Maternal wellbeing
Assessment of the Maternal wellbeing
help healthcare provider in determining abnormal progress of labor, fetal distress and signs of maternal distress.
It us torecord maternalidentification, FHR, Amniotic fluid color,moulding of the fetal skull, cervical dilatation, fetal descent,, uterine contractions, medicationsgiven, urine output and maternalvital signs.
Start recording in the partograph when labor is in
activefirst stage(4 cm orabove).
are used to assess the progress oflabor.
Cervical dilatation, descent of the head and uterine contractions
1 cm/ hour cervical dilatation and 1 cm descentof head in four hours indicate
good progress ofactive labour.
FHR and uterine contractions should be monitor every .
30 minutes
Assess cervical dilatation, fetal descent and color of amniotic fluid (if ruptured)and the degree of moulding
every 4 hours
Do ___ immediately if the membranes is ruptured and a gush of amniotic fluid comes out while the mother is in any stage of labor.
Refer patient tothe hospital or center if the
cervical dilatation mark crosses thealert line on the partograph.
When you identify __ moulding indescent of thehead with poor progress of labor, this indicatesobstruction, so refer the mother urgently.
is indication offetal distress therefore mother needs to refer immediately tohospital unless the labor isprogressing too fast.
FHRless than 120 and more than 160 beats per minute within10 minutes or more
Even theFHR is withinnormal range, refer if youfound out that the amniotic fluid____.
stained or thick with meconium unlessthe labor is progressingtoo fast,