Birthing setting & alternative method of delivery > Establishing pregnancy > Maternal adaptations to pregnancy Flashcards
Is a mother-friendly based on, though its practices, if the hospital expects that birth is a normal, natural, and healthy process
Hospital birth
Is a mother-friendly based on, though its practices, if the hospital expects that birth is a normal, natural, and healthy process and a woman has the opportunity to:
a. experience a healthy and joyous birth regardless of her age or circumstances
b. give birth as she wishes in an environment in which she feels nurtured and secure.
c. receive accurate and up-to date information about the benefits and risk of a all procedures, drugs, and tests suggested for use during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period, with the right to informed consent and informed refusal
d. receive support for making informed choices about what is best for her and her baby based on her individual values and beliefs.
explain hospital birth
provides accurate descriptive and statistical information to the public about its practices and procedures for birth care, including measures of intervention and outcomes.
3. provides culturally competent care-that is ccare that is sensitive and responsive to the specific beliefs, values, and customs, of the mother’s ethinicity and religion.
4. provides a birthing woman with the freedom to walk, move about and assume the positions of her choice during labor and birth and discourages the use of the lithotomy position
6. Educates staff in nondrug methods of pain relief and does required to not promote the use of analgesic or anesthetic drugs not specifically correct a complication,
7.Encourages all mothers and families, including those with sick or premature newborns or infants with congenital problems, to touch, hold, breastfeed, and care for their babies to the extent compatible with their conditions,
8. Discourages nonreligious circumcision of the newborn.
Has clearly defined policies and procedures for:
a. Collaborating and consulting
throughout the perinatal period
with other maternity services.
b. Linking the mother and baby to appropriate
community resources, including prenatal and post-discharge follow-up and
breastfeeding support
c. Does not routinely employ
practices and procedures that are unsupported by scientific evidence such as routine perineal shaving
Promotes breastfeeding by:
a. having a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all health care staff
b. educating all health care staff in skills necessary to implement this policy
c. Informing all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding
d. Helping mothers initiate breastfeeding within
a half-hour of birth
e. Showing mothers how to breastfeed and how
to maintain lactation even if they should be separated from their infants
f. Giving newborn infants no food or drink other than breast milk unless medically indicated
g. Practicing rooming in to allow mothers and infants to remain together 24 hours a day
h. Encouraging breastfeeding on demand
i. Giving no pacifiers to breastfeeding infants
j. Fostering the establishment of breastfeeding support groups
Advantages breastfeeding
a. A woman is encouraged to be prepared to
control the discomfort of labor through nonmedication measures such as controlled breathing although anesthesia
such as an epidural is readily available.
b. A woman is encouraged to be
knowledgeable about the labor process and make decisions about procedures
C.A woman is encouraged to consider
breastfeeding to aid uterine contraction and infant bonding after birth.
d. Labor, birth, and immediate postpartal care can all be scheduled in a single room.
e. A woman is attended by skilled professionals during labor and birth and the postpartal period.
f. Emergency care and extended highrisk care are immediately available.
Disadvantages of breastfeeding
a. Separation of the family for at least one
b. Mother may not feel as much in control of
the childbirth experience as she may wish
c. Care may be fragmented, particularly if a woman’s physician is not present during the entire labor and birth, or if labor nurses change shifts in the middle of labor.
Are wellness-oriented childbirth facilities designed to remove childbirth from the acute care hospital setting while still providing enough medical resources for emergency care should a complication of labor or birth arise:
Alternative Birthing Centers
Are wellness-oriented childbirth facilities designed to remove childbirth from the acute care hospital setting while still providing enough medical resources for emergency care should a complication of labor or birth arise:
a. the birth attendants tent to be nurse-midwives
b. women who deliver in ABCs are screened for complications before being admitted
c. Like hospitals, ABCs have LDRP rooms
where a woman and her support person can invite friends and siblings
to participate in the birth
d. A minimum of analgesia and anesthesia is
provided, and she can choose a birth position
e She can bring her own music or distraction objects, and the partner can perform such tasks as cutting the
umbilical cord he or she chooses
f. Women remain in an ABC from 4 to 24 hours after birth
a. A woman is encouraged to be prepared to control the discomfort of labor through nonmedication measures such
as controlled breathing
b. A woman is encouraged to be
knowledgeable about the labor process and to help care providers with decision making
c. A woman is encouraged to breastfeed to aid uterine contraction and infant bonding after birth.
d. Family integrity can be maintained because family members may accompany a woman to the birthing
e. A woman is attended by skilled professionals during labor and birth
f. Emergency care is immediately available. Extended High-risk care is easily arranged
a. Extended high-risk care is not immediately available
b. A woman may be fatigued after birth because of brief health care setting stay.
c. She must independently monitor her postpartal status because of brief health care setting stay
Refers to a women giving birth without any health care provider supervision also refer to it
a unassisted birth or couples birth
Free birthing
Are methods of childbirth delivery that avoids invasive modern medicine in favor of more natural and homely settings
Alternatives methods of birth
it is kept pleasantly warm, mot chilled. Soft music is played, or at least harsh noises are kept to a minimum. The infant is handled gently, the cord is cut late; and the infant is placed immediately after birth into a warm water bath.
Laboyer method
Reclining or sitting in warm water during labor can be soothing. The baby is born underwater and then immediately brought to the surface for a first birth
Hydrotherapy and Water birth
Potential difficulty for water birth
contamination of the bath water with feces expelled with pushing efforts during the second stage of labor could leat to uterine infection in the mother or aspiration of contaminated bath water by a newborn, which could lead to pneumonia.
Advantages of home birth
a. knowledgeable about the birth process and be an active participant in independently reducing the discomfort of labor
b. has the greates freedom for expressing her individuality
c. there is no seperation of the family at birth
d. a skilled professional can attend the birth
Advantages of home birth
a. knowledgeable about the birth process and be an active participant in independently reducing the discomfort of labor
b. has the greatest freedom for expressing her individuality
c. there is no separation of the family at birth
d. a skilled professional can attend the birth
Disadvantage of home birth
a. adequate equipment other than first-line emergency equipment is unavailable
b. an abrupt change of goals is necessary if hospitalization is required.
c. a woman and support person may become exhausted because of the responsibility placed on them
d. interference with the “taking-in-phase” may occur postpartally because a woman must take hold
e. a woman must independently monitor her postpartal status.
of pregnancy occur gradually but eventually affect all of a woman’s organ systems
Physiologic changes
Changes that are necessary to allow a woman to be able to provide oxygen and nutrients for her growing fetus as well as extra nutrients for her own increased metabolism during the pregnancy
Physiologic changes
of pregnancy occur in response not only to the physiologic alterations that are happening but also to the increased responsibility associated with welcoming a new and completely dependent person into a family
Psychological changes
Physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy can be categorized as:
local and systemic
Physiologic change confined to the reproductive organs
physiologic change affecting the entire body
Both symptoms (____) and signs (_____) of the physiologic changes of pregnancy are used to diagnose and mark the progress of pregnancy
subjective findings ; objective findings
are subjective and recorded under history of present illness
presumptive signs
of pregnancy are objective and recorded as physical assessment findings
probable and positive signs
Presumptive includes:
-breast changes-more erect
-ereolas darken and increase in diameter
-colostrum is formed
-montgomery gland become bigger
-skin changes: presence of choasma/melasma (due to hyperpigmentation in the face and armpit)
-linea negra and striae gravidarum
- there is morning sickness
- frequence of urination and
-dizziness can be the first sign of pregnancy
probable includes
enlargement of the abdomen-umbilicus push out.
-chadwick’s sign-deep purple/violet discoloration of the vagina due to increased vascularity
-goodell’s signs-cervix becomes more vascular and edematous (softening of cervix)
- hegar’s sign (softening of the lower uterine segment)
-braxton hick’s contraction, ballotment -( bounching back of the uterus)
- changes in the level of HCG
-quickening (1st uterine contraction during pregnancy)
-positive pregnancy test
(softening of cervix)
(softening of the lower uterine segment)
hegar’s sign
-( bounching back of the uterus)
(1st uterine contraction during pregnancy)
-fetal heart tone can be heard or auscultated
-fetal movement felt by the examiner and outlining of the
-fetal body through sonography evidence
A. ambivelence, fear, fantasies, and anxiety
b. pregnant woman places main focus on self
a. tranquil period
b. acceptance of the reality of pregnancy
c. increased interest in fetus
a. anticipates labor and delivery; assumes mothering role
b. fantasies and dreams about labor common
c. nestling behaviors
Physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy can be categorized as local or systemic.
Development task of pregnancy
“I am pregnant”
Acceptance of the biological fact of pregnancy
” I am going to have a baby”
Acceptance of the fetus as a distinct individual and a person to care for
“I am going to be a mother”
prepare realistically for the birth and parenting of the child
includes an extensive health history, a complete physical examination, including a pelvic examination and blood and urin speciments for laboratory work. Manual pelvic measurements can be taken to determine pelvic adequacy
purpose of pelvic adequacy
- obtain history
- medical history
- obstetric history
- history of current pregnancy
- determine gravity and parity
- physical exam including pelvic exam
- calculate edc and aog
- vital signs
” if on subsequent visits a symptom is mentioned, establishing a baseline health picture at the initial pregnancy allows you to be able to verify that it is truly a new symptom and a woman is not just becoming more aware of it:
components of initial visit
chief concern for coming to the health care facility
history taking
Information about a woman’s current nutrition, elimination, sleep, recreation, and interpersonal interactions, can be elicited best by asking a woman to describe a typical day of her life. I f any of this information is not reported spontaneously as she describes her day, ask for additional details
Personal data
Below ___ are at risk for anemia, CPD, congenital deformity
Above ___ are at risk for HPN, DM, Placenta previa and Abruptions placenta, C/S, ectopic pregnancy, fetal growth retardation, macrosomia, down syndrom
Below ___ lb is at risk for prematurity, low birth weight infant, stillbirth and congenital defects
_____ prone to develope DM, HPN, and thrombophlebitis
women less than ___ feet tall are at risk for CPD
Handling____ places woman at risk
toxic substances and highly stressful work
Includes: menarche, length, and regularity of menses, interval between periods, amount of flow by asking the number of pads used every menstrual period, dysmenorrhea and other discomforts and actions taken
Menstrual history
Includes breast surgery, breast disorders, breastfeeding of previous infants
breast health
a. IUD in placed to be removed
b. Contraceptive pills should be stopped
Contraceptive used
Include childhood diseases, drug allergies, past surgery existing medical condition, immunization alcohol intake, cigarette smoking and use of drugs
Medical History
History of past pregnancies include number, outcome, complications, labor time, method of delivery, puerperium, and complication of puerperium
Obstetrical History
Gravida (number of pregnancy)
T- Number of full term infants born after 37 weeks
P- Number of preterm infants born before 37 weeks
A- number of spontaneous or induced abortions
L Number of living children
M- Multiple birth (twins)
Schedule future visit/prenatal check up of low-risk clients
Every month until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks from 28 weeks until 36 weeks, every week from 36 weeks until deliver
Schedule future visit/prenatal check up of high-risk clients
determined by client’s needs; visits are scheduled as needed
Obtained laboratory data:
Hgb, pregnant values 10-14f/dl
2. Hct, pregnant values 32-42%
3. WBC and differential
4. Hgb electrophoresis (sickle cell)
5 pap smear and cytology. AntibodyScreens: HIV, HBsAg, Toxoplasmosis, Rubella (> 1:8=immunity) SY/VDRL, cytomegalovirus
6. PPD
7.Rh and BT
8. Urinalysis
Performing a thorough health in the prenatal period is essential to planning nursing care and identifying high risk women
Parental health history
Under surgical history
-problems with anesthesia
-previous surgeries
-uterine/cervical surgeries
Under obstetrical history
- type of deliveries: vaginal/cesarean
- complications with the past pregnancies
- infertility
- documentation of obstetrical history
30 days
31 days
28/29 days
To get the EDC for primigravida, add ___ weeks to the date of quickening
To get the EDC for multigravida, add ___ weeks to the date of quickening
Is measured to estimate AOG, EDC, and fetal growth. and is measured from top of symphysis pubis to the top of the fundus with the bladder empty
Fundic Height
12 WEEKS -
21-36 WEEKS
12 weeks - just above symphysis pubis
16 weeks - halfway between symphysis pubis and the umbilicus
20 weeks - at the umbilicus
21-36 weeks - fundal height generally matches weeks gestation in centimeters.
Greater fundic height indicates:
a. multiple pregnancy
b. miscalculated due date
c. poly hydramnios
d. hydatidiform mole
Less fundic height indicates:
-fetal growth retardation
-fetal death
-error in estimating AOG
To determine the age of gestation in months by measuring the distance from the fundus to the symphysis pubis (in cm) is measured
Mcdonalds Rule
Is used to calculate AOG by relative position of the uterus in the abdominal cavity and is determined by palpation and by relating to the different landmarks in the abdoment
Bartolomews Rule
Tetanus toxoid is a cornerstone intervention to prevent tetanus neonatorum and is administered IM
TT immunization
TT1- TT5
TT1 as early as possible during pregnancy or anytime during pregnancy
TT2 one month after TT1 = 3 years protection from neonatal tetanus
TT3 six months after TT2 = 5 years protection
TT4 one year after TT3 or next pregnancy = 10 years protection
TT5 one year after TT4 or next pregnancy = lifetime protection
Is needed to build this high level of hemoglobin. In addition, after week 20 of pregnancy, a fetus begins to store iron in the liver to last through the first 3 months of life, when intake will consist mainly of milk, typically low in iron
Iron supplementation
In early pregnancy, be certain that you establish a trusting relationship with a woman so she will see you as a person who is capable of counseling her and helping her solve problems and in whom she is willing to confide as she is about to undergo what could be a stressful 9 month time period
Health Education
Normal sign and symptoms of pregnancy
- Amenorrhea
- Breast changes it is more erect, areolas darken, and increase in diameter, colostrum is formed, Montgomery gland become bigger
- Skin changes: Chloasma/ melasma
- nausea and vomiting-morning sickeness
- Frequency of urination
- Dizziness can be the first sign of pregnancy
Minor discomforts, prevention and management
c. danger signs and symptoms
d. nutrition and diet.
e. rest, exercise, and relaxation
f. avoidance of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and too much caffeine
g. clothing
h. sexual relations
i. employment
j. travel
k. preparation for baby’s
Should be performed systemically, one technique is by cephalocaudal method
Physical Examination
no significant changes occur during pregnancy. In the second trimester, it may drop slightly but return to normal in the third trimester. Is highest when the woman is sitting, intermediate in supine pos. and lowest in lateral position
Blood pressure
Blood pressure is ____ when the woman is ____, ___ in supine pos. and ____ in lateral position
Is highest when the woman is sitting, intermediate in supine pos. and lowest in lateral position
Increases by about 10 beats per minute due to increased cardiac workload
Pulse rate
Increase in depth, no significant change in rate, shortness of breath and dyspnea late in pregnancy is common
Respiratory rate
Slight elevation early in pregnancy due to thermogenic effect of progesterone. It drops to normal after 16 weeks
Normal findings for head and scalp
Hair tends to grow faster during pregnancy. Oily hair is also not uncommont
Abnormal finding are for head and scalp
Excess hair dryness indicates poor nutrition
Abnormal finding for the eyes
Pale conjunctiva indicates anemia
-edema of the eyelids accompanied by visual disturbances are signs of HPN
Normal nasal congestion occur as a
result of estrogen stimulation
this affects pregnant woman’s hearing
nasal stuffiness results in blockage of eustachian tube
Normal findings for mouth and teeth
It is normal to find swollen gums due to estrogen stimulation
Abnormal findings for mouth and teeth
Cracked corners of the mouth maybe caused by vitamin deficiency which pregnant woman are prone to develop.
- dental caries should be treated during pregnancy as they may become site of infection
-major dental operations such as tooth extraction should be postponed until the post partum period
Normal finding for neck
Slight thyroid enlargement is brought about by increased basal metabolic rate
Normal findings for breast
-enlargement of the breast with wider and darker areola, prominent veins and montgomery tubercles
-colostrum, a thin watery fluid can be expressed form the nipple as early as the first trimester
Abnormal findings for breast
Breast masses, nodules and bloody nipple discharge are abnormal findings and should be reported to the physician right away
Normal findings for skin
linear negra, mask of pregnancy, spider nevi, palmar erythema are common findings
Abnormal findings for skin
Pallor, rashes and skin lesions
Normal findings for back
Exaggerated lumbar curve late in pregnancy occurs as a result of the shifting of the pregnant woman’s center of gravity
findings in rectum
B. may be present especially in the last months of pregnancy
findings in extremeties
ankle swelling is anormal finding in the second half of pregnancy
-leg edema especially in the late afternoon is common to pregnant women
-wadding gait is due to relaxation of pelvic joint
- edema are upper extremities, face, and hands are danger signs
Preferably performed after 24 weeks gestation when fetal outline can already be palpated
Leopold’s maneuver
Common and systematic way to determine the position of a fetus inside the woman’s uterus. And are importatnt because they help determine the position and presentation of the fetus. Actual position can only be determined by ultrasound performed by a competent technician or professional
Leopold’s maneuver
Purposes of Leopold’s maneuver/ ULTRASOUND
to determine the number of fetuses
-to identify the presentation, position, degree of descent, and attitude of the fetus
-to identify the point of maximum intensity of the fetal heart tone in relation to the woman’s abdomen
Leopold’s maneuver is named after
Gynecologist Christian Gerhard Leopold
Factors affecting the performance of leopolds maneuver
- difficult to perform in obese women
-women with hydramios
-women with full bladder
Preparation for leopold’s maneuver
1 cardiac rule- instruct woman to empry her bladder first
2. place woman in dorsal recumbent position, supine with knees flexed to relax abdominal muscles. Place a small pillow under the head for comfort.
3. Drape to maintain privacy
4. explain procedure to gain patient’s cooperation
5. warm hands first by rubbing them together before placing them over the woman’s abdomen. Cold hands may stimulate uterine contractions
6 Use the palm for palpation not fingers.
1st maneuver to determine fetal position
-Palpate fetal body part in fundus
“Pacing the women”
The fetal head ___
Buttocks fell ____
The fetal head- hard, firm, round and moves independently of the trunk while the;
buttocks fell- softer, are symmetric and shoulder and limbs have bony processes; unlike the head, they move with the trunk
Purpose of 1st maneuver
To determine fetal part lying in the fundus
Procedure of 1st maneuver
Using both hands, feel for the fetal part lying in the fundus
Findings for 1st maneuver
If the nurse-midwife feels the head which is round, smooth, with transverse groove of the neck, the fetus is in breech presentation.
If the nurse-midwife feels the buttocks which is soft and angular, it is in vertex presentation
-umbilical grip
-palpate the fetal back
-pacing the women
-first the right remains steady on one side of the abdomen while the left hand explored the right side of the woman’s uterus. This is then repeated using the opposite side and hands
2nd maneuver
2nd maneuver’s fetal back and fetal extremities
fetal back = fell firm and smooth
fetal extremities = arms and legs
Purpose of 2nd maneuver
To identify location of fetal back
To determine position
Position of 2nd maneuver
One hand is used to steady the uterus on one side of the abdomen while the other hand moves slightly on a circular motion from top to the lower segment of the uterus to feel for fetal back and small fetal parts. Use gentle but deep pressure
Findings for 2nd maneuver
Small fetal parts feel nodular with numerous angular nodulations. Fetal back feels smooth, hard like a resistant plane.
Pawlick’s Grip
- Palpate the presenting part
-To determine what fetal part is lying above the inlet or lower abdomen
“in the side of the mother, graps the lower portion”
-This is the part which will most likely come first in vaginal birth If it is the head and is not actively engaged in the birthing process
3rd maneuver
The individual perfrorming the maneuver first graps the lower portion of the abdomen just above the pubic symphysis with the thumb and fingers of the right hand
3rd maneuver
Purpose of 3rd maneuver
To determine engagement of presenting part.
Procedure for 3rd maneuver
Using thumb and finger; grasp the lower portion of the abdomen above the symphysis pubis, press in slightly and make gentle movements from side to side
Findings for 3rd maneuver
The presenting part is engaged if it is not movable. It is not yet engaged if it is still movable.
-Pelvic’s group
-Palpate for attitude of presenting part
-face the woman’s feet
-attempt to locate the fetus brow
-the fingers of both hands are moved gently down the sides of the uterus towards the pubs
- the side where there is resistance to the descent of thee fingers toward the pubis is greatest is where the brow is located
4th maneuver
4th maneuver’s purpose
To determine degree of flexion of fetal head.
To determine attitude or habitus
Procedure of 4th maneuver
Facing foot part of the woman, palpate fetal head pressing downward about 2 inches above the inguinal ligament. USE BOTH HANDS
findings of 4th maneuver
If descended deeply, only a small portion of the fetal head will be palpated
I f cephalic prominence or brow of the baby is on the same side of the small fetal parts, the head is flexed
If cephalic prominence is on the same side of the fetal back, the head is extended