The Nervous System Flashcards
what does the nervous system consist of
the central nervous system (CNS) (brain and spinal chord)
and the peripheral nervous system (PNS)
(a vast network of nerves in the form of nerve fibres) that carry messages between the CNS and the rest of the body)
what four processes are needed in order to carry out the correct response to stimuli
a nerve cell
sensory/afferent neuron
takes a message from the sense organ to the CNS
motor /efferent neuron
takes a message from the CNS to a muscle or gland
connect motor and sensory neurons in the CNS
a cell or group of cells that detects a stimulus
nerve endings
connect sensory neurons to receptor cells or sense organs
fibres that carry impulses toward the cell body
carry impulses away from cell bodies
schwann cells
produce the myelin sheath
myelin sheath
a fat rich layer that insulates electrical impulses
cell body
the cell body contains a nucleus and cell organelles as well as the mitochondria which supply energy for the movement of nerve impulses
each cell body forms the dendrites and axons which may emerge from it as well as neurotransmitter chemicals
where are the cell bodies located on motor neurons and sensory neurons
the cell bodies of sensory neurons are located outside the CNS.
The cell bodies of motor neurons are located i side the CNS
axon terminals
branches formed by the splitting of an axon
each of these small branches carries an impulse to a swelling called a neurotransmitter swelling
neurotransmitter swelling
release chemicals that carry the impulse from one nerve cell to the other.
these chemicals are called neurotransmitters
neurotransmitters are stored in vesicles in the swelling
a group of cell bodies located outside the CNS
carry information between motor and sensory neurons
nerve fibre
many axons or dendrites often combine to form a nerve
are interneurons enclosed in mylein sheaths