The Native Americans and early pioneers Flashcards
How did the Native Americans arrive in North America?
They migrated across the Bering Strait
Where did the Native Americans originate from?
North Asia
Where did the Indians first settle?
The river valleys of the East
Why did the Indians move on to the Plains?
Because the European settlers began settling in America
What did the European settlers bring that the Native Americans had not previously been subject to?
Diseases such as smallpox and cholera
What were the Plains marked as on early maps?
‘The great American desert’
Where do the Plains lie between?
The Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains, they stretch from Canada in the north to the Mexican border in the south
What word is used to describe the Plains that means ‘little water?’
What animals were the Plains inhabited by?
Locusts, grasshoppers, wolves, gophers, antelope, rabbits and birds
Describe the weather conditions of the Plains
Harsh, freezing winters, cold winter gales but very hot in summer
Describe some features of the Plains
Gently rolling grasslands and slow flowing rivers
Lack of trees(excluding Black Hills and area closest to the Mississippi)
Flat and featureless
Enormous size
Name the most famous Indian tribes
Sioux, Cheyenne and the Apache
What tribes dominated the northern Plains?
Blackfoot, Assiniboine and the Crow
Which tribes were located in the central Plains?
Sioux and Cheyenne
Which tribes were in the south?
Comanche, Kiowa and Arapaho
What type of lifestyle did the Indians live?
Nomadic, they did not live in one permanent place
Why were the Indians nomadic?
They had to follow the buffalo, they also believed that land was created by the Great Spirit to share, and by permanently living somewhere you are claiming it for yourself
Who was a band led by?
The Chief
Why was a Chief chosen as a leader?
Because of his wisdom and skills as a hunter or warrior. Many medicine men became Chiefs
Did a Chief have any formal power over his people?
No, but he was greatly respected by them because of his bravery or wisdom