The Muscular System - Ch. 11 Flashcards
There are approximately how many muscles in the human body?
80 126 206 700
Which of the following terms is given to muscles visible at the body surface?
Remember the word that means “surface.”
What are the four types of muscles identified by different patterns of organization?
movers, synergists, antagonists, and agonists
parallel, convergent, pennate, and circular
flexors, extensors, adductors, and abductors
skeletal, smooth, cardiac, and visceral
parallel, convergent, pennate, and circular
Remember that these are arrangements of muscle fibers.
In a convergent muscle, the muscle fibers are __________.
based over a broad area, but all the fibers come together at a common attachment site
arranged concentrically around an opening or a recess
parallel to the long axis of the muscle
arranged to form a common angle with the tendon
based over a broad area, but all the fibers come together at a common attachment site
Remember what the word convergent means.
A first-class lever is one in which __________.
speed and distance traveled are increased at the expense of the force
the fulcrum lies between the applied force and the load
the load is located between the applied force and the fulcrum
a force is applied between the load and the fulcrum
the fulcrum lies between the applied force and the load
The effect of an arrangement in which a force is applied between the load and the fulcrum illustrates the principles of __________.
first-class levers second-class levers third-class levers fourth-class levers
third-class levers
Remember that this is the most common lever in the body.
The movable attachment of muscle to bone or other connective tissue is referred to as the __________.
Remember that the immovable attachment is usually proximal to this attachment.
A muscle whose contraction is chiefly responsible for producing a particular movement is called __________.
an antagonist
a prime mover
an originator
a synergist
a prime mover
Remember that this muscle is also known as an agonist.
A fixator is __________.
an agonist, or prime mover
a synergist that prevents movement at another joint and stabilizes the origin of the agonist
an antagonist
none of the listed types of muscles
a synergist that prevents movement at another joint and stabilizes the origin of the agonist
Extrinsic muscles are those that __________.
are visible at the body surface
operate within an organ
are prominent and can be easily seen
position or stabilize an organ
position or stabilize an organ
Why do we use the word biceps to describe particular muscles?
There are two areas in the body where biceps are found.
There are two tendons of origin.
The man who named them was an Italian by the name of Biceppe Longo.
There are two muscles in the body with the same characteristics.
There are two tendons of origin.
Remember that the prefix in the word refers to attachments.
Erica and Rob are driving to the top of Mount Evans, a 14,000-foot peak in the Colorado Rockies that is accessible by car. As their elevation continues to change, they chew gum and swallow to adjust to the atmospheric pressure changes. What specific muscles are they contracting and relaxing to open the auditory tubes?
semispinalis muscles
palatal muscles
pterygoid muscles
pharyngeal constrictor muscles
palatal muscles
Remember that these muscles help elevate the soft palate.
Which muscles maximize the efficient use of teeth during mastication?
procerus, capitis, and zygomaticus
temporalis, pterygoid, and masseter
mandibular, maxillary, and zygomaticus
glossus, platysma, and risorius
temporalis, pterygoid, and masseter
Think about the muscles that elevate the mandible.
The names of the muscles of the tongue are readily identified because their descriptive names end in __________.
The superficial muscles of the spine are identified by subdivisions that include __________.
iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis
cervicis, thoracis, and lumborum
capitis, splenius, and spinalis
longissimus, transversus, and longus
iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis
Remember that these muscles are closer to the posterior surface.
During inhaling, the __________ muscle(s) contract(s) to elevate the ribs. During a forceful exhalation, the ___________ muscle(s) contract(s) to depress the ribs.
external intercostal; internal intercostal
rhomboid major; levator scapulae
scalene; external intercostal
transversus abdominis; internal oblique
external intercostal; internal intercostal
The muscular floor of the pelvic cavity is formed by muscles that make up the __________.
ilium and the ischium
urogenital and anal triangle
sacrum and the coccyx
ischium and the pubis
urogenital and anal triangle
Think about the organs and openings in pelvic floor.
From the following selections, choose the one that includes only muscles that move the shoulder girdle.
procerus, capitis, pterygoid, brachialis
trapezius, rhomboid major, pectoralis minor, subclavius
internal oblique, thoracis, deltoid, pectoralis minor
teres major, deltoid, pectoralis major, triceps
trapezius, rhomboid major, pectoralis minor, subclavius
Think about some of the muscles along the anterior and posterior surfaces of the torso.
From the following selections, choose the one that includes only muscles that move the arm.
brachialis, brachioradialis, pronator, supinator
rhomboideus, serratus anterior, subclavius, trapezius
trapezius, pectoralis minor, subclavius, triceps
deltoid, teres major, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major
deltoid, teres major, latissimus dorsi, pectorals major
Remember that these muscles are moving the humerus.
Which muscles arise on the humerus and the forearm and rotate the radius without producing either flexion or extension of the elbow?
carpi ulnaris and radialis
brachialis and brachioradialis
pronator teres and supinator
triceps and biceps brachii
pronator teres and supinator
Remember that these muscles do not cause any change in the angle between the humerus and the forearm bones.
Which terms describe the actions of the muscles that move the palm and fingers?
adductor, abductor, extensor, flexor
rotator, tensor, extensor, adductor
depressor, levator, pronator, rotator
tensor, supinator, levator, pronator
adductor, abductor, extensor, flexor
Think about the range of motion in the fingers.
Which of the following muscle groups are responsible for movement of the thigh?
abductor, flexor, extensor
adductor, gluteal, lateral rotator
procerus, capitis, pterygoid
depressor, levator, rotator
adductor, gluteal, lateral rotator
The flexors that move the lower leg, commonly known as the hamstrings, include the __________.
biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus
piriformis, lateral rotators, obturator, and sartorius
rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis
sartorius, rectus femoris, gracilis, vand astus medialis
biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus
The extensors that move the lower leg, commonly known as the quadriceps, include the __________.
piriformis, lateral rotator, obturator, and sartorius
semimembranosus, semitendinosus, gracilis, and sartorius
popliteus, gracilis, rectus femoris, and biceps femoris
rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis
rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis
Remember that these muscles increase the angle between the femur and the lower leg bones.
What are the major muscles that produce plantar flexion involved with the movement of the lower leg?
flexor hallucis, obturator, and gracilis
gastrocnemius, soleus, and tibialis posterior
sartorius, soleus, and flexor hallucis
tibialis anterior, calcaneal, and popliteus
gastrocnemius, soleus, and tibialis posterior
Remember that these muscles move the sole to face the posterior side.
The actions produced by arm muscles but NOT by leg muscles are __________.
rotation and adduction
abduction and adduction
flexion and extension
pronation and supination
pronation and supination
Which muscle elevates the shoulders, as when you shrug your shoulders?
serratus anterior
pectoralis major
Do you remember the tongue twister “Sally sells seashells by the seashore”? Of the collections of muscles below, which group or groups work together to provide the delicate movements of the tongue during speech?
superior constrictor, middle constrictor, inferior constrictor, and boa constrictor muscles
palatoglossus, styloglossus, genioglossus, and hyoglossus muscles
masseter, temporalis, and pterygoid muscles
All of the listed responses are correct.
palatoglossus, styloglossus, genioglossus, and hyoglossus muscles
Remember that all these muscles have the same root meaning “tongue.”
What happens when a muscle contracts and its fibers shorten?
The insertion moves toward the origin.
The origin and the insertion move in the same direction.
The origin moves toward the insertion.
The origin and the insertion move in opposite directions.
The insertion moves toward the origin.
Remember that this moves the bones at a joint closer together.
The rectus muscles, which lie between the vertebral spines and the ventral midline, are important __________.
rotators of the spinal column
extensors of the spine
sphincters of the rectum
flexors of the spinal column
flexors of the spinal column
Tim is a new father and is not used to changing diapers. He grimaces and purses his lips when he changes his son’s diapers. Which collection of muscles is he using to contort his mouth this way?
zygomaticus minor and major
orbicularis oris and risorius
inferior rectus and medial rectus
frontal belly of occipitofrontalis and corrugator supercilii
orbicularis oris and risorius
The structural commonality of the rectus femoris and the rectus abdominis is that they are __________.
both found in the region of the rectum
parallel muscles whose fibers run along the long axis of the body
attached to bones involved in similar functional activities
muscles whose fibers are arranged to control peristalsis in the rectum
parallel muscles whose fibers run along the long axis of the body
Remember what the word rectus means.
Why are infants often given intramuscular injections in their vastus lateralis muscle?
Because the muscle is large, it is easier to make an injection there than in the gluteus maximus or deltoid muscle.
Because infants cannot walk, it is not likely that an injection in that muscle would give them significant pain.
The muscle is very large, and it is less likely that an injection there will puncture a blood vessel or nerve.
All of the listed responses are correct.
Because infants cannot walk, it is not likely that an injection in that muscle would give them significant pain.
Think of what activities an infant is not doing.
Which muscle or muscles are synergistic with the diaphragm during inspiration?
external intercostals
rectus abdominis
internal intercostals
pectoralis minor
external intercostals
Remember that these muscles are on the outside of the ribs.
When a person is playing an instrument such as a trumpet, the muscle used to compress the cheeks and blow forcefully is the __________.
What is the most powerful and important muscle a person uses when chewing food?
Remember that this muscle moves the mandible.
Marcia, a sprinter, pulls a hamstring muscle the day before a big race. Which of the following muscles has she NOT injured?
biceps femoris
rectus femoris
rectus femoris
The muscular elements that provide substantial support for the loosely built shoulder joint are collectively referred to as the __________.
pronator quadratus
rotator cuff
levator scapulae
rotator cuff
The biceps muscle makes a prominent bulge when an individual __________.
extends the forearm pronated
extends the forearm supinated
flexes the forearm pronated
flexes the forearm supinated
flexes the forearm supinated
Ann has been complaining of pain and tingling in her right palm. The doctor diagnoses Ann with tenosynovitis of her right flexor tendon sheath and gives her glucocorticoids to ease her discomfort. What is a common name for Ann’s condition?
rotator cuff injury
torn calcaneal tendon
compartment syndrome
carpal tunnel syndrome
carpal tunnel syndrome
In an individual who complains of shin splints, the affected muscles are located over the __________.
posterior surface of the leg
anterior and posterior surfaces of the leg
anterior surface of the leg
anterior surface of the thigh
anterior surface of the leg
Remember that this is an area that is not covered with a lot of muscle.
Fibrosis is defined as __________.
an increase in the amount of connective tissue in muscles that is often seen in the elderly
an inability to relax muscles, leading to death if the diaphragm is affected
damage to blood vessels in a muscular compartment of a limb that can lead to swelling of the affected compartment and nerve compression
none of the listed conditions
an increase in the amount of connective tissue in muscles that is often seen in the elderly
Remember that this is a kind of scarring.
Which muscle is active when a person crosses the legs?
Which facial muscle is active in smiling?
zygomaticus major
zygomaticus major
Which muscle separates the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities?
serratus anterior
rectus abdominis
latissimus dorsi
What is the major abductor of the arm?
biceps brachii
flexor carpi
pectoralis major
Remember that this muscle is located over the shoulder joint.
Circular muscles that guard entrances and exits of internal passageways are called __________.
A strain of the groin could affect which of the following muscles?
gluteus medius
rectus abdominis
adductor magnus
adductor magnus
Remember that this muscle moves the leg medially.
During exercise, activity of skeletal muscles would NOT cause which of the following effects on other body systems?
utilization of glycogen reserves
increased respiratory rate and depth of respiration
decreased sweat gland activity
increased heart rate
decreased sweat gland activity
The pharyngeal constrictors control __________.
Remember what activities happen in the pharynx.