The Autonomic Nervous System - Ch 16 Flashcards
The autonomic nervous system performs which of the following functions?
moving your computer mouse to select the correct answer to this question
controlling respiratory functions during times of rest as well as times of activity
comprehending what is funny about a joke
consolidating short-term memories to long-term memories
controlling respiratory functions during times of rest as well as times of activity
Remember that these are functions we normally are not mindful of.
The lower motor neurons of the somatic nervous system exert direct control over skeletal muscles. By contrast, in the autonomic nervous system there is __________.
voluntary and involuntary control of skeletal muscles
a synapse interposed between the central nervous system and the peripheral effector
always voluntary control of skeletal muscles
indirect voluntary control of skeletal muscles
a synapse interposed between the central nervous system and the peripheral effector
Remember that there is an extra connection here.
Which of the following is NOT a function of the parasympathetic nervous system?
constriction of respiratory passages
mobilization of energy reserves through the accelerated breakdown of glycogen in muscle and liver cells and the release of lipids by adipose tissues
increased secretion of hormones that promote the absorption and utilization of nutrients by peripheral cells
changes in blood flow and glandular activity associated with sexual arousal
mobilization of energy reserves through the accelerated breakdown of glycogen in muscle and liver cells and the release of lipids by adipose tissues
Remember that the parasympathetic nervous system is also known as the anabolic system.
Which system coordinates cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive functions?
central nervous system (CNS)
enteric nervous system (ENS)
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
somatic nervous system (SNS)
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
Remember that these are activities in which there is little to no volitional modification involved.
Which division of the nervous system “kicks in” during periods of exertion, stress, or emergency?
parasympathetic division
sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)
enteric division of the central nervous system (CNS)
somatic motor division of the peripheral nervous system (PNS)
sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)
The nerve bundle that carries preganglionic fibers to a nearby sympathetic chain ganglion is the __________.
gray ramus
white ramus
autonomic nerve
collateral ganglion
white ramus
Important functions of the postganglionic fibers that enter the thoracic cavity in autonomic nerves include which of the following?
accelerating the heart rate
increasing the force of cardiac contractions
dilating the respiratory passageways
All of the listed responses are correct.
All of the listed responses are correct.
Remember that these involve the heart and lungs.
The effect of modified neurons in the sympathetic division that secrete neurotransmitters is that they __________.
serve to dilate blood vessels and elevate blood pressure
last longer than those produced by direct sympathetic stimulation
are limited to peripheral tissues and central nervous system (CNS) activity
do not last as long as those produced by direct sympathetic stimulation
last longer than those produced by direct sympathetic stimulation
Which of the following is unique to the sympathetic nervous system?
receptors that are G proteins
innervation of the lacrimal glands
collateral ganglia
chain ganglia
chain ganglia
At neuroeffector junctions, typical sympathetic postganglionic fibers release __________.
Remember that this is produced in the adrenal medulla.
When specific neurotransmitters are released by postganglionic fibers, stimulation or inhibition of activity depends on __________.
the arrangement of the postganglionic fibers
the response of the membrane receptor to the presence of the neurotransmitter
the target organ that is affected
the rate at which the neurotransmitter is released to the receptor
the response of the membrane receptor to the presence of the neurotransmitter
Remember that this involves the postsynaptic membrane.
Cholinergic postganglionic sympathetic fibers that innervate the sweat glands of the skin and the blood vessels of the skeletal muscles are stimulated during exercise to __________.
keep the body cool and provide oxygen and nutrients to active skeletal muscles
increase the smooth muscle activity in the digestive tract for better digestion
decrease the body temperature and decrease the pH in the blood
constrict the blood vessels and inhibit sweat gland secretion
keep the body cool and provide oxygen and nutrients to active skeletal muscles
Postsynaptic cells of the sympathetic nervous system synapse with the cells they innervate through structures called __________.
nicotinic receptors
muscarinic receptors
In the parasympathetic division, second-order neurons originate in __________.
collateral ganglia or chain ganglia
intramural ganglia or ganglia associated with the target organs
the adrenal medulla and collateral ganglia
spinal segments or cranial nerves
intramural ganglia or ganglia associated with the target organs
Remember that these are usually close to the organ.
The neurotransmitter released by all parasympathetic neurons is __________.
acetylcholine (ACh)
norepinephrine (NE)
acetylcholine (ACh)
Remember that its effects are short-lived in the parasympathetic system.
The two types of parasympathetic receptors that occur on the postsynaptic membranes are __________.
adrenergic and cholinergic
nicotinic and muscarinic
alpha-1 and beta-1
alpha-2 and beta-2
nicotinic and muscarinic
Remember that one type of receptor is stimulated by a mushroom toxin.
Pelvic nerves carry which of the following types of connections?
sympathetic neurons synapsing in the inferior mesenteric ganglion
sympathetic neurons innervating the uterus and ovary
parasympathetic neurons innervating the stomach
parasympathetic neurons innervating the urinary bladder
parasympathetic neurons innervating the urinary bladder
Remember that these nerves are coming out of sacral segments of the vertebral column.
The major effects produced by the parasympathetic division include which of the following?
increased smooth muscle activity along the digestive tract
constriction of the respiratory passageway
secretion by digestive glands
All of the listed responses are correct.
All of the listed responses are correct.
Remember all the functions associated with rest and relaxation.
Which division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) innervates only visceral structures serviced by the cranial nerves or nerves lying within the abdominopelvic cavity?
parasympathetic division
motor somatic division
peripheral division
sympathetic division
parasympathetic division
Remember that this is also known as the anabolic system.
Where dual innervation exists, the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) commonly have __________.
stimulatory effects
no effect
opposing effects
inhibitory effects
opposing effects
Why is autonomic tone important to autonomic motor neurons?
It allows for an increase or decrease of activity, providing a greater range of control.
It can increase their activity on demand.
It can decrease their activity to avoid overstimulation.
It shows a resting level of spontaneous activity.
It allows for an increase or decrease of activity, providing a greater range of control.
Remember the importance of adapting to changing conditions.
The LOWEST level of integration in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) consists of __________.
lower motor neurons that participate in cranial and spinal visceral reflexes
regulatory centers in the posterior and lateral hypothalamus
regulatory centers in the brain stem that control the viscera
centers in the cerebral cortex that control visceral functions
regulatory centers in the brain stem that control the viscera
Both coordination and regulation of sympathetic function generally occur in centers in the __________.
posterior and lateral hypothalamus
cerebral cortex
medulla oblongata and spinal cord
medulla oblongata and spinal cord
Remember that these are among the most primitive parts of the central nervous system (CNS).
In the autonomic nervous system (ANS), simple reflexes that provide relatively rapid automatic response to stimuli are based in the __________.
spinal cord
medulla oblongata
spinal cord
The processing center of a visceral reflex is the __________.
sensory neuron
cholinergic neuron
polysynaptic neuron
Remember that these cells can create complex networks in the cerebral cortex.
Which of the following statements about long reflexes is FALSE?
The sensory portion of the reflex delivers information through the dorsal root of the spinal cord.
Preganglionic and ganglionic neurons synapse in the autonomic ganglia.
They bypass the central nervous system (CNS).
They are visceral reflexes.
They bypass the central nervous system (CNS).
Visceral reflexes provide __________.
automatic sensory stimulations
voluntary motor control
voluntary sensory movements
automatic motor responses
automatic motor responses
Remember the purpose of a reflex.
The cellular mechanisms that seem to be involved in memory formation and storage include which of the following?
formation of additional synaptic connections
facilitation of synapses
increased neurotransmitter release
All of the listed responses are correct.
All of the listed responses are correct.
Remember that there are multiple factors that may come into play with this complex process.
Which two components of the limbic system are essential to memory consolidation?
the cingulate gyrus and corpus callosum
the intermediate mass and pineal gland
the fornix and mamillary body
the amygdaloid body and hippocampus
the amygdaloid body and hippocampus
Remember that one of these components is also involved with processing responses to fear.
A state of awareness of and attention to external events and stimuli implies __________.
rapid eye movement (REM)
dual innervation
Remember that this state involves the cerebral cortex in a complex process.
Increasing stimulation to the reticular activating system (RAS) makes an individual __________.
more alert to sensory information
experience increased parasympathetic activity
produce fewer motor responses to external stimuli
more likely to fall asleep
more alert to sensory information
Remember that serotonin promotes the opposite state.
Schizophrenia may be caused by an excessive production of which neurotransmitter?
Remember that low levels of this neurotransmitter will cause motor dysfunction.
Disturbance of which of the following neurotransmitters produces motor problems, such as those found in Parkinson’s disease?
Remember that this disturbance is also linked to schizophrenia.
Which of the following is a common age-related anatomical change in the nervous system?
increased brain size and weight
an increased number of neurons
increased blood flow to the brain
None of the listed responses is correct.
None of the listed responses is correct.
Remember that aging in general is linked with less efficient function of organ systems as time goes on.
One of the problems associated with aging and the nervous systems is the development of plaques in the central nervous system (CNS). Which of the following accurately describes plaques?
a loss in the number of neurons
hardening of the arteries supplying the body and brain
narrowing of the gyri and widening of the sulci
an accumulation of extracellular fibrillar proteins and abnormal dendrites and axons
an accumulation of extracellular fibrillar proteins and abnormal dendrites and axons
Remember that this problem involves the appearance of “knots.”
Why is the axon of a ganglionic neuron called a postganglionic fiber?
It carries impulses toward the ganglion.
It carries impulses to the target organ.
It carries impulses away from the ganglion.
All of the listed responses are correct.
It carries impulses away from the ganglion.
Remember the meaning of the prefix post.
The effects produced by sympathetic postganglionic fibers in spinal nerves include which of the following?
acceleration of blood flow to skeletal muscles
stimulation of secretion by sweat glands
dilation of the pupils and focusing of the eyes
All of the listed responses are correct.
All of the listed responses are correct.
Remember that there are multiple effects from these fibers.
The summary effects of the collateral ganglia include which of the following?
deceleration of blood flow and stimulation of energy production
deceleration of the heart rate and dilation of respiratory passageways
dilation of the pupils and focusing of the eyes
redirection of blood flow and energy use by visceral organs and release of stored energy
redirection of blood flow and energy use by visceral organs and release of stored energy
Remember that these are structures within the sympathetic nervous system.
Stimulation of alpha-1 receptors on a target cell triggers a __________.
depolarization that has an inhibitory effect
repolarization that has an inhibitory effect
hyperpolarization that results in a refractory period
depolarization that has an excitatory effect
depolarization that has an excitatory effect
Remember that these cause peripheral blood vessels to constrict.
What is the major structural difference between sympathetic preganglionic and ganglionic fibers?
Preganglionic fibers innervate target organs, whereas postganglionic fibers originate from cranial nerves.
Preganglionic fibers are close to target organs, and postganglionic fibers are close to the spinal cord.
Preganglionic fibers are short, and postganglionic fibers are long.
Preganglionic fibers are long, and postganglionic fibers are short.
Preganglionic fibers are short, and postganglionic fibers are long.
Which of the following adrenergic receptors produce(s) stimulatory effects, including stimulation of metabolism and energy consumption?
both alpha-1 and beta-1
both alpha-1 and beta-1
The effects of parasympathetic stimulation are usually __________.
brief in duration and diverse in distribution
long in duration and diverse in distribution
long in duration and restricted to specific organs and sites
brief in duration and restricted to specific organs and sites
brief in duration and restricted to specific organs and sites
Remember that the opposing division has long-lasting effects.
How does a medication that blocks beta receptors help a patient with high blood pressure?
Beta-1 receptors in the heart do not stimulate an increase in the force and rate of heart contractions.
Beta-2 receptors trigger a decrease in the size of the respiratory passageways.
Beta-3 receptors trigger a decrease in levels of lipolysis.
All of the listed responses are correct.
Beta-1 receptors in the heart do not stimulate an increase in the force and rate of heart contractions.
Remember that an agonist will enhance cardiac contraction.
During a crisis, the event necessary for the individual to cope with stressful and potentially dangerous situations is called __________.
the effector response
parasympathetic activation
splanchnic innervation
sympathetic activation
sympathetic activation
The two classes of sympathetic receptors include __________.
alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptors
beta-1 and beta-2 receptors
ganglionic and preganglionic receptors
alpha and beta receptors
alpha and beta receptors
Remember that these are G protein-coupled receptors.
Intramural ganglia are components of the parasympathetic division that are located __________.
in the nasal and salivary glands
in the intrinsic eye muscles
inside the tissues of visceral organs
in the adrenal medulla
inside the tissues of visceral organs
Remember there is a close association and proximity here.
Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers of the vagus nerve entering the abdominopelvic cavity join the __________.
pulmonary plexus
celiac plexus
cardiac plexus
hypogastric plexus
celiac plexus
Remember that this is also known as a solar plexus.
Sensory nerves deliver information to the central nervous system (CNS) along the __________.
cranial nerves
autonomic nerves that innervate peripheral effectors
spinal nerves
spinal nerves, cranial nerves, and autonomic nerves that innervate peripheral effectors
spinal nerves, cranial nerves, and autonomic nerves that innervate peripheral effectors
Think about all the structures that connect sensory neurons to the CNS.
Which of the following choices lists only sympathetic reflexes?
defecation, urination, digestion, and secretion reflexes
cardioacceleratory, vasomotor, pupillary, and ejaculation reflexes
light, consensual light, sexual arousal, and baroreceptor reflexes
swallowing, coughing, sneezing, and vomiting reflexes
cardioacceleratory, vasomotor, pupillary, and ejaculation reflexes
While Michael is sleeping, his eye muscles are moving, but all other skeletal muscles are at rest. Which of the following statements about Michael is true?
He is in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
His reticular activating system (RAS) has not been stimulated sufficiently to arouse the cerebral cortex.
He is likely dreaming.
All of the listed responses are correct.
All of the listed responses are correct.
Remember that sleep happens with the aid of the cerebral cortex.