Spinal Cord, ETC - Chapter 13 Flashcards
Which of the following is NOT found in the CNS?
neuron cell bodies located in nuclei
neuron cell bodies located in ganglia
the cerebral cortex of the brain
the gray and white matter of the spinal cord
neuron cell bodies located in ganglia
Think about clusters of neuron cell bodies outside the CNS.
What is true of the peripheral nervous system (PNS)?
Spinal nerves connect to the spinal cord.
Cranial nerves connect to the brain.
Neuron cell bodies are located in ganglia.
All of the listed responses are correct.
All of the listed responses are correct.
Think about various characteristics of the PNS.
What are the tracts in the CNS that link the brain with the rest of the body composed of?
nuclei and neural cortex
sensory and motor pathways
tracts and columns
None of the listed responses is correct.
sensory and motor pathways
What pathways are coming in and going out of the CNS?
Which of the following statements about the spinal cord is FALSE?
It contains both sensory and motor nuclei.
It is part of the PNS.
It is associated with 31 pairs of spinal nerves.
It is approximately 18 inches in length.
It is part of the PNS.
Think about the division of the nervous system, which the spinal cord is part of.
The dorsal root of a spinal nerve is the site for __________ neurons, whereas the ventral root is the site of __________ neurons.
efferent; afferent
sensory; motor
motor; sensory
sensory; motor
The cervical enlargement of the spinal cord supplies nerves to the __________.
pelvis and legs
back and lumbar region
shoulder girdle and arms
thorax and abdomen
shoulder girdle and arms
To withdraw cerebrospinal fluid during a spinal tap, a needle is inserted into the __________.
pia mater
subarachnoid space
epidural space
subdural space
subarachnoid space
Remember blood vessels are also found in this space.
The meninx that is firmly bound to neural tissue and deep to the other meninges is the __________.
pia mater
arachnoid membrane
epidural space
dura mater
pia mater
Remember the first part of the name means “delicate.”
The white matter of the spinal cord contains __________.
somatic and visceral sensory nuclei
large numbers of myelinated and unmyelinated axons
sensory and motor nuclei
cell bodies of neurons and glial cells
large numbers of myelinated and unmyelinated axons
Remember these structures are the pathways for action potentials.
The area of the spinal cord that surrounds the central canal and is dominated by the cell bodies of neurons and glial cells is the __________.
white matter
descending tracts
ascending tracts
gray matter
gray matter
Remember this forms the shape of the letter H in the cross section of a spinal cord.
The posterior gray horns of the spinal cord contain __________.
anterior and posterior columns
somatic and visceral motor nuclei
ascending and descending tracts
somatic and visceral sensory nuclei
somatic and visceral sensory nuclei
Remember this area receives information.
The delicate connective tissue fibers that surround individual axons of spinal nerves compose a layer called the __________.
Remember the prefix that means “inner.”
The trapezius muscle is innervated by nerves from which plexus?
Think of the word that relates to the neck region.
The brachial plexus innervates the __________.
neck and arm
thorax and arm
shoulder girdle and arm
neck and shoulder girdle
shoulder girdle and arm
Remember the meaning of the term “brachial” as well as what connects to this.
Parallel processing is the “neural circuit” in which __________.
several neurons synapse on the postsynaptic neuron
several neurons or neuronal pools process the same information at one time
a specific input is broadly distributed
use of positive feedback stimulates presynaptic neurons
several neurons or neuronal pools process the same information at one time
Remember what the word “parallel” means.
When sensory information is relayed from one part of the brain to another, the pattern is called __________.
serial processing
parallel processing
serial processing
The final step involved in a neural reflex is __________.
information processing
the activation of a motor neuron
the activation of a sensory neuron
a response by an effector
a response by an effector
Remember the purpose and eventual result of a reflex.
The goal of information processing during a neural reflex is the selection of __________.
an appropriate motor response and the activation of specific motor neurons
appropriate sensory selections and activation of specific sensory neurons
appropriate motor selections and specific sensory responses
appropriate sensory selections and specific motor responses
an appropriate motor response and the activation of specific motor neurons
Remember the result of reflex actions and the decisions involved.
Consider the steps of a reflex arc. Which step follows information processing?
response of a peripheral effector
arrival of a stimulus and activation of a receptor
activation of a motor neuron
activation of a sensory neuron
activation of a motor neuron
Which of the following statements about innate reflexes is FALSE?
They are genetically programmed.
They are the result of connections formed between neurons during development.
They are exemplified by the suckling reflex.
They are learned over time and enhanced by repetition.
They are learned over time and enhanced by repetition.
Remember these reflexes are present at birth.
A professional skier making a rapid, automatic adjustment in body position while racing is performing an example of __________.
an innate reflex
an acquired reflex
a patellar reflex
a cranial reflex
an acquired reflex
Remember this reflex requires learning.
Which of the following reflexes occurs in the LEAST amount of time?
knee-jerk reflex
tendon reflex
crossed extensor reflex
reflexes associated with walking
knee-jerk reflex
Remember this is a monosynaptic reflex.
The sensory receptors in the stretch reflex are the __________.
Golgi tendon organs
s corpuscles
Pacinian corpuscles
muscle spindles
muscle spindles
Remember these are in deep structures.
When one set of motor neurons is stimulated, those controlling antagonistic muscles are inhibited. This statement illustrates the principle of __________.
crossed extensor reflex
ipsilateral reflex
reciprocal inhibition
contralateral reflex
reciprocal inhibition
Think about the equal and opposite actions happening at the same time in this system.
Which of the following statements concerning postural reflexes is INCORRECT?
Postural reflexes are triggered by extremely sensitive stretch receptors.
Postural reflexes help maintain an upright posture.
Postural reflexes may be monosynaptic or polysynaptic.
None of the listed responses is incorrect; all are correct
None of the listed responses is incorrect; all are correct.
Think about all the statements that are correct.
Which of the following occurs as descending inhibitory synapses develop?
noticeable fanning of the toes in adults
disappearance of the Babinski response
a decrease in the facilitation of spinal reflexes
a positive Babinski response
disappearance of the Babinski response
Remember this involves a reflex present in infants.
The highest level of motor control involves a series of interactions that occur __________.
in the gamma efferents to the intrafusal fibers
as monosynaptic reflexes that are rapid but stereotyped
in the descending pathways that provide facilitation and inhibition
in centers in the brain that can modulate or build on reflexive motor patterns
in centers in the brain that can modulate or build on reflexive motor patterns
Remember this occurs in the most superior regions of the CNS.
The designation C3 relative to the spinal cord refers to the __________.
third cerebrospinal layer
third coccygeal ligament
third cranial nerve
third cervical segment
third cervical segment
April stubs her left hallux as she is walking to the kitchen at night. Which nerve and which plexus are involved in the sensation of pain sent to her brain?
fibular nerve and sacral plexus
tibial nerve and sacral plexus
median nerve and brachial plexus
sciatic nerve and lumbar plexus
fibular nerve and sacral plexus
Spinal nerves are classified as mixed nerves because they contain __________.
ascending and descending pathways
white matter and gray matter
both sensory and motor fibers
both dorsal and ventral roots
both sensory and motor fibers
Which of the following statements about the meninges is FALSE?
The pia mater is firmly bound to the neural tissue of the spinal cord and brain.
CSF can be found in the subarachnoid space.
The denticulate ligaments branch from the pia layer to stabilize the position of the spinal cord.
An epidural block is a dose of anesthetic given in the subdural space.
An epidural block is a dose of anesthetic given in the subdural space.
Remember to look at prefixes to distinguish meanings.
The cauda equina is a complex of the spinal cord that includes __________.
the coccygeal and denticulate ligaments
the enlargements of the cervical and thoracic regions of the cord
the posterior and anterior median sulci
the filum terminale and the ventral and dorsal roots caudal to the conus medullaris
the filum terminale and the ventral and dorsal roots caudal to the conus medullar is
Remember this name means “horse’s tail.”
The epidural space is an area that contains __________.
a delicate network of collagen and elastic fibers
the spinal fluid
loose connective tissue, blood vessels, and adipose tissue
blood vessels and sensory and motor fibers
loose connective tissue, blood vessels, and adipose tissue
Remember this is a superficial region around the spinal cord.
In the spinal cord, the cerebrospinal fluid is found within the __________.
central canal and subarachnoid space
central canal and epidural space
subarachnoid and epidural spaces
subdural and epidural spaces
central canal and subarachnoid space
Remember the axial region as well as the space containing networks of connective tissue fibers.
Which of the following statements about shingles is FALSE?
A person who has had chickenpox could get shingles.
It is an inflammation of spinal nerves and their corresponding dermatomes.
It is caused by the varicella zoster virus.
Fortunately, shingles, like chickenpox, can be experienced once in life
Fortunately, shingles, like chickenpox, can be experienced only once in life.
The dura mater attaches itself at its base to the skeletal system through what structure?
coccygeal ligament
dorsal roots of spinal nerves
denticulate ligament
None of the listed responses is correct.
coccygeal ligament
The axons in the white matter of the spinal cord that carry sensory information up toward the brain are organized into __________.
posterior white columns
anterior white columns
ascending tracts
descending tracts
ascending tracts
Remember the word referring to moving in an upward direction
In reference to the vertebral column, C2 refers to the cervical nerve that __________.
follows vertebra C2
precedes vertebra C2
precedes vertebra C3
is between vertebrae C2 and C3
precedes vertebra C2
Remember that this pattern follows all cervical vertebrae except one.
The white ramus is the branch of a spinal nerve that consists of __________.
myelinated postganglionic axons
myelinated preganglionic axons
unmyelinated preganglionic axons
unmyelinated postganglionic axons
myelinated preganglionic axons
Remember the effect of myelin as well as where signals travel away from the CNS.
Unmyelinated fibers that innervate glands and smooth muscles in the body wall or limbs form the __________.
ramus communicans
gray ramus
autonomic ganglion
white ramus
gray ramus
Remember the effect of myelin on the appearance of the fibers.
The lumbo-sacral plexus that supplies the pelvic girdle and the leg includes the spinal nerves __________.
Think about the region just above the lumbar area.
Pain receptors are the __________.
dendrites of sensory neurons
specialized cells that respond to a limited range of stimuli
activators of motor neurons
axons of motor neurons
dendrites of sensory neurons
Remember these are unmodified entryways to the neural cell body.
Reflexive removal of a hand from a hot stove and blinking when the eyelashes are touched are examples of __________.
cranial reflexes
innate reflexes
synaptic reflexes
acquired reflexes
innate reflexes
Remember no learning is required for these reflexes.
Why are the most complicated responses produced by polysynaptic responses?
The delay between stimulus and response is minimized.
The interneurons can control several different muscle groups.
There is an absence of interneurons, which minimizes delay.
The postsynaptic motor neuron serves as the processing center.
The interneurons can control several different muscle groups.
Remember that more association networks increase complexity.
Several neurons synapsing on a single postsynaptic neuron are __________.
serial processing
The activity occurring in the Golgi tendon organ involves __________.
excitatory or inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
a cooperative effort by many different muscle groups
the stretching of the collagen fibers and stimulation of the sensory neuron
many complex polysynaptic reflexes
the stretching of the collagen fibers and stimulation of the sensory neuron
Remember this functions to protect the muscle fibers from damage.
Which of the following is an example of a visceral reflex?
stretch reflex
micturition (urinary) reflex
withdrawal reflex
crossed extensor reflex
micturition (urinary) reflex
Remember the definition for internal organ.
Which of the following is an example of a somatic reflex?
micturition (urination) reflex
defecation reflex
stretch reflex
Hering-Breuer reflex (lung inflation reflex)
stretch reflex
Remember this involves organs under volitional control.
In an adult, CNS injury is suspected if there is __________.
a negative Babinski reflex
a plantar reflex
a positive Babinski reflex
an increase in facilitating synapses
a positive Babinski reflex
Remember what should only be present in infants.
Which of these INCORRECTLY explains a sequence of events in a muscle spindle under the given conditions?
central portion of the intrafusal fibers is stretched; frequency of action potentials increases
gamma efferents are stimulated; triggers contraction of myofibrils of intrafusal fibers
frequency of action potentials are decreased; triggers contraction of extrafusal fibers
central portion of the intrafusal fibers is compressed; frequency of action potentials decreases
frequency of action potentials are decreased; triggers contraction of extrafusal fibers
Remember stimulation will produce action potentials along sensory pathways.