⭐️ the multi store model of memory✅ Flashcards
what 2 psychologists came up with this model?
Atkinson and shriffin
how many stores are identified in this model? what are they called?
3 systems -
sensory register → STM → LTM
what does the sensory register take information from?
what is the duration of the SR?
what is the capacity of the SR?
what is coding like in the SR?
things in the environment that are detected by the 5 senses
1 SECOND duration
high capacity to whole info from all senses
depends on the sense eg. visual, auditory
what needs to happen to the information in the SR for it to successfully pass into the STM?
Needs attention paid to it
whats the duration like in the STM?
whats the capacity like?
what type of coding is it?
about 18-30 seconds unless info is rehearsed
5-9 items before forgetting occurs
what needs to happen for info to pass from the STM to the LTM?
what happens to the info if we rehearse it long enough ?
rehearsal maintenance , info stays in the STM as long as its rehearsed
it passes through to the LTM
what kind of memory store is it?
what needs to happen. if we want to recall stuff in the LTM?
whats the duration like?
it needs to be brought back to the STM by retrieval
potentially up to a lifetime
usually in terms of meaning …. semantic
✅ 2 strengths
✅ supported but case of HM - he couldn’t encode new long term memories after surgery (had his hippocampus removed) but his STM was unaffected. this demonstrates the separate systems as explained by this model
✅ good understanding of the structure and process of the STM. acc discusses the LTM, WMM doesn’t. This is good because this allows researchers to expand on this model. researchers can do experiments to improve on this model and make it more valid and they can prove what the stores actually do. so the model is influential as it has generated a lot of research into memory.
❌3 weaknesses (rehearsal)
❌rehearsal is not essential to transfer information into LTM. For example, why are we able to recall information which we did not rehearse (e.g. swimming) yet unable to recall information which we have rehearsed (e.g. reading your notes while revising).
❌ WWM is said to be better for explaining the different components in depth … supported by key research such as KF
❌only explains one type of rehearsal … Rehearsal is to simplistic to explain the transfer of information from STM to LTM. For instance, the model ignores factors such as motivation, effect and strategy (e.g. mnemonics) which underpin learning.