The mourning process: the mediators of mourning Flashcards
Who is behind the mediators of mourning and how many are there?
Worden and there are 7 mediators
What is the first mediator?
Who the person was who died
-Kinship defines the deceased’s relationship to the survivor
-How would you expect this to influence grief?
-Age of the person at the time of death can influence how grieving occurs
What is the second mediator?
The nature of the attachment
-Strength of the attachment
-Security of the attachment
-The ambivalence in the relationship
-Conflicts with the deceased
-Dependent relationships
What is the third mediator?
How the person died
-NASH: Natural, Accident, Suicide, Homicide
-HUMANS: Homicide, Unknown, Medical misadventures, Accident, Natural, Suicide
What are some factors affection mediator three?
How the person died
-Suddenness/ unexpectedness
-Violent/ traumatic death
-Multiple losses lead to bereavement overload
-Preventable death
-Stigmatized death
-Ambiguous death
What do people struggle the most with?
Processing a loss
What is the fourth mediator?
Historical antecedent
-What came before
-How were previous loses handled
-Mental health issues
-Family issues
What is the fifth mediator?
Personality traits
Who suggested that taking mourner’s personality structure into account when understanding the mourning process for an individual
What are the variables to consider when looking at mediator five?
- Gender
- Coping style
- Attachment style
- Cognition style
- Ego strength
- Core beliefs and values
Men and women are out of synch with the other when it comes to their grieving practices
Incongruent grieving
What are some of the factors looked at when looking at the gender variable in personality
-Socialization differs between genders
-In ancient Greece, men and women grieved very similarly
-Today gender differences become apparent between ages 12-18
-Men who lose spouses after 50 or more years of marriage effectively cope with the loss
When did the shift in grieving type based on gender start to occur?
-During the industrial revolution is when the change began to occur. Men became more focused on work (and wealth) and less focuses on emotions (all work and no play)
Changing thoughts and acts that an individual uses to manage the external and internal demands of a situation
Coping styles in mediator five
Type of coping style using the skill at one’s disposal solve problems; issues when ineffective techniques - individual tend to give up when it’s not working
-Not effective when it comes to death
Problem solving
Type of coping skill most effective since its always redefining the situation and looking for redemptive qualities even in bad times; open to support
-Most advisable by Worden
Active emotional coping
Type of coping skill that eludes the issue at all costs; a maladaptive behavior causing the person to withdraw and fear commitment, typically a cause for anxiety
-No advisable by Worden
Avoident emotional coping
-Set up early in life
-Goal is to maintain or establish proximity to attachment figures
-Attachment figure’s responsiveness determines our personalities
-Traits are stable, but shaped by traumatic events
-Adult attachments are difference because both adults are attachment figures for the other
Attachment style in mediator five
Reflects attitude and thinking process, our attitudes and thoughts affect the healing process
-Optimism vs pesimism
Cognitive style in mediator five
A person living in the negative side of emotional events focusing solely on the negativity
An individuals self esteem and self efficacy
-Death challenges these areas making task 3 more difficult
Ego strength in mediator five
What a person finds to be meaningful
Core belief and value in mediator five
What is the sixth mediator?
Social variables
-We are all socially connected in some way
-Support is necessary
-If support is satisfactory, it is easier for healing to occur
-Ex. family, friends, pets, support groups, roles within family and friends, religious outlets
What is the seventh mediator?
Concurrent stresses
-Continue dealing with the normal stresses of life
-Like does not stop just because the death occurred for survivor