Special types of losses Flashcards
Deliberate act of killing oneself, self imposed, sudden, and often violent
Stats on suicide:
1. Suicide is in the top 10 ___ ___ ___ in the US
2. There is a suicide ~once every ___
3. At least ___ - ___ deaths per year by suicide
4. 1 out of every ___ “accidental” deaths could have been a suicide
5. ___ ___ ___ attempt suicide every year
6. ___ are often more successful, but ___ attempt more
7. ___ ___ ___ have the highest demographic
8. 1/3 of all suicides that are ___ were ___ previously
9. ___ ___ is linked to suicide
10. Only ___% - ___% are accompanied with a note which could be to explain, ease emotional pain, or cause pain
- causes of death
- 20 minutes
- 30,000 - 40,000
- 4
- Half a million
- Men, women
- Elderly white men
- completed, attempted
- Substance abuse
- 25-30%
More stats on suicide:
1. ___ ___ ___ is the meka of suicide in the US
2. ___ has the highest number of suicides
3. ___ has the greatest number of suicides per captia
4. The months ___ and ___, the weekday ___, and ___ ___ time of day have the highest
5. ___ - ___/___ teenage suicide was on the decline but has been increasing since
6. 3 quarters of people who completed/ attempted have been to aa medical professional in the last ___ ___
7. The top methods are #1 ___, #2 ___, #3 ___
8. ___ is often a key symptom
9. Tell tale sign is ___ ___ ___. They seem fine because everything was settled
- San Fransisco’s Golden Gate Bridge
- Las Vegas
- Alaska
- May and June, Mondays, early morning
- 2000 - 2010/2015
- 6 months
- # 1 firearms, #2 suffocation, #3 poison
- Hopelessness
- giving away possessions
What do the family and friends of a competed suicide victim go through?
-The person who is “blamed” feels shame, guilt, anger
-They need support
-May go back to denial/ distortion (task 1)
-Suicide is not hereditary or contagious. Mental health issues are genetic
French sociologist (one of the founders) who was all about integration of society
-4 types of suicide
-Published “Suicide” in 1897
-How societies maintained coherence
Emile Durkheim
Stats on suicide as found by Emile Durkheim:
Who has a higher rate of suicide in the following comparisons?
1. Men or women?
2. Married women with children or married women without children
3. Single people with children or single people without children
4. Protestants or catholics
5. Soldiers or civilians
6. In times of war or times of peace
7. Those with higher education or less education
- Men
- married women without children
- Single people without children
- Protestants
- Soldiers
- In times of peace
- Those with higher education
Type of suicide that is honorable, done for the greater good, selfless act
Type of suicide where one has very few ties to others
Type of suicide where the person chooses suicide because of a fatal illness/ loss of freedom
Type of suicide where society itself is disconnected and chaotic, the person feels alienated and anxious
Anomic (lawless)
What is the psychological model of suicide?
-Freud believes suicide derives from overwhelmed defense mechanisms causing ambivalence
-Suicide is the result of one’s mental health and emotional life converging and being in conflict
-The pervasive feelings are hopelessness and ambivalence
-Those who attempt suicide report fantasizing about being alive after attempt
-Dyadic in nature
-Depression (of other mental health disorders are typically involved
A disorder of varying severity; accompanied by shifts in mood
-Manic phase
-Depressive phase
-Common treatment in medication and therapy
Bipolar (manic depressive) disorder
Extremely debilitating condition that can occur after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which harm occurred or was threatened
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
-Symptoms: flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, detachment, depression, guilt for survival, sudden outbursts
-Diagnosis: symptoms of at least 1mo (in 4% of the population)
-Treatment: behavioral modification/ cognitive therapy, group therapy, medication, animals
The sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant which remains unexplained after a complete autopsy and review of circumstances surrounding the death
-After death:
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
-Prevention: back to sleep, tummy to play. Should be sleeping first 6mos in same room as parent. No soft bedding
-After death: parents go under microscope and investigates(feel guilt before innocence). SIDS support group, every SIDS is an autopsy
Stats on SIDS:
1. SIDS is traumatic for ___
2. references throughout ___
3. Back to ___, tummy to ___
4. Birth - 1yr, but peaks at ___ - ___ mos
5. More common in ___
6. Higher likelihood is baby was ___ of ___ in one birth
7. Higher likelihood if baby was ___ and ___ birth weight
8. ___ and ___ american have highest rate. ___ have the lowest
9. Most likely to occur in ___ / ___ seasons
- parents
- history
- sleep, play
- 2 - 6
- Males
- one of multiple
- premature and low
- Native and African have highest. Asian have lowest
- Fall / winter
Loss of a child before the 20th week of pregnancy
Loss of a child due to natural causes after the 20th week of pregnancy
Still birth
- Common reason for still birth and miscarriage:
- Myths about still birth and miscarriage:
- What can be helpful:
Common reason for still birth and miscarriage:
-Issues with placenta
-birth defect
-infection/ mother health issues
-Umbilical cord accidents -
Myths about still birth and miscarriage:
-Easy to get over
-Another baby will replace the loss
-If someone goes through pregnancy loss, they can’t be happy for others -
What can be helpful:
-Parents spend time with child (give bath, dress them, new baby book, photos, have baby baptised)
Stats on stillbirth and miscarriage
1. There are 6 million pregnancies a year. ___ are live births and ___ are pregnancy losses
2. Gestational loss is often ___
3. Most pregnancy losses occur within the first ___ ___
- 4 million, 2 million
- Disenfranchised
- 16 weeks
The act of painlessly but deliberately causing the death of another who is suffering from an incurable/ painful disease/ condition
-Means the good death in Greek
Types of euthanasia
1. Person themself consents
2. Person was not able to give consent before incapacitation
3. Against the will of an individual
- Voluntary
- Non voluntary
- Involuntary
Methods of euthanasia
1. Lethal injection, mercy kill
2. Removing treatment, removing life support
- Active
- Passive
Physician providing medications or other means to a patient with the understanding that the patient intends to use to commit suicide
-Must have a fatal diagnosis from 2 separate doctors
-Must be cleared by a psychiatric doctor
Physician aided suicide/ death
Specialized healthcare program that holistically serves patients with terminal illness during last days of life
-Began in middle ages for poor/ sick travelers (care for mind body spirit)
-Diagnosed by a doctor as having less than 6mos to live
Brought back the idea of the hospice concept in 1966 from the middle ages and opened St. Christophers hospice in London with Kubler-Ross
Dr. Cicely Saunders
What is the modern philosophy of hospice
-To control the symptoms rather than cure the disease
-Care given in home or home like setting
-Attend to emotional, spiritual, physical, and social needs of patient and family
-Patient autonomy: allow them to make choices for care and once they are incapable the family decides
-Offer palliative care: relieve pain and promote comfort
-Does not euthanize patients
Type of hospice where there is a separated wing for the terminally ill; can occur in the hospital or nursing facility
Separated ward
Type of hospice where there is integration throughout the hospital or nursing home; there is no seperation
Type of hospice that is stand alone; operated as it’s own entity; many close because of the high operation costs
Free standing
Type of hospice where treatment is provided in the home, most commonly prescribed
Home care
Characterized by the presence of grief in anticipation of death or loss; usually hinged on the knowledge of an incurable illness/ disease/ condition
-Grief work done to loosen bonds to the dying
-Common emotion to experience is anxiety
-Concerns over prematurely detaching from loved one
-A time for rehersal
Anticipatory grief