Counseling skills Flashcards
Gives you bad advice, tells you what you want to hear, shows more sympathy, are enablers, provides a comfort level, non confidential relationship
Being a friend
Outsiders with personal relationship, have clinical boundaries, confidentiality, good for private issues, provide a plan of action, have time limits, and must be paid
Being a counselor
Counselor method where advice is given as the result of consultation
The Webster method
Counselor method that occurs anytime a person helps someone else with a problem
The Jackson method
Counselor method that states good communication between people is always therapeutic
The Rodgers method
Counselor method where therapeutic experience for reasonably healthy people to seek assistance before serious disorders develops
The Oblsen method
Types of counseling:
Giving specialized information or sharing your knowledge
Types of counseling:
Specific situation is stemming from a crisis (something that produces pain or suffering)
-Providing support
Situational (derived counseling)
Types of counseling:
Intervention with people who’s needs are specific by people with specialized training
Types of counseling:
Person providing guidance/ person receiving guidance
Counselor/ councelee
What kinds of counselors are FD?
Informational and situational
Counselor takes on more of a speaking roll, suggests possibilities and asks questions
Directive style of counceling
Counselor takes a passive role and reflects to the client non verbally, while always listening and limiting the speaking
-Client centered
Non-directive style of counseling
Ability to enter into and share the feelings of other really it’s the counselor’s capacity to understand the subjective role of the client and communicate this understanding back to the client
-Basic formula of ___: you feel certain emotions because of given situation
Counselor who used the client centered counseling style
-Basic philosophy: people are generally trustworthy, capable of understanding themselves, and continually change and grow
-Believed that a person comes actively and voluntarily to gain help on a problem without the notion of surrendering their own responsibility for the situation; non directive style
-Challenged the Fruedian idea that the therapist is the expert
-Believed that the relationship is the most important factor not the type of therapy used
Carl Rogers
What are Roger’s 3 conditions to keep in mind?
- Demonstrate empathy
- Congruence (genuiness) - be authentic
- Unconditional positive regard - accept people (respect)
Dr. Alan Wolfelt states that there are 4 characteristics of a helping FD. What are they?
- Empathy - be able to enter into and share another’s feelings
- Warmth and caring - friendly and considerate; done nonverbally through body language
- Respect - everyone has the right to make decisions and be different
- Genuiness - ability to present oneself sincerely
What are the things that would prevent a FD from being helpful? (barriers)
- FD dominance - they are just there to help them through
- Bombarding with questions
- Ineffective/ inappropriate self-disclosure
- FD offer platitudes or false reassurance
- Discouraging the expression of emotions and tears
- Emotional distancing
What are the common counseling types done in FD?
-Pre-need: helping for the future
-At-need helping family through a loss in the moment and making arrangements
-Post need: aftercare
What are the responsibilities of the FD?
-Normalize grieving behaviors
-Follow up with post funeral counseling
-Identify pathology and refer
-Provide into for support group
-Teaching people about grief and healthy grieving by sponsoring/ presenting education programs in the community
The pneumonic device of non verbal communication is SOLER. What do each of these letters stand for?
S: Sit Squarely
O: Open posture
L: Lean (towards the other person)
E: Eye contact
R: Relax
Counseling skill:
Giving undivided attention and appropriate amount of feedback. Mostly non verbal, some verbal
Active listening (attending)
Counseling skill:
Reflecting the main points of what has been said. Verbal
Counseling skill:
Focusing on emotion being discussed. Getting a finger on the pulse of emotional tone of conversation
Counseling skill:
Brining vague to clarity
Counseling skill:
Keeping things on track, coming up with ideas
-Indirect: using guided questions or statements that stay on the more general side.
-Direct: getting information, getting specifics. Helps find empathetic moments
Counseling skill:
Open or close ended
-Open: allows family to go on and on
-Closed: yes or no, dates, black or white
Counseling skill:
Taking contents discussed and brining it all together
Counseling skill:
Just a quiet and let other person take the lead
-Unsystematic: other person continues while other is just quiet
-Deliberate: person using silence as an act
A highly emotional temporary state in which individual feelings of anxiety, grief, confusion, or pain impair the ability to act
Qualities and characteristics:
-Something outside of the person causes it
-Usually emotionally hazardous
-normal and not mental health episodes
-focus determines your reality
-Typically gets regressive or primitive in coping mechanisms
-Has potential to force withdrawal or isolation
What are the ABCs of crisis intervention?
-Achieve contact
-Boil down the problem
-Coping with the problem (aftercare insertion)
Intentional intervention based on the person’s inability to function normally because of a crisis situation
Crisis counseling
Helping people facilitate uncomplicated or normal grief to a healthy adaption to the tasks of mourning within a reasonable time frame
Grief counseling
Specialized techniques that are used to help people with abnormal or complicated grief reactions
Grief therapy