The Measure of Mind: Methods of Psychology Flashcards
case study
this is the in-depth analysis of the behaviour of one person or a small number of people.
control group
These are the subjects in an experimental study who do not receive the treatment being investigated. They are the group that experience all experimental procedures with the exception of exposure to the independent variable.
correlation coefficient
This is a statistical index ranging from -1.00 to +1.00 that indicates how strongly a pair of variables are associated.
correlation research
This is a non-experimental study that quantifies the degree to which events, measures or variables are associated
dependent variable
this is the element of an experiment that measures any effect of an independent variable (manipulation). It shows the result part of the hypothesis.
descriptive statistics
this is the mathematical summaries of results such as measures of the average and amount of variation.
double-blind procedure
this is research in which neither the observer nor the subjects know which subjects received the treatments.
A research design that controls for placebo effects in which neither the participant nor the experimenter observing the participant knows whether the participant was given an active substance or treatment or a placebo.
It is the method of learning about reality through systematic observation and experimentation.
This is the practise of basing conclusions on facts, without the influence of personal emotion and bias.
confirmation bias
this is the tendency to notice and remember instances that support your beliefs more than instances that contradict them.
critical thinking
This is the ability to think clearly, rationally and independently.
These are a set of facts and relationships between facts that can explain and predict related phenomena.
These are comprehensive explanations of observable events.
This is a proposed explanation for a situation, usually taking the form: “if A happens, then B would be the result”.
this is the predicted outcome of an experiment or an educated guess about the relationship between variables.
Peer review
This is the process of having other experts examine research prior to its publication.
This is the repeating of an experiment and producing the same results.
these are hypothetical internal attributes that cannot be directly observed but is useful for describing and explaining behaviour.
This is the defining of constructs in ways that allow them to be measured.
descriptive methods
these are research methods designed for making careful, systematic observations.
naturalistic observation
This is the indepth study of a phenomenon in its natural setting.
This is a research method based n careful recording of behaviour in natural settings.
these are a descriptive method in which participants are asked the same questions.
This is the subset of a population being studied.
this is the entire group from which a sample is taken.
focus groups
these are small deliberately chosen group of people who engage in a structured discussion on a topic
This is an interaction in which participants are asked. predetermined set of questions by the researcher and are allowed to provide any sort of response they wish.
This is a measure of the direction and the strength of the relationship between two variables.
this is a factor that has a range of values.
This is a factor or characteristic that is manipulated or measured in a research.
This is a method for describing a variables quantity
third variable
this is a variable that is responsible for a correlation observed between two other variables of interest.
this is a research method that tests hypotheses and allows researchers to make conclusions about causality.
this are studies in which the investigator manipulates at least one variable while measuring at least one other variable.
independent variable
An experimental variable controlled and manipulated by the experimenter; the “if A happens” part of a hypothesis.
This is the variable manipulated by the researcher in an experiment.
experimental groups
These are a group of participants that are exposed to the independent variable.
These are the group that receive the treatment the study is trying to test.
random assignments
This is a procedure in which each participant has an equal chance of being placed in any group in an experiment.
This is the use of chance to place subjects in experimental and control groups.
confounding variables
Variable that is irrelevant to the hypothesis being tested but can alter a researcher’s conclusions.
A statistical analysis of many previous experiments on a single topic.
publication bias
The possibility that published studies are not representative of all work done on a particular phenomenon.
An inactive substance or treatment that cannot be distinguished from a real, active substance or treatment.
cross-sectional study
An experimental design for assessing age-related changes in which data are obtained simultaneously from people of differing ages.
longitudinal study
An experimental design for assessing age-related changes in which data are obtained from the same individuals at intervals over a long period of time.
mixed longitudinal design
A method for assessing age-related changes that combines the cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches by observing a cross-section of participants over a shorter period than is used typically in longitudinal studies.
The consistency of a measure, including test–retest, interrater, intermethod, and internal consistency over time.
This is the stability of test scores over time.
A quality of a measure that leads to correct conclusions (i.e., the measure evaluates the concept that it was designed to do).
This is the degree which a test measures the traits I was designed to.
Descriptive statistics
Statistical methods that organize data into meaningful patterns and summaries, such as finding the average value.
The numerical average of a set of scores.
The halfway mark in a set of data, with half of the scores above it and half below
The most frequently occurring score in a set of data.
standard deviation
A measure of how tightly clustered around the mean a group of scores is.
normal distribution
A symmetrical probability function.
This is a bel shaped curve of scores with a large number in the middle snd very few in the high and low ends.
inferential statistics
Statistical methods that allow experimenters to extend conclusions from samples to larger populations.
To extend conclusions to larger populations outside your research sample.
null hypothesis
A hypothesis stating the default position that there is no real difference between two measures.
statistical significance
A standard for deciding whether an observed result is because of chance
informed consent
Permission obtained from a research participant after the risks and benefits of an experimental procedure have been thoroughly explained.
This is the agreement to take part in an experiment after being told what to expect.
field experiments
An experiment conducted outside of a laboratory setting.
placebo effect
This is a change in symptoms due to a participants expectation that a drug or treatment will do something.