The Biological Mind: The Physical Basis of Behaviour Flashcards
this is part of the limbic system associated with emotional processing.
A subcortical structure located in the temporal lobe believed to participate in emotional processing.
this is the part of the limbic system that is associated with storing memories.
A subcortical structure that participates in memory.
this is the small area of the brain that regulates emotional behaviours and basic biological needs.
A subcortical structure that participates in the regulation of thirst, temperature, hunger, sexual behaviour, and aggression.
The division of the nervous system
The Nervous system
1. Central Nervous system
A) The brain
B) The spinal cord
- Peripheral Nervous system
A) Somatic Nervous system
B) The Autonomic Nervous system
I) The Sympathetic
II) The Parasympathetic nervous system
spinal cord
the column of nerves that transmit information between the brain and the peripheral nervous system.
A long cylinder of neural tissue extending from the medulla of the brain down to the middle of the back; part of the CNS.
Somatic nervous system
the network linking the spinal cord with the body and organs.
The part of the peripheral nervous system that brings sensory information to the central nervous system and transmits commands to the muscles.
Autonomic nervous sytem
Is the collection of axons that carry information to and from internal organs and glands.
The division of the peripheral nervous system that directs the activity of glands, organs, and smooth muscles.
Sympathetic nervous system
This is the division of the autonomic nervous system that coordinates arousal
Parasympathetic nervous system
this is the part of the autonomic nervous system that quiets the body and conserves energy.
The division of the autonomic nervous system associated with rest, repair, and energy storage.
Cell body
this is the part of the
that contains the nucleus of the cell.
The large, central mass of a neuron, containing the nucleus.
myelin sheath
This is the insulating material covering some axons
The Central nervous system
The brain and spinal cord.
peripheral nervous system (PNS)
The nerves exiting the CNS that carry sensory and motor information to and from the rest of the body.
this is a cell in the nervous system that transmits information.
A cell of the nervous system that is specialized to send and receive neural messages.
The branch of a neuron that is usually responsible for transmitting information to other neurons.
They are neural fibres that receive incoming messages.
A branch from the neural cell body that usually receives input from other neurons.
Nervous system cells that perform a variety of support functions, including formation of the blood–brain barrier and myelin.
action potential
This is a brief change in a neuron’s electric charge.
The electrical signal arising in a neuron’s axon.
resting potential
The measure of the electrical charge across a neural membrane when the neuron is not processing information.
This is a microscopic space over which messages pass between two neurons.
A point of communication between two neurons.
This is the chemical that moves information from one nervous system cell to another.
A chemical messenger that communicates across a synapse.
A special channel in the membrane of a neuron that interacts with neurotransmitters released by other neurons.
A process in which molecules of neurotransmitter in the synaptic gap are returned to the axon terminal from which they were released.
Drugs that enhance the actions of neurotransmitters.
Drugs the inhibit the actions of neurotransmitters.
The generation of new neurons.
The ability of neurons to change in structure and function throughout the life span.
The part of the brain containing the midbrain, pons, and medulla.
It is a structure that connects the brain with the spinal cord and controls vital life functions.
The brainstem structure that lies just above the spinal cord.
A part of the brainstem located between the medulla and the midbrain.
This is a structure in the hind brain involve in controlling coordination and balance.
A structure attached to the brainstem that participates in skilled movement and, in humans, complex cognitive processing.
The part of the brainstem that lies between the pons and the cerebral hemispheres.
reticular formation
It is a collection of cells and fibres in the hind and mid brain that and involved in arousal and attention.
A collection of structures located along the midline of the brainstem that participate in mood, arousal, and sleep
It is t brain structure that relays sensory information to the cerebral cortex.
A subcortical structure involved with the processing of sensory information, states of arousal, and learning and memory.
basal ganglia
A collection of subcortical structures that participate in the control of movement.
nucleus accumbens
A subcortical structure that participates in reward and addiction.
cingulate cortex
A subcortical structure above the corpus callosum. Its anterior (forward) segment participates in decision making and emotion, and its posterior (rear) segment participates in memory and visual processing
corpus callosum
This is the thick bundle of nerve fibres that that connects the two cerebral hemispheres.
A wide band of nerve fibres connecting the right and left cerebral hemispheres.
cerebral cortex
It is a thin wrinkled outer covering of the brain in which high level processes take place.
The thin layer of neurons covering the outer surface of the cerebral hemispheres.
frontal lobe
This is the area of the cortex associate with movement, the sense of self and higher mental functions.
The most forward of the four lobes of the cerebral cortex; location of the primary motor cortex and areas responsible for some of the most complex cognitive processes.
parietal lobe
This is the area of the cortex in which bodily sensations register.
The lobe of the cerebral cortex that lies at the top of the brain between the frontal and the occipital lobes; location of the primary somatosensory cortex.
occipital lobe
This is the cortical area at the back of the brain that plays a role in visual processing
The lobe of the cerebral cortex located at the back of the brain; location of the primary visual cortex.
temporal lobe
These are areas of the cortex that includes the sites in which hearing resisters.
The lobe of the cerebral cortex that curves around the side of each hemisphere; location of the primary auditory cortex.
prefrontal cortex
The most forward part of the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex
Executive functions
The set of basic and higher-level cognitive processes that enable self-regulation and cognitive control of behaviour (e.g., planning, decision making, and goal pursuit).
orbitofrontal cortex
A part of the prefrontal cortex located right behind the eyes that participates in impulse control.
enteric nervous system
A division of the autonomic nervous system consisting of nerve cells embedded in the lining of the gastrointestinal system.
endocrine system
the network of glands that release hormones into the blood stream.
A system responsible for the release of hormones into the bloodstream.
pituitary gland
This is the master gland of the endocrine system that controls the actions of all other glands.
This is a neurotransmitter related to muscle movement and heart rate.
all-or-non principle
neurons fire action potential all the way down the axon or not at all.
association cortex
This is the part of the cortex involved in integrating information from its motor sensory area.
electroencephalograph (EEG)
This is a device that records electrical activity in the brain.
Receptor site
This is the area on the surface of the neuron and other cells that is sensitive to neurotransmitters and hormones.
These are chemicals the body produces that have painkilling and pleasurable effects.
fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
This is a technique that records activity levels in various areas of the brain
Glial cells
These are components of the nervous system that provide various types of support for neurons.
They are chemicals released by the endocrine glands.
Limbic system
They are a set of brain structures that play important roles in regulating emotion and memory.
This is a brain structure that connects the hindbrain with the forebrain.
motor cortex
This is the region of the frontal lobes that are involved in regulating body movement.
Motor neurons
These are cells in the nervous system that transmit commands from the central nervous system to the muscles.
pet scan
This is the high resolution imaging technique that captures brain activity by attaching radioactive particles to glucose molecules.
psensory neurons
These are cells that transmit information from sense organs to the central nervous system.