the male perineum and reproductive Flashcards
Unit 3: The Abdomen & Pelvis
What skin-covered sac of the male reproductive system house the testes?
What is the female homolog of the scrotum?
Labia majora
What layer of smooth muscle lies within the scrotum?
Dartos muscle
What is the function of the dartos muscle?
Constrict the scrotum
What is the copulatory organ of the male?
What is the internal portion of the penis?
What is the elongated, movable portion of the penis?
Body (shaft)
What is the tip of the penis?
What opening is found within the glans penis?
Urethral orifice
What is the circular fold of skin over the tip of the penis?
Prepuce (foreskin)
What are the paired columns of erectile tissue located on the dorsal side of the penis?
Corpora cavernosa (plural)
What column of erectile tissue within the penis surrounds the urethra?
corpus spongiosum
What are the primary sex organs of the male?
Within the testes what are the tightly coiled structures where sperm are produced?
Seminiferous tubules
Where do the testes develop?
Within the abdomen