The Lib Dems Flashcards
What is classical liberalism?
political ideology that emphasises individual liberty
What did the LD party formerly exist as?
1877-coalition between the Whigs and radicals who supported the reform of parliament.
Who were the first leaders of the party?
Lord Palmerstone and William Gladstone
What did Gladstone assert?
“Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear”
What is modern liberalism?
political ideology that builds on ideas of classical liberalism but adapts to the complexities of contemporary society.
to have fulfilment-at least need a basic standard of living
When were the LDs formed?
In 2005 what happened to the party?
Under success of Paddy Ashdown and Charles Kennedy’s opposition to Iraq war, won 62 seats and 22% of the vote in the general election
What approach did the party adopt from 2006-07?
Under Menzies Campbell they were pragmatic and adopted a ‘middle way’ approach
Under Nick Clegg what policies were there?
Orthodox LD policies on issues such as constitutional reform and the protection of civil liberties
What is the Orange Book?
Book published in 2004 which argued that the LDs should reconnect with their 19th century commitment to free trade and free markets
Favours minimal state intervention and supports freedom, tolerance and equality
Endorses Thatcherite economics
What marked the triumph of the ‘Orange Book’ liberals?
tax cuts
Who were key Orange Book liberals?
Nick Clegg
Ed Davey
David Laws
What do social liberals want?
reform and a mixed economy
rejects Thatcherite economics
Who are key social liberals?
Tim Farron
Simon Hughes