The Labour Party Flashcards
Who represented the working people up until 1900?
Trade Unions
They weren’t a political party as they did not seek power
When was the main LP created?
1900 as an offshoot of the trade union movement
What was the Independent Labour Party? (ILP)
Founded in 1893 and was a socialist party committed to overthrow capitalism with a workers state.
In 1906 what did the ILP and LP agree?
Not to put up parliamentary candidates against each other in the same constituencies.
What is socialism?
A political ideology advocating greater equality and the redistribution of wealth. Socialists are critical of capitalism. They favour greater government intervention, in both economic and social policy.
What is Revisionist (or reformist) socialism?
looks to improve capitalism e.g. social democracy
What is Revolutionary (or fundamentalist) socialism?
Aims to abolish capitalism and bring all property into common ownership e.g. Marxist communism
What is social democracy?
A political ideology that accepts the basic premise of capitalism while advocating a more equitable distribution of wealth along the lines favoured by all socialists
What was the LP largely responsible for?
Post-war consensus
What happened in 1945?
LP had a landslide victory under the leadership of Clement Attlee
What did the LP achieve between 1945 and 1951?
Created the Welfare State, NHS, nationalised strategic industries.
What did LP suffer from in 1980?
2 huge defeats at the hands of MTs CP.
What did their defeat bring?
Split in the party
Some eft to form the SDP, some wished to return to ‘Old Labour’.
What is New Labour?
Centrist political movement led by Tony Blair that aimed to modernise the party’s image and policies to appeal to a broader electorate while maintaining Labour values
Why did the LP have to change?
LP in political wilderness, aware of changes in class structure, WC jobs no longer existed so WC population shrunk and MC grew, core support of LP was getting smaller.
They knew they needed to broaden their appeal by being pragmatic
Which principles was Tony Blair influenced by?
The third way