The Learning Process Flashcards
Learning Theory
Body of principals advocated by psychologists and educators to explain how people acquire skills, knowledge, and attitudes
Define learning
Learning is defined as a change in behavior as a result of an experience.
learning is the acquestion of knolodge or understanding of a skill through experience, practice or study.
A theory that stresses the importance of having a particular form of behavior reinforced by someone other than the studen, to shape or control what is learned.
Cognitive Theory
Focuses on what is going on inside the students mind.
learning is not just a change in behavior, it is a change in the way a student thinks, understands, or feels.
3 cognitive theorys
Information Process Theory
Constructivism Theory
Scenario-based training
Information Processing Theory
Uses a computer system as a model for human learning.
A computer gets inputs from a keyboard,mouse, etc.
Where as the human brain gets inputs from the senses:
sight, hearing,touch,taste, and smell
Constructivism Theory
Holds that the learner does not accrue knowledge and slils passively, but actively builds or construct them based on their experiences.
As implied by its name, constructivism emphasizes on building that goes on in a learners mind when he/she learns
Scenrio- Based Training
Is a training system that uses “real world” scenarios to address flight-training objectives.
The instructors should adapt the scenarios to the acft, flight characteristics and flt environment.
The student should always make real-time decisions in realists settings.
Characterics of Learning
Learning is purposeful
Learning is the result of an experience
Learning is multifaceted
Learning is an active process
Learning is Purposful
One student may learn quickly and be able to completely present the assigned material.
A second student’s goals may only to be only comply with the instructors assignments and may result in only minim Prepration
Students learn from any activity that trends to further their goals.
Esch student sees a learning situation from a different view point
past experiences affect readiness to learn and understanding of the requirements involved
Learning is the result of an experience
The Student can learn only from personal experiences.
A person’s knowledge is a result of an experience and no 2 people have had identical experiences.
if an experience challenges the student requires involvement with feelings, thoughts,memory of part of the experiences, and physical activity its more effective than a learning experience in which all students have is to commit something to memory
Learning is multifacted
Students learn much more than expected if they fully Excerise their minds and feelings.
learning process may include verbal elements, conceptual elements, perceptual elements, emotional elements and problem solving elements.
Learning is an active process
Students do not soak up knowledge like a sponge absorbs water
The instructor cannot assume that students remember something just because they were in the classroom or acft when the information or material was presented, neither can the instructor assume the students can apply what they know because they can quote that correct answer verbatim.
6 princepals of learning (laws of learning)
The Basic needs of the learner must be satisfied before he/she is ready to learn.
Instructors should communicate a clear set of goals.
Learning objectives to the students and relate each new topic to objectives
Readiness to learn also involves what is called the “teachable moments” of educational opportunity when a person is particularly responsive to being taugh something.
Teachable moments “
Learning is strengthened when accompanied by pleasant or satisfying feelings and weakened when associated with unpleasant feelings. Experiences that produce feeling of defeat, and frustration, anger,confusion,or futility are unpleasant.
Positive training experiences are more apt to lead to sucess and motivative the learner
Connections are strengthened with practice and weakened when practice is discontinued which reflects the adage “use it or loose it”.
The learner needs to practice what has been learned in order to understand and remember the learning. Practice strengthens as the learning connection
States of being first, often creates a strong, almost unshakable impression.
The reason an instructor must teach correctly the first time and the student must learn correctly the first time, relearning is more diffcult than the initial learning
Immediate, exciting, and dramatic learning connected to a real situation teaches a learner more than a routine or boring experience.
That integrate procedure and tasks the learner is capable or learning make a vivid impression and he/she is least likely to forget the experience
Principle or recency states things most recency learned are best remembered the instructor repeats, restates, and reemphasizes, important points at the end of a lesson to help the learner remember them
4 levels of learning
Rote learning
Basic level of learning in which the student has to repeat back something learned, with no understanding or ability to apply what was learned
Understanding is a basic level of learning which a student comprehends or grasps the nature or meaning of something the comprehesion or understanding level puts 2 or more concepts together and uses verbs such as describes, estimated, or explain
Application is a basic level of learning at which the student puts something to use that has been learned and understood.
The Application level puts 2 or more concepts together to form something new