Human Behivor Flashcards
Human Needs
Human needs are things all human require for normal growth and delevoment. These needs have been studied by psychologists and caterorgized in a number of ways. Human needs are satisfied in order of importance. Once need is satisfied in order of importance need satisfaction is an ongoing behavior that determins everyday actions.
Human Behavior
Learning is the aquision of knowledge of a subject or skill through education, experience, practice or study. A change in behavior results from learning to successfully bring about learning the the instructor must know why people act the way they do,how people learn and then use this understanding to teach.
Maslows high arcy of needs
Physiological Security Belonging Esteem Cognitive and Aesthetic Self actualization
These are biological needs. consists of the need for air, food, water,and maintenance of the human body. If a student unwell,then little else matters. Unless the biological needs are met, a person cannot concentrate fully on learning, self expressions, or any other tasks. Instructors should monitor their students to make sure that their basic physical needs have been met
Once the Physiolgical needs are met, the needs of security becomes active. All human have a need to feel safe. Security needs are about keeping oneself from harm. If a student does not feel safe, he or she cannot concentrate on learning.
When individuals are physically comfortable and don’t feel threatened, they seek to satisfy their social needs of belonging. This involves both giving and receiving love, affection, and a sense of belonging. Instructors should make every effort to help new students feel at ease and to reinforce their decision to pursue a career in aviation.
When the first 3 classes of needs are satified, the need for esteem can become domimate. Humans have a need for stable, firmly based high level of self-respect and respect from others. Esteem is about feeling good about one’s self. Humans get esteem in two new ways:
Internally-A person judges himself/herself worthy by personally different standards
Externally-Self esteem related to ones repartition
Conive- Aesthenic
In later years, Maslow added this one,
Cognitive- need to know and understand
Aesthetic-the emotional need of the artist
Aesthetic needs connected directly with human emotions which make it stable factor in the domain of perswation
Self- actualization
When all of the forgoing needs are satisfied then and only then are the needs for self-actualization activated. Maslow describes self actualization as a persons need to be and do that which the person was “born to do” self actualization people are being problem focussed
Incorporation an ongoing freshness of appreciation of life
A concern about personal growth
The ability to have peak experiences
Defense Mechanisms
Repression is the defense mechanism whereby a person places uncomfortable thoughts into inaccessible ares of the unconscious mind
Denial is a refusal to accept reality because it is too treating. It is the refusal acknowledge what has happened,is happing or will happen
Compensation is a process of psychologically counter balancing perceived weaknesses by emphasizing strengths in other areas
Though projection, an individual places his or her place his or her own unacceptable impulses onto someone else. A person relegates the blame for personal shortcomings, mistakes, or transgressions to others or attributes the blame fo
Rationalization is a subconscious technique for justifying actions that otherwise would be unacceptable
Recation formation
In reaction formation a person fakes a belief opposite to the true belief because the true belief causes anxiety. The person feels an urge to do or say something and then actually does or says something that is the opposite od what he or she really wants
Fantasy occurs when a student engages in daydreams about how things should be rather than doing anything about how things are
This defense mechanism result is unconscious shift of emotion,affect or desire from the original object to a more acceptable, less threatening substitute