The Industrial Revolution Flashcards


The Industrial Revolution, 2/2


Laissez faire, let things be

Government should not interfere with the economy, growth would result from competitive free enterprise

Adam Smith attacked the idea of tariffs, showed that human history progress needed military defense

Government was to guard productive capacity
Internal political disputes caused stagnation in economy, decline, therefore latter is vulnerable to external forces

Government should protect property rights, and facilitate commerce, but natural incentive shouldn’t be touched

Government provision needs taxation, certain and levied with convenience of tax payer

Government needs to impose tax for money for war

Wealth of Nations had major impact

Manufacturers supported Smith, but their principles disadvantaged the working class

Population would always outstrip food supply, predicted by Malthus

Workers needed to be persuaded into spending money on goods, not children

If workers got higher wages, they would have more kids, increasing workforce, causing wages to drop

Large number of poor people in urban centers

Population growth main cause of poverty

Agricultural production increased, eventually concentrated amongst farmers

Resistance to idea of government making
provision for welfare in first half 19th century

Development focused on factories, energy to power them, canals, railroad for transporting goods

Artisans declined, industrial workers climbed, wage earners bought everything they needed, eg finished products, causing demand to grow

Capitalism and industrialization increased, infinite cycle

Factory Act of 1833 forbade children under 9 from working, 9-13 couldn’t work excessively

Other social issues addressed, native Americans shouldn’t be enslaved became an idea

Slave trade in British Empire was made illegal by Slave Trade Act

Conservatives stressed human imperfection and placed faith in institutions as limitations on human wrongdoing

O’Connell campaigned for Catholic Emancipation, first mass political movement in Europe

Catholics could now sit in parliament and have government jobs, since former law was passed

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The Industrial Revolution, 2/7


Industrial revolution transformed Europe by middle of 19th century

Gave rise to social unrest, met ideological resistance by pieces such as the communist Manifesto

Workers spent surplus money on manufactured goods, food production increased, cheap food became readily available

Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, became important towns

Industrialization contributed to political stability in Britain, parliament became business friendly, overseas empire contributed to industrialization

Control of India allowed for trading to occur with the Far East

Two opium wars with China due to movement of goods, Britain acquired Hong Kong as a result, forced China to open ports to European and American goods

Textiles one of Britain’s most important products, began importing millions of pounds of cotton each year, mostly from American south

Railways were developed, Britain had 6000 miles of such by 1850

Hostilities towards domination of machines, fact that they replaced humans, surplus of unskilled workers

Chartism from six demands of Charter, universal male suffrage, annual election to parliament, secret ballot, equal electoral districts, abolition of property qualifications for parliament, and payment of MPs

Demands rejected of Charter, movement fizzled out, but some demands were subsequently granted

Social tensions due to Britain’s industrialization, but gained immense self confidence, and became economic power

Goods in Britain were more affordable than foreign equivalents, but not as good quality wise, eg French designs

Parliaments suggested British workers be trained along continental lines, more improvements to food production helped availability of more food

Prince Albert joined Society of the Encouragement since he wanted to be patron of the arts

Came up with idea of Great Exhibition to showcase British manufacture and art

Working and living conditions were appalling, but those at the bottom of the social hierarchy had the capacity to disturb elites of Europe

Present danger of disorder and threats of property, workers became frustrated, cities became associated with crime and disease

Police force was then set up in London, prison system became more organized, punishment gave way to rehabilitation

Prisoners were transported to Australia
Governments invested in infrastructures French roads and railways

German tariffs abolished between the states, but the country became complicated by a monarchy in Prussia

Claude Saint Simon wished for wealth to be managed by experts, but Owen wanted to create ideal conditions for workers

Karl Marx was Prussian, exiled for radical ideas, settled in London, challenged capitalist ideology

Published Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels, called for abolition of private property, and for a class struggle

Claimed liberalism could not solve problems, since under capitalism human beings are alienated

Communism would bring about fulfillment, since everyone would be valued, Capitalist system was propped up by religion and Communism would destroy illusions by such, with no domination or exploitation

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