Napoleon and Europe Flashcards


Napoleon and Europe, 1/26


Girondin blamed for failing to stabilize government after death of King

Marat was assassinated, framed as though he is Jesus Christ, revolution wanted to manipulate this Christian iconography

The people called for Girondins to be arrested in the national convention, all executed

Committee of Public Safety began the government of France

Robespierre joins the committee, becomes leader
Revolution based on freedom and liberty turned into terror

Robespierre later sent to the guillotine with his followers

The Directory, new form of government, consisted of two chambers of parliament

Lower house larger than upper house, latter chose the executive that consisted of 6 members

Royalists and Jacobins accused the Directory of not being dedicated to Revolution

Second Directory established, three men including Napoleon stage a coup

France would then be ruled by a Consulate of three, Napoleon being 1st Consul

Napoleon was a child of revolution, lieutenant in 1789m came to providence after siege of Toulon

Continued being promoted, demonstrated that he was the best general France ever had, defeated Austria, overran Egypt

Napoleon learned Greek, Demotic, and Hieroglyphic during his travels

He streamlined government, appointed prefects throughout France, established Council of State

However, there was still foreign wars and religious turmoil, Napoleon forced Austria to accept Treaty of Luneville

Sold Louisiana to US, attempted to subdue revolt in Santa Domingo, defeated

Catholicism recognized as religion of majority of the French

Church had to accept loss of property, government took control of education

Clergy required to swear oath of loyalty

Organic Articles restricted power of Church, remained basis of Church-state relations

Napoleonic Code published when Napoleon became Consul for life

Resumed war with Britain, created a trade blockade to starve British

Russia, Austria, Prussia, mobilized to stop France

Napoleon annexed the Papal States because pope was imprisoned in France

Napoleon was excommunicated, attempted to invade Russia, failed, million died

Defeat brought France to where it used to be

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Napoleon and Europe, 1/31


Reconstructed his image in heroic and legendary fashion

Exile to Elba was spent having his version of events recorded

Narrative of Napoleon emerged as him being consistent supporter of revolution

History called Memorial de Sainte Helene, showed he was man of the left

Revolution was immortal, politics and ambitions were complementary

Memorial aimed to present Napoleon in a good light, to absolve him for his wrongdoings

Known as a living hero, placed alongside Alexander the Great

Left a political legacy, Bonapartism became a strong political tradition

Napoleon believed linking strong personal authority to popular support was necessary

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