Challenges to Restoration Europe Flashcards


Liberal Challenge to Restoration Europe 2/14


Europe post Congress of Vienna moved to right, conservative thinking ranged against forces of nationalism and liberalism

Some countries held out against reform, others were taken over by events, such as Spain losing South American colonies due to uprising

Russian Tsar wanted quadruple alliance with Britain, Austria, Prussia, Vienna, Britain refused but later adopted

Conservative pillars of Europe are monarch, aristocracy, and Church

Church is an institution of Conservatism, fear of political and social agitation established

Ruling classes were concerned that agitation in one country could spread

Poor harvests in Britain, accompanied by returning veterans from Napoleonic wars not finding employment, contributed to unrest

Cord law established, tariffs on foreign importance to protect home market

Indirect taxation on goods, workers organization swerve forbidden, wage protections removed, contributed more to unrest

Militia charged crowd at a mass meeting in Manchester, many injured, Peterloo massacre

Nationalism growing, people were bound by ties of culture, customs, language, histories

Divine constructs were also taking hold in Europe

Ideological liberalism came from Enlightenment, embodied in the Declaration of Man

Liberalism sought limitation on executive power of king, legal equality, freedom of press, idea that government legitimized by the people

Not equivalents to liberals today, eg supporters of democracy

Some wanted united Germany, but had to accept greater role for an autocratic monarchy, liberalism found it hard to take hold in Germany

While liberalism grew, colonialism in Latin America failed, Simon Bolivar known as best liberator of Americas

Britain supported these developments

Parallel movements in Europe, revolt against Ottomans resulted in independent Greece

Serbia cut off in same year, Russia became its protector

Alexander I initially supported Enlightenment then turned autocrat

Brief Decembrist revolt at St. Petersburg, 100 exiled to Siberia

Charles X of France provoked revolution, later escaped to England

Liberal monarch, showed no compassion to poor

Era of growth in Nationalism and Liberalism, Austria Prussia and Russia used force to suppress political expectations

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Liberal Challenge to Restoration Europe 2/16


Old order in Europe controlled by monarchs giving away to bourgeoise, but some places such as Spain continued old order

Importance of nuclear family and education and religion, crucial for middle class, emphasis on the individual and their freedom

Thomas Cook Company founded, travel industry grew, middle classes still retained interest in religion while working class adherence declined

Middle class women not expected to work, stay at home with children

The idea of childhood developed, literature and pastimes

Women’s status often linked to father and husband, but some had roles outside the home

John Sturt Mill wrote the Subjugation of Women, claimed women should have equality of status, feminism developed

Idea didn’t have much sympathy in Victorian Britain

Growing desire for public spaces in Europe that could be used by middle classes, so gardens opened in major cities

Museums and art galleries were supplemented by government, era of education

However, small number of young men went to university to prepare for professions

Government became increasingly concerned with education of even the working class, liberals supported this but believed they should not interfere in relationship between employers and workers

Romanticism was a reaction to enlightenment and industrial revolution, conviction that human beings were motivated by emotion, not scientific developments and ration

Touched all aspects of life, such as art, literature, religion, culture, all of Europe involved

Characterized by emphasis on individualism and emotion

The Genius of Christianity, written by Chateaubriand, held religion as passion

Romanticism emphasized individualism, and diversity of culture and people

Urban life generated fear and distrust of the world, emotions must be trusted assuming humans are naturally good

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