The impact of regional stability (16) Flashcards
What effect did the withdrawal of the Portuguese from Angola have?
The withdrawal of Portugal from Angola in 1975, after 400 years of colonial rule, had an effect on the remaining white minority regimes in South Africa and Rhodesia. They could no longer rely on the Portuguese presence in Angola and Mozambique as a buffer between them and the rest of Africa.
What else did the withdrawal of the Portuguese mean in South Africa?
At the same time, the defeat of the Portuguese gave hope to many black South Africans that change was also possible in the country. The independence of Angola also meant that liberation movements such as the ANC could establish bases closer to home, which was one of the reasons for South Africa’s intervention in Angola.
What else added to the violence and instability on the region?
The increase in the armed struggle against apartheid, as well as the South African attacks on ANC bases, added to the violence and instability in the region.
What effect did this have in Angola?
The involvement of large numbers of South African and Cuban soldiers in the civil war in Angola, as well as the huge amounts of weapons that went there, had a destabilising effect on the region.
What other region’s suffered as a result?
The northern part of Namibia which was used as the base for South African military operations in Angola suffered badly as a result. Hundreds of thousands of refugees from the conflict in Angola poured into neighboring countries, especially Zaire and Zambia, causing economic problems and instability.
What happened in November 1987?
In November 1987 a battle developed at Cuito Cuanavale, a town in south - eastern Angola.
What caused the battle of Cuito Cuanavale?
South African troops, in support of UNITA, attacked the town, which was defended by Angolan government forces, supported by Cuban pilots using MIG 23 Soviet planes. It was the biggest battle in Africa since the Second World War.
Who lost air superiority in the battle?
The South Africans lost air superiority to the Cubans, and after a failed attempt to capture the town, were forced to withdraw.
Why was the battle a turning point?
The battle was a turning point in the war in Angola and on developments in Namibia. It brought the war to an end and led to peace negotiations
What was the result of the withdrawal of South African and Cuban forces?
These resulted in the withdrawal of South African and Cuban forces from Angola and the independence of Namibia. The withdrawal of South African forces destroyed the myth of South Africa’s superior military power and forced the government to re-assess the situation.
What did most historians believe was the result of the battle?
Although some members of the South African government and the army claimed that it was a strategic retreat rather than a defeat, most historians believe that it forced the South African government to re-assess its military strength and agree to negotiate a settlement over Namibia.
What was the result of the end of the Cold War in 1980s?
In the late 1980s the Cold War started to come to an end. One result of this was that the superpowers were anxious to bring the war in Angola to an end.
Who did the US put pressure on?
The US put pressure on South Africa, and the USSR put pressure on Cuba, to reach an agreement. This led to the signing of the Angola Namibia Peace Accords in December 1989.
What did these accords led to?
These accords led to the withdrawal of Cuban forces from Angola, and of South African forces from Angola and Namibia, and the independence of Namibia from South African control in 1990.
What did the Cold War do for South Africa?
The end of the Cold War also played a role in the end of apartheid in South Africa. The apartheid government could no longer use the justification of its anti-communist stance to get Western support. As a result, it agreed to negotiate with the ANC.
What was unsuccessful?
Cuban troops, attempts to establish a lasting peace in Angola were unsuccessful.
When did the Civil War actually come to an end?
UNITA forces continued to fight against the MPLA government. The civil war only came to an end after Savimbi’s death in 2002.