Social and cultural issues: the benefits of independence (10) Flashcards
During the colonial period which values were valued more than African ones?
During the colonial period, Western ideas and cultures were generally valued more highly than African ones.
What other Western preferences were favoured? (3)
Colonial administrators promoted Western legal and government systems over local customs and laws, missionaries promoted Christianity over indigenous belief systems, and schools used curricula which were based on those of the colonial powers.
What is an example of African indigenous knowledge systems and cultures being devalued?
For example, children were taught European history and languages such as English and French. As a result African indigenous knowledge systems and cultures were devalued. Some Africans who received a colonial education rejected their own culture in favour of colonial ideas.
What did African nationalist leaders want?
But many African nationalist leaders came from this middle class. They not only wanted political independence and greater social opportunities for Africans in the new states, but also greater respect for African values and cultures.
For example, although ______ _________ studied at ________ University in Britain, he strongly promoted the use of _________, the common language spoken by almost all Africans in ______.
Julius Nyerere
What happened as a benefit after Tanzania’s independence?
After independence Swahili became the national language of Tanzania. The social and cultural benefits of independence were most clearly evident in education and Africanisation policies.
What was the most serious social challenges present in Africa?
One of the most serious social challenges present in Africa after independence was the lack of a good education system. In most newly independent countries, over 80% of the population was illiterate.
What was there a shortage of in the new African states?
There was a serious shortage of skilled people to staff the government and administration of the new states. With a shortage of teachers and schools, many governments had to choose between using scarce resources for basic primary education for all (to eliminate illiteracy) or to provide tertiary education for a few (to develop the specialised skills so desperately needed).
What did Nyerere stress the need for and how did he argue this stress?
In Tanzania, Nyerere stressed the need for equal basic education for all. In his pamphlet entitled Education for Self-reliance, written at the time of the Arusha Declaration in 1967, he argued that the colonial educational system which Tanzania inherited was elitist and too focused on the cities.
What followed Nyerere’s pamphlet (Education for self-reliance)?
A radical reform of education followed, with a focus on rural schooling and basic literacy.
What did Nyerere believe about those that entered University?
The skills of the small number who entered university were valued, but Nyerere believed that they should be widely shared and proposed that students spend part of their time in the countryside.
For example, _________ students were required to work in primary health clinics in _____ areas. By ____, __% of all Tanzanian children were attending free primary schools and an adult _______ campaign had reduced illiteracy from __% in ____ to __% in ____.
medical rural 1981 97 literacy 80 1961 20 1981
What resulted from fewer resources being given to secondary schools and universities?
However, fewer resources were given to secondary schools and universities and there was a severe teacher shortage by the late 1970s. As a result, the standard of education dropped from the 1980s onwards, in comparison with other states such as neighbouring Kenya.
What contrast occurred in the Congo?
In the Congo, the opposite happened. The Belgian colonial state encouraged the education of a small elite in Western - style knowledge and skills.
What was an example of this in the Congo?
For example, in the Congo at independence, there were only 14 university graduates out of a population of 14 million.
What happened after independence?
After independence in the 1960s there was support for primary education and school enrolment rose from 1.6 million in 1960 to 4.6 million in 1974.
However, what continued in the educational system? (2)
However French continued to be the language of instruction and the educational education system strongly favoured urban elites.
What happened during the Mobuto years?
During the Mobuto years, primary declined and state funding was withdrawn, leaving parents to for schooling pay they could afford it.