The Hip Flashcards
What are the ligaments of the hip?
- Transverse Acetablar
- Teres Femoris
- Iliofemoral
- Pubofemoral
- Ischiofemoral
What is the transverse acetabular ligament?
Continuous with the labrum; bridges the acetabular notch to complete the acetabular ring
What is the Teres Femoris?
Ties the head of the femur to the acetabulum helping to reinforce the joint from within
What is the iliofemoral ligament?
Anterior, blended with capsule, resists extension, internal and external rotation
What is the pubofemoral ligament?
Medial anterior and lower portion of capsule, resists abduction, extension and external rotation
What is the ischiofemoral ligament?
Posterior portion of capsule, resists adduction and internal rotation
What are the general ROMs for the motions of the hip?
Flex: 130 Ext: 30 Abd: 35 Add: 30 LatR: 50 MedR: 45
What is the, origin insertion and action of the Psoas Major?
- O: T12-L5
- I: Lesser Trochanter
- A: Hip Flexion, Int/Ext rotation, (unilateral: spinal side flexion)
What is the, origin insertion and action of the Iliacus?
O: Iliac fossa and ilac crest, sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligaments, sacrum
I: Lesser Trochanter of femur
A: hip flexion with the psoas
What is the, origin insertion and action of the Pectineus?
O: Pectin Pubis
I: Lesser Trochanter
A: Adduction and Flexion of Hip
What is the, origin insertion and action of the Rectus Femoris?
O: Anterior inferior iliac spine
I: Tibial Tuberosity via patella tendon
A: Hip Flexion and Knee Extension
What is the, origin insertion and action of the Sartorius?
O: Anterior superior iliac spine
I: Pes Anserinus
A: Weak hip flexor and lateral rotator
Where does the pes anserinus insert?
Anterior medial surface of tibia just below the condyle
What is the, origin insertion and action of the TFL?
O: Iliac crest and ASIS
I: Lateral condyle of tibia via ITB
A: Weak flexion, abduction
What is the, origin insertion and action of the Biceps Femoris?
O: Ischial Tuberosity (long head) Linea aspera of femur (short head)
I: Head of fibula
A: Long head: hip extension, knee flexion. Short head: Knee flexion