The Growing Environment Flashcards
What are the main resources needed by the vine for growth and grape ripening?
Temperature and light
Temp and Light
What is solar radiation?
Main source of energy from heat and light
Growing Environment
What role does temperature play across the vine growth cycle?
See one note grid
Grape development - components
Growing Environment
What role does light play across the vine growth cycle?
See one note grid
Grape development - components
Growing Environment
What are the effects of temperature in Dormancy?
Temp and light
Cold temps below 10°C ensure dormancy
<20°C = winter freeze and can damage vine
What are the effects of temperature on budburst?
what temp needed, what sources, benefits/risks
Temps must be above 10°C for budburst
Budburst more even if signif higher temp
Warmth from soil can help
Cold/frost - harmful to buds and new vine growth - can signif impact yields
What are the effects of temperature on leaf and shoot growth?
optimal temp and what role in this phase?
Optimal range - 18-33°C
Vine shifts to growth from phs - so temp not usually limiting factor
Growing Environ - Optimal temps and benefits/risks
What are the effects of temperature on flowering and fruit set?
RIsks of adverse conditions?
Bud Fruitfulness
Flowering - >17°C
Fruit set 26-32°C
Warm temps promote bud fruitfulness for NEXT SEASON
Risks - cold/damp= unsuccessful flowering and pollination = reduced yield and fruit quality
How does temp impact key grape components during ripening phase and why?
Sugar, Acid, Aroma Compounds, Tannin, Color
Sugar - warmer temps drive faster sugar accum due to higher rate of phs and grape transpiration -> drives more sugar into grapes (via phloem system)
Acid - temps >21°C in last month of ripening can erode acid quickly; temps <15°C can reduce acid loss -> grapes too acidic
Aroma compounds and pre-cursors - generally riper aromas in warmer climates; reduced breakdown of methoxypyrazines = more herbaceous notes
Color compounds and tannins - black grapes optimal temp for anthocyanin synthesis 15-25°C, tannins thought to be similar
What is effect of extreme heat/dry conditions?
extreme heat, water stress impacts
Vines can slow/stop phs -> slow or stop vine growth and/or grape ripening - enzymes that catalkyze photosynthesis are temp sensitive
Water stress - also slow/stop phs due to stomata closing to prevent water loss -> limits intake of C02 which is needed for phs
What is relationship between grape variety ripening timing and temp?
Late vs early ripen var
Late ripen - need more heat through growing season to fully accum sugar and ripen aromas/tannins
Early ripen - need less heat and will ripen very early in warm climates
Why is sunlight needed and at what level is it a limiting factor?
Light needed for 3 things
1. phs ->
2. drives vine growth
3. early grape growth/ripening
Full sunlight not needed - only limiting factor if < 1/3 fill sunshine - fog does impact, avg cloudy day doesnt
What are effects of sunlight on key grape components?
color, tannin, aromas, acid, next season impact
○ Color - light enhances development of anthos in black grapes
○ Tannin - pre-veraison -> promotes tannin development; post-veraison -> promotes ripening thru polymerization = reduces bitterness
○ Aromas - increases some favorable aroma pre-cursors and compounds - terpene; and reduces mthxyp levels
○ Acid - warms grapes - increases grape respiration which causes malic acid to decline = lower acidity levels
○ Next season fruitfulness - late spring/early summer sun helps
What is risk of excessive light/high temps and mitigation?
○ Excessive light and high temps = sunburn = reduced grape quality and yields; mitigate with shading of fruit (shade with one layer of leaves -> dappled sunshine)
Factors affecting light and temp -
What are the natural factors affecting light and temperature?
Slope and aspect
Proximity to water
Factors affecting light and temp - latitude
at what latitudes do grapes grow?
how and why does solar radiation vary with latitude - areas near equator vs areas farther away?
how does latitude effect solrad variance through seasons?
implication for ripeness?
intensity and # hrs of sol rad
Vines grow bet 30-50°C
Sol rad intensity - more intense at equator, less at poles
*solrad absorbed (by vapor, ozone, dust) and decreases intensity as travels thru atmosphere - less at equator vs poles
*earth curve - near poles, more atmosphere and solrad hits at lower angle spreading energy over larger area - less intense
*All else equal - temps warmer and light more intense at lower lats vs higher = more sugar, less acid, riper, more color
Solrad hours vary across seasons depending on latitude
* lower lats - receive similar daylight hours - thus same heat/light - all seasons of year
* higher lats - longer daylight in summer/less in winter = longer duration for phs in growing season - critical since cooler climates need time to ripen grapes
Factors affecting light and temp - Altitude
What is relationship between altitude and temp and light?
What role does altitude play to moderate temp? Region examples?
What is mitigating impact called - what is it? how impact at low/high alt and why?
Temp drops 0.6°C per 100m elevation inc
Sun and light more intense at higher alt - less atmosphere to absord solrad -> promote more tannin and antho dev
Altitude can mitigate otherwise too warm or cold at given latitude (Salta low lat/high alt; burg high lat/low alt)
Diurnal Range
□ Difference in day and night temps
□ Ground absorbs energy from solar radiation in day, releases at night
□ High alt sites often have greater diurnal range, air thinner -> heat escapes = cooler nights beneficial in warm climates = preserve acid
□ Lower alt water vapor absorbs some energy and retains heat = less diurnal range
Factors affecting light and temp -
What is diurnal range and how does it work?
□ Difference in day and night temps
□ Ground absorbs energy from solar radiation in day, releases at night
□ High alt sites often have greater diurnal range, air thinner -> heat escapes = cooler nights beneficial in warm climates = preserve acid
□ Lower alt water vapor absorbs some energy and retains heat = less diurnal range
Factors affecting light and temp - Slope and Aspect
How do slope and aspect affect temp and light at different latitudes?
High lat, warm climate areas,
Slope and aspect can increase intensity of light and heat -> extends growing season
Higher lats - extend growing season by inc intensity of light/heat in autumn
* light hits at low angle in spring/autumn, max in summer grow season - e.g., grand cru sites in Burgundy and Alsace are SE facing
Warmer areas - limit heat/light by planting on sites facing away from sun
* allow grower to plant earlier ripen var and make lower alc/higher acid wine than otherwise possible - e.g., stellenbosch
Factors affecting light and temp - Aspect
What are the benefits/risks of eastern/western aspects, examples
cool vs warm climates
East - benefit in cool climates -> morning sun extend hours of warmth and hrs of vine growth/grape ripen each day + morning dew evaporates sooner reducing fungal disease risk –> esp good for grape quality and yields
West - face afternoon sun can be too hot in warm climates -> sunburn; BUT in areas w/coasts to the west, cool afternoon sea breezes can alleviate (CA and West Australia)
Factors affecting light and temp - Slope
What are other benefits/risks of slope (not temp/light related)
+shallower, poorer soil and better drainage, shelter from wind and rain, protection from frost via air movement down the slope
-Soil erosion, inability to use machinery
Factors affecting light and temp - proximity to water
How does proximity to water affect temp and light?
Benefits in cool/warm climates - examples?
What types of water bodies?
How do large water bodies impact light?
Ocean current example
Heat impact
* Water heats and cools more slowly than dry land; during day water/air temp above water body stays cooler, lowering temp in area. Air above land heats up more quickly and as it rises, draws cool air in; opposite during the night - water retains warmth longer, while land loses heat more quickly without sun
Light impact
* Solrad reflected - amt depends on angle light hits water; greatest at higher lats
* Good in cool climates that have limited sunshine (cloudy conditions)
Cool - Finger Lakes - prox to deep lakes reduces impact of winter freeze, air movement reduces frost risk
Warm - Carneros - cool afternoon breezes mitigate warmth allowing early-ripen pinot and chard to be grown
Types - ocean currents, seas, lakes, rivers
Ocean current example:
* Warm currents can mitigate cold in cool areas near coast - e.g., Willamette and Margaux both located at 45° lat
* Margaux - warmer climate (AGT 17.7°C) in Bordeaux partly due to warm Gulf Stream while Willamette (AGT 15.9°C) - cooler climate partly due to cool pacific ocean. Grow late ripen CS in Bordeaux but early-ripen Chard/PN in Oregon
Factors affecting light and temp - proximity to water
What is ENSO?
What are the impacts in key regions - CA, South Amer, Australia
El Nino Southern Oscillation
§ Climate cycle in pacific
§ El Nino - warm water moves east raising water temps and causes high rain/hurricane in CA and South America -> can disrupt pollination and fruit set and too much water availability; warmer and drier cond to OR/WA and Australia (drought) - vine stress/damage. Happen every 3-7 yrs
§ La Nina - eastern pac cooler than normal - opposite effects
Factors affecting light and temp - wind
How does wind affect temp and light?
What other effects does wind have - benefits/risks?
○ Winds can be warming or cooling; near bodies of water -> cooling which can moderate diurnal range
○ Valleys - can funnel winds rel far inland, and can make winds stronger
○ Winds that have travelled over hot land can warm regions (Zonda in Mendoza)
Other benefits/risks
§ Reduce humid/stagnant air in canopy -> reduce risk of fungal disease
§ Inc evapotranspiration from vine -> vine’s water needs may be higher -> can create more water stress if not avail
§ Strong winds - can damage vines and trellising = lower yields and higher equip/labor costs; can mitigate with rows of trees as windbreaks (but care to avoid competition with vines)
Factors affecting light and temp - soil
What soil characteristics affect temp and light?
How affect and what implications?
* free draining soils warm more quickly in spring -> encourages breakdown of starches in roots -> stim budburst and shoot growth
* Better for cool climate to have free draining soils ->promote early budburst which lengthens growing season- but can create frost risk; also promotes shoot growth - vine can absorb more water and nutrients
Soil Color/type
* Light soil - good in cool/cloudy climates -> reflects energy from solrad into lower parts of canopy which can get less light than above -> inc phs and aids ripening; can be harmful in warm climates
* Dark soil - volcanic - absorb more energy and re-radiate at night when temps are cool -> allow dev of color and acid reduction during nights
* Stony soil - also good in cool climate same as dark - stone and water are good heat conductors vs air
Factors affecting light and temp -Mist, Fogs, Clouds
How do mist, fog and couds impact temp and light?
What are examples, risks?
○ Mist - forms when warm air rapidly cooled, causing water vapor to condense near ground; Fog - dense mist; mostly in morning eg Sonoma, Napa, Leyda, Sauternes; Clouds - higher in sky
○ Impact - less solrad = lower phs, temps lower esp if extended in morning
§ Areas with regular M/F/C - slow sugar accum and acid degradation -> good in warm climates
§ Inc humidity -> higher fungal disease risk, inc bot propensity
Growing Enviornment - water availability effect on vine
What are the effects of water availability on the vine?
Sufficient, Too Much, Too Little
○ Sufficient water => transpiration and phs via open stomata which allows water vapor out and C02 and 02 in/out of leaves
○ Lack of water - stomata partially close -> conserves water but reduces/stops phs due to no C02 entering -> less sugar production = less growth/ripening; extreme water stress from lack of rain/drought- leaf loss and vine death - Argentina, CA, SA and Australia
- too much water in spring -> § Too vigorous - too much leaf growth = competitive sources for vine’s sugars -> delay/compromise ripening; mild water stress before veraison good to reduce leaf/shoot growth
- water risks in later ripening ->
□ Too much -> dilution of grape sugars, grape splitting -> encourages botrytis
□ Too little -> early onset of grape shrivel and inhibited ripening
Growing Environment - water availability
What is the impact of too much vine vigor?
Impact on vine from canopy
- Shading bunches-> reduced formation of anthos, tannins, aroma compounds, less tannin polymerization and higher methoxy levels
- Dense canopies - less airflow -> inc fungal disease risk in rainy/humid climates
Growing Environment - water availability
What other (non-vine) effects does water have across growth cycle - benefits/risks?
soil, precipitation, humidity
§ Damp soils - cold esp early in grow season -> delay budburst -> shorten growing season
§ Warm soil - promotes budburst and root growth -> better able for vine to take up water and nutrients
§ Hail - major damage to green parts of vine -> reduce yields and pot reduce quality of fruit
§ Rain - at pollination/fruit set - uneven ripening, lower yields; generally, creates humidity -> fungal disease and bot
§ Low humidity - inc evapotranspiration -> inc pot water stress; inc grape transpiration -> more sugar accum
Growing Enviornment - water availability
What are the natural factors that affect water availability?
Soil and Land characteristics
Evapotranspiration rate
Growing Environ - natural factors affecting water avail
What is rainfall, how does it work, what effect on water avail and grape development risk?
What is orographic rainfall?
§ Main natural source of water - timing in season critical; moderated by water-holding ability of soil; snow and hail also natural source; irrigation if not sufficient
§ Warm temps cause water to evap from land -> rises and cools/condenses -> clouds -> rain
§ Orographic rainfall - topography influences - mountains act as rain shadow - one side gets more rain than the other - can be very dry - Alsace
§ Rain also wets canopy and inc humidity in vine - fungal disease risk in areas with a lot of rain
Growing Environ - natural factors affecting water avail
What imact do soil and land characteristics have on water avail and grape development?
Impact of too much water and why?
Examples, risks
§ Amt of water for vine also depends on water-holding ability and depth of soil
§ Soil drainage and water holding depends on texture and structure - examples
□ Hawke’s Bay - Gimblett Gravels very free draining - irrigation needed even though get 1000mm+ rain/yr
□ Jerez - albariza soil - high clay content - water retaining + forms crust in summer to reduce evap - sufficient at 650mm/yr
§ Waterlogging - too water retaining in areas with low rain - harmful -> reduces amount of 02 available to roots, slowing their growth/killing vine
§ Topography - more runoff on slopes -> less water retained in soil (good in high rain areas) -> erosion and leaching of nutrients -> soils on slopes thin - limits area over which vines can get water and nutrients
Related to nutrient avail
Growing Environ - natural factors affecting water avail
What is evapotranspiration rate, what affected by, how does it affect water avail?
§ Rate at which water no longer avail to vine = amt of vine transpiration + evaporation of water from soil
§ Affected by temp, humidity and wind - hotter/drier = higher rate
§ High rate = more water needed for vine; irrigation may be needed in hot/dry regions
Growing Environment - nutrient availability
What are the most important nutrients?
What are the secondary nutrients?
Most important
* N - Nitrogen -> vine growth and healthy foliage
* P - Phosphorus -> strong roots
* K - Potassium -> hearty growth
* Calcium
* Magnesium
Secondary - sulfur, manganese, boron, copper, iron, zinc
Growing Environment - nutrient availability
What role does nitrogen play?
what if too much, too little?
§ Essential for vine growth and healthy foliage
- major impact on vigor and grape quality;
- vines with moderate N restriction = better quality
§ Component of proteins and chlorophyll (for phs)
§ Too much - excessive veg growth -> sugars diverted to shoots/leaves vs grapes -> hinders ripening; can shade fruit and buds
§ Too little - reduced vigor, yellowing of vine leaves; grapes with low N -> problems with ferm (related to yeast)
Growing Environment - nutrient availability
What role does phoshorus play?
what if too little?
§ Important for phs + strong roots
§ Vines only need small amt - usually enough in soil
§ Too little - poorly dev root system -> inhibit uptake of water/nutrients = reduced vine growth, lower yields
Growing Environment - nutrient availability
What role does Potassium play?
what if too much, too little?
**§ Essential for vine growth; regulates water flow in vine
§ Very high in soil - inhibit magnesium uptake -> reduced yields and poor ripening;
§ High in soil - too much K in grapes -> signif effect on wine quality as high K linked to high pH - can inc spoilage risk
§ Low - can cause low sugar accum in grapes, low yields and poor vine growth
Growing Environment - nutrient availability
What role do calcium and magnesium play?
what if too little?
§ Important role in plant cell structure and phs
§ Too little - rare - neg infl on fruit set
§ Found in chlorophyll, key role in phs
§ Too little - reduced yield and poor ripening
Growing environ - factors affecting nutrient avail
What natural factors affect nutrient availability in the soil?
Soil pH - diff nutrients avail at diff pH levels
Mineralization - organisms convert organic to inorganic
Soil texture - high clay-> good at holding nutrients; sandy are poor
Topography - slopes thinner soil -> less nutrients
Growing environ - factors affecting nutrient avail
Why does soil impact nutrient availability?
Nutrients dissolve in water and then uptake by roots -> soil factors impact water avail and nutrient avail
Growing environ - factors affecting nutrient avail
How does soil pH affect avail of different nutrients?
What is the condition it can cause called?
Different nutrients become more or less available at different pH levels
§ Iron - less avail in high pH soil (soil with high prop of calcium carbonate e.g. limestone) - causes Chlorosis - what is it?
□ Leaves turn yellow and phs stops -> impact yields and ripening
§ Phosphorus - vines struggle with Phosphorus uptake in highly acidic soil
Condition - Chlorosis - lack of iron -> yellowing of leaves -> stops phs -> impacts yields and ripening
Growing environ - factors affecting nutrient avail
What is chlorosis and what is it related to?
Lack of iron - turns leaves yellow and phs stops -> impacts yields and ripening
Growing environ - factors affecting nutrient avail
What is mineralization, why important and what effect on nutrient avail?
§ Vines cannot inherently uptake organic compounds found in soil
§ Presence of organisms (worms, bacteria) - in soil convert organic (carbon-based) compound into inorganic (non-carbon based) compounds and also humus
§ Healthy soil ecosystem very important
Growing environ - factors affecting nutrient avail
How do soil texture and land topography affect nutrient availability?
○ Soil texture - high clay = good holding nutrients, sandy soils poor; humus increases nutrient-holding
○ Topography - soils on slopes thinner = less fertile vs plains/valley floor
Growing environ - factors affecting nutrient avail
What is definition of soil and what is its general structure?
What role does it play in vineyard?
What are 2 most important elements of soil for nutrient availability?
Drill down on soil
What is definition of soil and what is its general structure?
* § Upper layer of earth made of geological sediment (weathering of bedrock), solid matter like sand, pebbles, rocks, humus (organic matter) and pores in bet sediment that hold water and air
What role in vineyard?
* § Supports vines roots and source of water and nutrients
§ Habitat for ecosystem of animals and microbes
2 main physical elements impacting nutrient availability
* texture
* structure
Growing environ - factors affecting nutrient avail
What is soil texture and what are the implications of how its key components vary on nutrient avail?
What is loam?
What other things are in the soil and what impact?
Drill down on soil - clay/sand/silt
Definition - the proportions of mineral particles of sand, silt and clay - how do they vary and what are implications
Impact of variation of key components:
□ Clay = finely textured - clay particles are small so have large surface area vs volume -> good at holding water and nutrients
□ Sand = loose texture - large size -> small surface area relative to volume -> poor at holding water/nutrients - free draining; easy for vines to grow in
□ Silt = intermediate texture between clay and sand
Loam - □ soil that has moderate prop of clay, silt and sand
Other things - Rocks, gravel, pebbles - improve drainage, but lower water and nutrient holding ability
Growing environ - factors affecting nutrient avail
What is soil structure and what implications does it have?
Drill down on soil - clay/sand/silt
Soil structure
§ Describes how mineral particles form aggregates (crumbs)
§ Size, shape and stability of aggregates impacts drainage, root growth, and workability of soil
What are structural implications of clay, sand and humus
□ High clay - form aggregates hard for roots to penetrate and hard for soil cultivation - vines limited to cracks and gaps
□ High sand/larger particles - very loose (may need some clay to help bind)
□ Humus - partial decomposition of plant and animal matter by microbes/worms - spongey, large surface area - good at absorbing/retaining water and nutrients; helps bind soils together
Growing environ - factors affecting nutrient avail
What determines suitability of soil for viticulture?
Drill down on soil
Soil texture, climate impacts
§ Texture, structure of soil and how far roots can penetrate e.g., sand - roots penetrate, but poor water/nutrient holding - may be ok if roots can grow freely over large area to get water
§ Climate - free draining good in rainy climate to avoid waterlogging- displaces 02 in soil -> essential for respiration of roots/soil organisms -> reduced vine growth and eventually death
- Impact on avail of heat and light -> light soils reflect light during day =max sun exposure; dark -> absorb sol rad during day and slowly release at night
Growing environ - factors affecting nutrient avail
What human factors can affect soil?
Drill down on soil
Add compost for nutrients and improve soil structure, irrigation
Growing environ - climate and weather
What is the definition of climate?
What is definition of weather?
How are they different?
Climate - Annual pattern of temp, sunlight, rain, humidity and wind averaged out over 30 yrs; does not change in short term
Weather - Annual variation that happens relative to climatic average
○ Some regions have greater annual variation than others - Bordeaux rainfall
Growing environ - climate and weather
What are the different methods of measuring climate classifications and what are their differences?
4 methods
○ What are growing degree days (GDD)?
§ Created by Amerine and Winkler 1944 for CA
§ Subtract 10°C (temp below which vines can’t grow) from average mean temp of given month in growing season x # days that month; do this for each month April-Oct north) and add together = GDD
§ 5 bands: Winkler I = cool; Winkler zone V = very hot
○ What is the **Huglin Index**? § Created 1978 § Grouped into bands § Similar to GDD, but takes into account both mean and max temps and increased day length for higher lats
- what is mean temp of warmest month (MJT)?
§ Created by Smart and Dry in 1980
§ Uses mean temp of either July (north) or Jan (south) as well as measures of continentality, humidity, hrs of sunshine
§ Divided into 6 bands
○ What is growing season temperature (GST)?
§ Uses mean of whole growing season, grouped into bands
§ Closely correlated to GDD, but easier to calculate
Growing environ - climate and weather
What are the Koeppen Classifications of climatic regions, key characteristics and implications?
What are the WSET temp ranges by climate region?
Koeppen classification
○ consider temp and rainfall patterns
○ Maritime - low annual differences between summer and winter temps; rain spread evenly thru yr -
○ Mediterranean - low annual difference bet summer and winter temps; rain in winter months, dry summers -
○ Continental - more extreme differences bet summer and winter temps, short summers and cold winters with rapid temp change in spring/summer
WSET Temp Ranges
○ Cool: avg GST ≤16.5°C
○ Moderate: avg GST 16.5-18.5°C
○ Warm: 18.5-21°C
○ Hot: 21°C+
Growing environ - climate and weather
How do variations in temp and timing of rain impact vine growth and grape ripening?
Temperature and rain impacts
○ Areas with extreme winters - continental - winter freeze, but rapid inc temp in spring = even budburst; rapid drop in autumn= shorter growing season
○ Areas with warm summers - less risk of not accum enough sugar, but grapes can have too much sugar and low acidity by time aromas and tannins are optimal => can lead to wines with high alc and low acidity
○ Areas with cool growing seasons - grapes may not have enough sugar and too much acid in coolest yrs
○ Moderate areas - maritime/med - lower annual diff in temps = longer growing seasons (long autumn)
○ Areas with even rainfall thru yr - no water stress, but can cause excessive vigor If too much; increased humidity = disease pressure (esp bad at harvest)
○ Areas cool/cloudy/rainy in late spring - can have poor flowering/fruit set
Growing environ - climate and weather
What is continentality and what factors moderate its climate?
○ Measure of difference between annual mean temps of hottest and coolest months
○ Large bodies of water warm/cool more slowly
○ These regions tend to be inland
Growing environ - climate and weather
What is weather?
What is vintage variation, what impact does it have on grape development/growing; is it desireable?
○ Annual variation that happens relative to climatic average
○ Some regions have greater annual variation than others - Bordeaux rainfall
Vintage Variation
○ when weather variation impacts style/quality of wine
○ Can impact sugar level, acidity, tannin and aroma ripeness -> impact to wm can require adjustments
○ Sometimes expected and desirable (vintage sw); unwanted for NV and high vol/inexpensive
○ Can impact yields both too low and too high - too low: rainy years = more disease; spring frost = less wine can cause cash flow issues; too high - winery may not have capacity
○ Some regions, WMs adapt by making different styles (more sw in cooler yrs)
Growing environ - climate and weather
What is main measurable effect of climate change and what impact?
What is the effect of warmer temps on viticulture?
What other effects/implications?
What are people doing to address in the vineyard?
Main measurable effect - temperature increase - causing faster rate of evapotranspiration -> more water stress
Other effects/implication - geo distribution of rain, more weather variability/unpredictability, inc frequency of extreme weather
* bad for all regions - can substantially reduce yields and impact quality
What are people doing?
○ Practice sustainable viticulture
○ Making different choices of planting material, vineyard mgt techniques being re-assessed
Growing environ - effect of temp and light
What conditions can cause photosynthesis to slow down or stop?
Extreme heat, especially when combined with dry conditions;
Water stress (the vine tries to protect itself by closing its stomata, reducing water vapor loss, but closed stomata can’t take in carbon dioxide which the vine needs for photosynthesis);
Cold, cloudy conditions.
Growing Environment
What is the pH scale?
acidic: <3.5 - 6.5
neutral: 6.6 - 7.3
alkaline: 7.4 - 9.0+
Why is sugar accum faster at warmer temps?
Warm Temperatures mean optimum rates of photosynthesis producing sugars
Increased grape transpiration promotes the movement of sugar into the grape
What impact do mist/fog have on the vine?
Limit sunlight (reduce photosynthesis)
- Lower temperatures
- Slow sugar accumulation
- Slow acid degradation
- Increase humidity (fungal diseases)
- Increase noble rot
What effect do night-time temps have on methoxypyrazines and rotundone?
Warmer night temperatures = greater breakdown of methoxypyrazines (important in cool climates)
Cooler night temperatures = greater retention of some other compounds, such as rotundone