Ch 6 Managing Nutrients and Water Flashcards
Managing Nutrients and Water
What does soil health mean?
○ Continued capacity of soil to act as living ecosystem to support plants, animals and humans
Managing Nutrients and Water
What are the factors that contribute to soil health
- Soil structure - drainage, water holding capacity, sufficient O2, able to resist erosion, allow roots to grow to appropriate depth
- Amount of organic material and humus in soil - decomposing organic material = nutrients; humus = improves water holding ability
- Number of living ogranisms - earthworms/microbes - break down organic matter into humus and inorganic nutrients
- Total amount of nutrients avail for vine to grow
Managing Nutrients and Water
What are the soil structure factors that contribute to soil health?
Water holding capacity
Sufficient O2
Ability to resist erosion
Allow roots to grow to appropriate depth
Managing Nutrients and Water
What is humus?
a dark, organic material that forms in soil when plant and animal matter decays
Managing Nutrients and Water
What are issues that poor soil health can cause and what can growers address?
○ Availability and uptake of nutrients and water = poor vine growth and ripening
○ Annual soil health checks - allow corrective measures to improve structure and nutrient levels
What form do nutrients have to be in for the vine to use them?
Nutrient Management
What are the 3 general approaches to managing nutrients and what are examples of each?
○ Direct application - organic and inorganic fertilizers
○ Promotion of biological activity and soil structure
○ Management of weeds that can compete for water and nutrients - cultivation, herbicides, animal grazing, cover crops, mulching
Nutrient Management
Beyond managing water and nutrients, why is weed management beneficial
○ Bare, moist soils best at absorbing heat and releasing at night = reduced frost; weeds and cover crops can increase frost risk
○ Some weeds also hamper use of machinery and people
Nutrient Management
What are the 2 kinds of fertilizer, when can they be added and why?
○ Organic or mineral (inorganic)
○ Can be added before planting to help young vines;
can be added to estab sites to address nutrient deficiency
○ Excessive fert = risk of overly vigorous and/or unbalanced vines
Nutrient Management
What is organic fertilizer and what are benefits/considerations?
○ Made from fresh or composted plant/animal material - e.g., manure or slurry (manure in liquid form)
○ Benefits - cheap or free; some high in humus = good for soil structure and water retention; since organic in nature, provide nutrition for soil organisms, slow release of nutrients into soil
○ Considerations - requires labor and incorporation into soil since vines can’t use organic nutrients -> needs to be broken down by organisms; nbutrients only become available gradually (can be good); can be bulky and costly to transport and spread
Nutrient Management
What is green manure?
§ Cover crops can be grown and plowed into soil to decompose and add nutrients
Nutrient Management
What is inorganic fertlizier?
What are benefits and considerations?
○ Aka synthetic fert - manufactured from minerals from ground or synthetic chems
○ Benefits - can provide a range of single/several nutrients -> can be tailored to needs; already in organic form vines can use = more readily available
○ Considerations - no benefit to organisms and do not improve soil structure; more expensive to buy, but much cheaper to transport and spread
Nutrient Management
What are the 5 main methods of weed control?
what are 4 general buckets of pros/cons to think about in assessing them?
Animal grazing
Cover crops
* cost
* chemical use
* soil health impact
* vigor from reduced competition
Nutrient Management
What is cultivation and what are benefits/considerations?
○ Method of weed control that involves plowing soil to cut or disrupt weeds root systems
○ Advantage - no chems used -> can be used in OV and BV; enables fert and cover crops to be incorp into soil at the same time as removing weeds
○ Disadv - repeated cultivation can damage soil structure due to breakdown of organic matter and impacting earthworm habitat; costly - machines and labor; buries weed seeds, allowing re-growth; can increase vine vigor too much since no competition for water/nutrients (not bad in low vigor sites), can increase spread of soil-borne diseases
Nutrient Management
What are herbicides, what are the 3 types and what are benefits/consideration?
Herbicides are chemical sprays to kill weeds
3 types:
§ Pre-emergence - sprayed before weeds estab, stay in top layers of soil and absorbed by weeds roots and inhibit germination of seedlings
§ Contact herbicides - sprayed on estab weeds and kill green parts killing it
§ Systemic herbicides - sprayed on estab weeds; taken in by leaves and travel thru whole weed in the sap killing plant
§ Benefits - cheap in labor and machinery needs, highly effective, less damaging to soil structure vs cultivation § Disadvantages - poison risk to operator/consumer/environ and does not help ecosystem; weeds can become resistant req higher doses; increase vine vigor too much by reducing competition; not allowed in OV or BV