Ch 14 Maturation Options Flashcards
How are wines that are made protectively handled after ferm/MLC?
○ Will continue to be protected from o2 in airtight vessels (s/s) and protected with SO2/inert gas
○ Usually finished/packaged shortly after ferm
○ Some winemakers only bottle when order is placed -> bulk storage (see adv/disadv in ch 15)
What are the major components of the maturation phase that impact the QSP of the wine?
○ O2/oxidation
○ New wood
○ Yeast lees
○ Blending
What components does O2 impact during mat that impact QSP?
- Aroma compounds
- color compounds
- phenolic compounds
What impact does O2 have on aroma compounds?
How does it impact quality of wine?
○ Oxidation generally leads to gradual reduction in primary aromas and development of tertiary ex dried fruit, nuts
○ Enhance wine quality when the primary aromas develop into good tertiary and wine has good aging structure
○ Reduce quality when primary aromas fade and not replaced by positive tertiary
What impact does oxidation have on color - white and younger/older reds?
○ Whites - become darker, golden then brown
○ Young reds - improved color stability and intensity -> anthos bind with tannins -> protects anthos from being bleached by SO2 or absorbed by lees
§ Esp important for light colored reds - PN
○ Older reds - after longer O2 exposure, reds become paler and browner
What impact does oxidation have on tannins?
○ Softens them, which may improve quality
○ Not well understood
What are main factors impacting spped of oxidation during maturation?
○ Amt of O2 exposure, compounds in the wine and temp
○ Wines fully exposed to air oxidize faster
○ Warmer temps also cause faster oxidation
Do reds or whites tolerate O2 exposure better and why?
What is the implication?
○ Reds can tolerate more O2 exposure than whites before signs of oxi are apparent -> higher content of anti-oxidant phenolic compounds
○ This is why reds are often matured longer than whites: reds 12-24mos before bottling; whites 6-12mos
How do wooden vessels relate to oxidation?
How does it happen - 2 parts of the process?
How does vessel size impact?
Slow, gradual exposure to air
§ Mat wine in small wood vessels most common way to get slow, gradual exposure to O2
§ O2 in wood pores released when vessel first filled
§ Small amt of O2 continues to pass thru gaps bet staves and via bung hole
§ Wine is most exposed to O2 during times it is transferred - racking, lees stirring, topping (bung removed)2. **Evaporation** leads to gradual concentration of other wine components § Water and alc impregnate wood -> within staves, they turn into vapor and are released (along the concentration gradient) § Smaller barrels have faster oxi □ large surface area to vol ratio -> faster evap -> needs more frequent topping up = more O2 exposure vs larger vessels □ Amt of O2 that enters is greater relative to volume in small barrels
What is micro-oxygenation?
Why do it and how is it done?
What wine prices is it used for?
○ micro-oxygenation is cheaper alternative to barrel maturation which is expensive
○ Bubble O2 thru wine
○ Doses of O2 expressed in mg/L
○ Usually done in s/s for a number of months post ferm
○ Initially done for inexp and mid-price wines, now also more common with prem/super
What impact/benefit does micro-oxygenation have?
What are the considerations?
○ Impact - Increase color stability and intensity, soften tannins, improve texture, remove unripe, herbaceous flavors
○ Benefits - delivers effects of gentle O2 exposure faster, much more controllable, if used with oak alternatives, can help integrate oak influence
○ Considerations - exposure to O2 inc risk of spoilage orgs - acetic acid and brett; new technique lacking detailed research on impact across varieties
How does temperature impact oxidation and why?
What are storage temps for whites and reds?
○ Temp impacts speed of aging as well as affecting what chem reactions occur and how quickly they occur
○ Wines usually matured at stable, cool temps to slow rate of oxi and prevent spoilage orgs -> cool temps give slower mat than warm
○ Whites - usually stored at 8-12°C; Reds - stored at 12-16°C -> less vulnerable to oxi
○ Warm temps speed up aging, and also tend to cause reactions that are not desirable in wine
How does humidity impact oxidation?
○ Low humidity (and warm temps) inc rate of evaporation ->
§ Reduces vol of wine avail for sale, impact quality via more freq top-up (inc O2 exposure) and inc labor cost
○ Humidity <70% -> water is lost faster than alc = over time higher alc concentration which can be undesirable
○ Cool temps and constant humidity is key -> modern cellars have controls; why cellars were underground historically
What 5 overall factors related to wood vessels impact the amt and level of compounds extracted from wood?
- Age
- Size
- Type of wood
- Production method
- Length of time in wood
How does vessel age affect amt and level of compounds extracted from wood?
○ New wood has extractable compounds
○ Each time barrel is used, amt of extraction decreases - loses ~50% new oak flavors after first use
○ By 4th use, adds little - still allows O2 in
○ When new oak Is used, usually as a proportion of a blend with wine stored in neutral barrels