The Great Gatsby Flashcards
William Rose Bennet (1925) on the world of TGG
“The queer charm, colour, wonder and drama of a young and reckless world”
Claire Stocks (2007) on Nick Carraway
“Nick wants to portray Gatsby as ‘great’ and to ignore or edit anything that might undermine that image”
Thomas Flanagan (2000) on Jay Gatsby
“Gatsby lives in a world of romantic energies and colours”
Scott Fitzgerald to his daughter
“Life is essentially a cheat”
David O’Rourke on Nick Carraway
“Nick is considered to be quite reliable, basically honest and ultimately changed by his contact with Gatsby”
A E Dyson on Jay Gatsby
“In one sense Gatsby is the apotheosis of his rootless society…he believes in himself and his illusions”
Edwin Clark (1925)
“…Fitzgerald discloses in these people a means of spirit, carelessness and absence of loyalties”
A E Dyson on Tom Buchanan
“Tom’s restlessness is an arrogant assertiveness seeking to evade in bluster the deep uneasiness of self knowledge”
Thomas Flanagan on Jay Gatsby
“Gatsby is somewhat vague. The reader’s eyes can never quite focus upon him, his outlines are dim”
Edwin Clark (1925) on the story line
“A curious book, a mystical, glamorous story of today”
Marius Bewley on Daisy Buchanan
“An emptiness that we can see curdling into the viciousness of monstrous moral indifference as the story unfolds”
Alfred Karin on Daisy Buchanan
“vulgar and inhuman”
Christine Ramos on Tom Buchanan
“By attempting to maintain his way of life, Tom has reduced whole people to ashes without any thought of consequences”
Bryant Magnum on why Fitzgerald wrote the book
“Scott Fitzgerald wrote his story to feed his addiction and incorporated his life into the novel”
what did Heiney say about social hierarchy in ‘Winter Dreams’?
Dexter wants to “climb the social scale to her level”
What does Brocoli highlight about the differences between Green and Gatsby?
“Green grieves for his capacity to respond to the richness of life”
Green has “nonetheless yielded to time” —-> Gatsby doesn’t
Hoffman on conspicuous consumption
Green is “determined to recapture her” so “displays the marks of obvious success”
Schultz on Daisy
she is “psychologically vacant”
Bewley on Daisy
“no substance”
Monstrous moral indifference”
2 x quotes from Mechen’s 1925 review
“glorified anecdote”
“worth any social historian’s study”
Quote from the final chapter that portrays the futility of TAD/importance of past
“so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past”
3 quotes from chapter one that establish the class differences between East and West Eggs
“secret societies”
“white palaces”
“crimson carpet”
quote from chapter one to demonstrate the expectation of upper class women
“beautiful little fool”
quote from chapter 1 that shows Tom’s toxic masculinity
quote to describe the valley of ashes - extenuates the consequence of capitalism
“fantastic farm”
quote to show manifest destiny
“A silver curve of the moon hovered in the western sky”
American Dream symbol quote
“Gatsby believed in the green light”
TAD for Gatsby character
“extraordinary gift for hope”
Quote from Winter Dreams that demonstrates the importance of the past to Green =
“left behind in the country of illusion, of youth, of the richness of life”
What did Mosse say about George Wilson’s masculinity?
George reflects ‘the exact opposite of masculinity’
Messner - power is the central dynamic in the construction of…..
……. the multiplicity of gender identities and relations